Pregnancy & Text Buddy - July 2011 - Seattle, US Area? Between 19 and 25 years

Aw, I'm glad you like our idea for Elsie's room. It will probably take forever to finish since we don't have a lot of time together to get anything done. But since we hardly use her room right now it isn't a big deal if it is done right away. I would like to try and get it done sooner than later though.

Since Elsie turned a month old she seem's to have gotten even more personality. Sure she smiled before but now she'll smile at our voices and such. She smiles so much more too! I cannot wait to see Madison's pictures later! We have such adorable little girls!

All of Elsie's poop's are really soft and explosive. A couple of time's the edges around her legs leak a little, getting her onesie a tiny bit diry. But just yesterday she was sitting in my lap and made and explosive sounding poop, I went to change her and I found out it had exploded out the FRONT of her diaper! It was ALL over her onsie. She's had a couple other explosive diapers as well but the one last night was definitely the worst. I always bring a change of clothes in her diaper bag as well for situations similar to yours.

I'm still not the best at coming into BnB. I wish I was more active and knew the girls better. I feel like the teen parenting section isn't as active as the teen pregnancy section but since I have Elsie here now I relate much more. Even though I don't know any other girls well really, I'm excited for the few due after us that we got to know that are still in teen pregnancy to come to teen parenting! I do go on a lot when Elsie is sleeping though.

Elsie is exactly the same way! Even if Travis is holding her and she's fussy she'll get happier faster if I am holding her. I think it's also because they are with us a lot of the time and they get use to how we hold them. As well as we usually can tell their cues better than anyone else. So we know which cry means what, or why they're fussing, or what they need better than anyone else I would say. I have only let Elsie bottle feed once when we had my mom watch her. Otherwise I always breastfeed and I think I am going to find it hard to ever let Travis bottle feed her.. maybe when she's older! I hold her so much, I never put her down to sleep.. She also sleeps on my side of the bed at night! I can't help it, I love her so much and she'll only bit this little for so long!

I worked for 4 hours yesterday for the family I am going to nanny for. The little girl is just turning 2 months old. She is terrible! She had just been fed when I got there at 9am. Her mom said she would probably fall asleep for a nap in about an hour, but that she doesn't sleep well in her crib during the day so she'll probably wake back up and need to be bounced and cuddled back to sleep. Around 10am I got her to fall asleep and put her in her crib where she stayed for 20 minutes until she woke again. Elsie had to sit in her car seat while I held the other girl because there wasn't really anywhere else for her. The other little girl basically fussed (not full on crying - though sometimes she would) until 12pm when I decided to feed her in hopes she would fall asleep. I fed her 2oz and then laid her down even though she wasn't tired so that I could get a chance to feed Elsie since she had last ate at 8am. Then I put Elsie back in her car seat and fed the little girl another 2oz since she had cried when the milk had ran out the first time. So for most of the 4 hours I was there I had to hold this baby girl trying to get her to sleep and sometimes Elsie would cry because she was hungry and stuck sitting in a car seat. It was so hard when they both were upset because I couldn't hold both at the same time very well. Elsie was such a good girl though and would stop crying as soon as I picked her up and then even stayed quite in her car seat for a while after I put her back down. The other little girl though was horrible. It didn't help that I personally didn't find her very cute and she threw up a lot so it was just frustrating because I couldn't make my own daughter happy just so I could try and make this baby happy. Normally I would let the other little girl cry more so I could take care of Elsie but their housekeeper was there and I felt uncomfortable letting the nanny family's baby cry and then have the housekeeper tell them I was a terrible baby sitter. When the mom came home I told her everything and she said that was pretty usual. I'm suppose to work another 3 hours tomorrow. Then work 2 days each week until October when I will start full time and work 50 hours a week. I honestly don't know if I can handle it. The little girl takes up so much of my time and I couldn't believe for 4 hours I had to bounce her and got not result. I don't think I can handle 10 hour days, 5 days a week. Especially since I'll be making less money than I was before. I think I'm going to work on Thursday for the 3 hours and see how it goes. But if it's anything like yesterday I think I'll have to talk to Travis and see if it is okay that I don't work for them and try applying to other nanny job's. I would rather nanny for someone with a slightly older baby that has more of a feeding/nap schedule and that is a bit more advanced as this baby was much worse than Elsie. Elsie acted older than this baby girl!

Sorry for the rant but it is all I can think about! Elsie however has been doing amazing and I am so so blessed with how good of a baby she really is. Especially after seeing how this baby is. I wish I could just be a SAHM and not have to work. I'm stressed because I know I can't let Travis keep working two jobs and so many hours but I'm also finding it hard to want to go back to work especially since the job I supposedly do have is 50 hours a week 30 minutes away from where I live. I think I'll be exhausted. My days are 7:30-5:30 and I would have to leave the latest at 7am and wouldn't get home until the earliest at 6pm. Two babies so much work I think I would get burnt out too quickly. I'm suppose to make a year commitment and I am actually afraid of quitting because I think they will be mad at me!

Anyway's like you said I just like being Elsie's favorite right now. I like devoting all my attention to her. I just want to spend all my time with her. Oh, and Travis' mom is still so frustrating. I just cant stand being around her so I'm finding it hard to want to go over to their place, which ends up making her more annoying because she's constantly asking to see Elsie. We went to go look at an SUV the other day since we need to buy a second vehicle and Travis had asked his dad to come with us so he could look at it and see if it was a good/safe car. So Travis' mom texts me and asks if I am coming. I ignore it because I know she just wants to see Elsie and will probably want to watch Elsie while we go look at the car and I don't want to do that. So when we arrive at their place to pick up Travis' dad, his mom decides to come with us! I sat in the back with Elsie so that his dad could sit in the front and have more leg room. Well we had stuff in our car so there was no foot room for his mom and I didn't even feel bad. She sat on the other side of Elsie. Anyway we go to test drive the car and leave Elsie with Travis' mom. When we get back Elsie is screaming and crying and Travis' mom says's she couldn't find the binky. I had accidentally left it at home but Elsie hasn't been taking it well, she would much rather suck on her fists. Anyways so Elsie is just sitting in her car seat screaming. Travis' mom had taken her out to find the binky but couldn't so she put her back in to cry! She didn't even hold her or try to bounce her or comfort her! I don't understand how she expects me to let her babysit when she couldn't even handle being alone with her for 20 minutes. Especially since she couldn't even hold her while she cried! Then on the way home she kept putting her knuckle in Elsie's mouth since Elsie was still crying! I honestly hate when she does that. Elsie didn't even like it and kept crying! So having Travis' mom's knuckle in her mouth made her make this funny sound and Travis made a comment and his mom said oh it's because I have my knuckle in her mouth. It's like OMG if she's still crying she doesn't want your stupid knuckle! I told Travis after we dropped them off he has to talk to his mom and tell her she can't put her knuckle in Elsie's mouth anymore! I feel so bad because I just don't want to go spend time with her which means she doesn't get to see Elsie and Travis is slightly upset because he wants them to be able to see her. Since I breastfeed Elsie I have to go with and I just don't want to! The lady need's to tone it down! She's making me go crazy!

Sorry for multiple rant's!
I cant even imagine having to take care of another baby AND Madi. I would definitely choose Madi first though, so it wouldn't be fair. How did you hold them at the same time! Have you gone back yet?! I think it would be hard to take care of any aged child, but a baby, especially a fussy one seems so hard!!! I can't wait to hear if you've gone back and if you have what happened!

I would flip out if anyone stuck their knuckles in Madi's mouth. I have so much respect for you knowing that you kept your cool! Ugh today Madi was grumpy and Erics sister was holding her while I ate. Well she finally fell asleep (which she had been fighting all day) so I didn't want to wake her up. So Haley kept holding her and his mom came home. She sat next to Haley and was like "sorry for what I'm about to do" hinting that she was going to take Madi and I was like "we've been trying to get her to nap all day, please don't wake her up" and she of course was all pissy. Then Madison woke up and she just grabbed her. Madison was crying, she needs ME when she's crying-not her!!!!! I finally took Madison from her and got her calm. Well his mom went upstairs and was like "Just holler if she gets fussy and ill come grab her" are you kidding me?!?!?! I'm her MOTHER! Why would I give you my daughter when she's fussy?!?!?! I was like "no, I think I can handle it" :dohh: I want to punch her sometimes :[
It was so hard carrying both! I worked for 3 hours on Thursday. The baby was better this time, she slept for about 40 minutes and swung for 30 but other than that she was fussy. Elsie sat in the swing and her car seat the whole time. I can easily tell Elsie's cues but this baby I swear has none! When she's hungry (or tired or anything) she'll just scream. If she just wants to be held she'll scream then stop but if she wants something else she'll scream until she gets it. I don't think ut's worth it if Elsie has to be set aside since she's so easy. I feel she still deserves attention! I nannied a 5 year old and a 7 year old for slightly less than 45 hours a week. Plus I got 3 days a week in which I received a 3 hour paid break. Plus the kids were old enough to help out and take care of themselves. I made $550 a week take home pay. It was a 15 minute drive mostly because of a stop light. Now I'm 30 minutes away and will have to work a full 50 hours for a young dependant baby who constantly cries. Plus I'm suppose to walk their dog, do light housekeeping, and take their daughter to activities and bring home $ 467 a week take home pay. I get that I get to bring Elsie but I use to make $15/hr now I'm makinfg $11/hr. That's $4/hr difference at 50hrs/week which is $800 a month. So basically I'm paying $800 a month in child care.. I just worry if I don't take the job I won't be able to find another, especially one that will let me bring Elsie.

I wish I would stand up more than keeping my cool. I feel like Travis' mom is similar to Eric's mom where she'll just take the baby whenever she wants if someone else is holding her. I kind of feel like listening to your story that people around us forget that we're parents. I feel like everyone acts like we don't know how to take care of our own daughters or that we're not capable. We know what is in the best interest. I feel like if we were 30 and our daughter just got put down for a nap/fell asleep no one would try and take over but because we're young they think we have no clue and that they know bet. Maybe it isn't true, and maybe you don't feel that way, but I sure do. My cousin's have an issue with me co-sleeping and I think she just graduated and became a nurse. So she told me how there is an increased risk of SIDS when co sleeping and all thise stuff and now I feel like I have to back up my parenting choices which is really frustrating since I know what is best for my daughter and would never put her in any harm! They act like I didn't even research the subject or like I have no clue what I'm doing. One of them doesn't even have children!

I just want to be a SAHM and I want people to understand this is MY daughter and to do what I ask of them and not tell me/give me advice unless I ask. I think this hasn't been the best week. I want friends who have babies so I can have actual friends who can relate and who I can get together with.

On the upside I'm pretty sure I love Elsie more and more every day.
I really hope you can find another job. That one just seems to overwhelming, and you won't get paid enough for that! I would probably feel guilty, since there are times you have to let one or the other cry. Fingers crossed that another opportunity comes up!!

I definitely feel that people second guess me because of my age. It drives me nuts. I'm more educated that all the other moms that I know! I know what I'm doing! We're 20, not 14!!! I have also done my research on co-sleeping. The risks can easily be prevented!! Eric and I are obvs never under the influence and we keep her down so she isn't by the pillows and we keep our blanket down and specifically not by her! She doesn't sleep on her tummy. We aren't doing anything wrong!! You just need to explain to her that you have done your research and you feel the pros outweigh the cons, and that you are taking all precautionary measures!

I still haven't scanned Madi's dang pictures. My hands are always full! I never want to put my baby down! I just love her so much, definitely more every day!

Have you stopped bleeding? Had your dr appt? Had sex yet??
I stopped bleeding a few days ago, my doctors appt is tomorrow, and I'm am absolutely terrified at the thought of sex. (even though I want to reallyyyyy bad) :blush:

I'm so sorry that you didn't have the best week. I hope this next one is better. A girl I went to school with, but never talked to had her son a week after I had Madi. We're friends on Facebook and actually started talking quite a bit since we were so close along with our pregnancies. I'm so shy though, I want to hangout with her but I'd be too shy, I think. Eric and I have recently made some new friends though, and I am sooo excited about it!! He gets along sooo great with the guy, and they work together. His wife is a medical assistant (like me) and works for a kidney transplant place, well I worked for a kidney specialist. The same dr works at both places! So we have that in common lol. We talk a lot and our hubbies talk soo much haha. It's cute! They're our age, married, and their daughter Addison is 14 months old! I love hanging out with them, we got really really lucky to meet them. I just wish they lived closer, they live 30-45 min away :/
I just quit that job yesterday so I won't have to go back but hopefully something better does come up. I feel bad because this means Travis will have to work his two jobs a bit longer but there is no way I would have been able to work that many hours under that much stress!

People definitely treat us like we're 14! I mean sure they were 20 once and they know they wouldn't have wanted a child so young but we already have our daughters here and we've had to grow up just a bit quicker for them! We're going to do what it takes to take care of them and keep them safe! I sent my cousin three links and then ranted about how it was the best choice for our family and why I was pro co-sleeping. I probably came off rude but ever since I had Elsie everyone puts their two cents in. Just the other day I was at a family picnic because my aunt from Tennessee was visiting and everytime Elsie got fussy everyone thought they were better at calmng her down or told me she needed a binky or not not bounce her so much. It's so frustrating! I know what's best for her and I'm the only one who can read her every cue and I always know exactly what she needs! I am so fed up with everyone thinking they can just tell me what to do I'm about to write a list of things people can't do. Like do not try and wake her up if she is sleeping just because its the one time a week you see her, don't comment on how she is always sleeping - she's a baby she's suppose to sleep, when she is crying let me comfort her, do not tell me she looks cold or hot or uncomfortable or that I should do this or that with her, don't put anything in her mouth (knuckles, food, pacifiers) without my permission, don't tell me who you think she looks like -especially if you're only going to point out one side of her family - she looks like BOTH travis and I. Anyways.. the list could go on! Oh and Travis told his mom not to put her knuckles in Elsie's mouth and she was like oh geeze and Travis told her they weren't clean and his dad said well she's been in the pool so the chlorine has sanitized them and Travis said well still I don't want you too and she said all jokingly well fine I won't ever do it again. Ugh so frustrating. If we say not to do something just don't do it! Don't act like we're rude for asking. Plus once we left Travis said that its not any better the chlorine sanitized her hands because now she was just putting chemicals in Elsie's mouth!

Haha I would be the same way! I always hav e so much I want to get done (like organize her pictures online and get all the 2500 I have on my phone off and onto the computer so I can save them) but I would much rather be cuddling with Elsie. Personally I think holding them so much is good for them because at this stage they're learning to trust us and if we're always there and providing for their needs they are feeling loved and being able to trust us and depend on us.

I have stopped bleeding! For about a week and a half now I've just been using one pantyliner and it lasts me all day and night though I usually change it just to be extra fresh. I haven't had my doctors appointment as I never made one and keep forgetting to call but I really need to call and go in! I haven't had sex yet at all, but Travis definitely tries. I swear he is so much hornier now! But I don't even want to! For one my stitches are starting to come out and I find that to feel a little uncomfortable plus they always itch so I just don't need extra attention down there! I did put out a twice for him even though I didn't really want to since I didn't find it fair that my body had to be put through so much and he didn't have to do anything but gets to enjoy some sexual pleasure (haha I don't know how to say that really I just feel awkward!) I told him I wanted sex too but that my lady parts just can't right now so its not fair he gets to and I don't especially after everything I went through!

Aw, I'm happy to hear about the couple you two are friends with! I have a friend who use to be my best friend in about 8th and 9th grade who had a baby girl named Pearl last October. So ever since I found out I was pregnant and had Elsie we've been talking a bit more. She gave me all of Pearls old clothes too and she was spoiled. Elsie is spoiled too so now she has so much clothes I'm pretty sure for the 0-3 mo size she'll have a new outfit every day! But we don't hang out much at all! Maybe we'll start/try to soon but she's a single mom so it would be just her. Travis and I want friends again so bad and a couple with a baby would be so perfect as they would just understand better. That's so awesome that the couple is so close in age to you two, and that Eric and her husband get along so well and that you two have nursing in common! I bet its nice to have someone to spend time with other than each other! It's like getting a break and being able to have fun and relax! 30/45min is kind of a bit far especially if you wanted to hang out often!

I havented started working out yet but I weigh 122lbs now which is just 12 more than I was pre-pregnancy. I wore a 00 before being pregnant and now I wear a size 5! My hips grew so much it's ridiculous. It really explains why my butt, hips, and thighs are covered with stretchies! I have woman hips now rather than my teenage frame. But luckily I've never worried about what number was on the scale as long as I still feel like I look good and I feel like I'm in shape rather than being a lazy bum (like I am right now!). I do need to work on my tummy a bit, it isn't really bad but in a tight shirt its really noticable and I'm not a big fan on that! Otherwise I'm kind of happy I wear a bigger jean size so that I can buy them easier! Though I think I would rather settle at a size 3, but I'm sure in due time I will be there. Hopefully.. I do have huge hips and quite the ass (which Travis loves.. and I'll admit I think it looks nice!)!
Sorry I haven't been on, I've been planning my wedding! We finally set a date, and its pretty soon. April 4, 2012, only 201 days away!!

I'm glad you quit, that would have just been way too stressful! It would be a lot easier watching older children, ones that you don't have to hold constantly lol.

You should hangout with that friend when Travis is working! Our friends also gave us all of Addison's old clothes, she was born in May so they aren't too far off as far as the seasons go :)

I had my PP drs appt and I was 103 lbs! I was shocked, breastfeeding is the best lol. I can fit in my old jeans, but they're tight. I think I'm going to buy some jeans soon! Also, Eric and I had sex! I was so scared, but it wasn't bad at all! It hurt for a second and then it was fine!

I really want to type more, but Madi just pooped and it sounded like an explosive one. Eeeeeek, ttyl!
I bet you're having so much fun planning your wedding! April 4th is my mom's birthday! Travis' brother is getting married the first weekend in June and they'll be getting married in Vegas and I will be one of the brides maids! I haven't helped much with any wedding planning much. They're going to a little chapel somewhere by a lake. They originally were just going to go to the court house so I don't think they're planning much for the actual wedding. How is all your planning coming along?

I'm definitely happy I quit! Someone just emailed me today who lives in Kenmore also who has 6 month old daughter and she's hoping I can watch her at my place M-F mid morning/late afternoon. Which would be so perfect! Plus Elsie could even stay in her own home! I think 6 months would be a much better age than the 2 month old I was watching since she'll be able to sit on her own and crawl within a couple of months.

Yeah I should hang out with her. She's a little weird though but at least we have something in common and know what we're both going through. I definitely love hand me downs because babies never wear clothes that long that they are still really nice! Plus some of the hand me downs we have are so cute!

I still need to make a PP appointment, oops. I think I'm around 122 still which is just 12lbs more than I use to be. However I realized I fit into a size 5 jeans at hollister and a size 2 at american eagle. But my size 5 jeans are a size to big and I should have boughten a size 3 at hollister. It's kind of nice to know I'm a size 2/3 rather than a 4/5. Breastfeeding really is great though but I should really start exercising or at least yoga! I can't believe you've had sex already! You're much more brave than me, especially since you had a worse tear! My stitches itch like crazy but I think they're almost completely gone which is why they've been itching so much! I really need to make my PP appointment. What kind of birth control are you using? I really can't stand condoms.. the smell and everything about them turns me off and makes me not even enjoy sex so I really want a different form of birth control. Obviously I will use them if need be as I don't want another baby so soon!

What size diapers is Madison in? We just switched Elsie to size 1 this week. She still fits fairly well in her newborn clothes but a couple outfits are a little short on her as she is pretty long. Like the footie pajama style ones are a bit small but the rest of her clothes fit.

I swear I love her more every day and I feel like I know her so much. I'm still ridiculously crazy about her.. I love to just look at her and I constantly need to be holding her. I still haven't let Travis feed her. He says I need to cut the chord and I told him I don't think I ever will. I sometimes feel like we are actually connected though because I've been with her for basically 6 weeks straight other than a max of 3 hours when we went to a movie.

We went to the fair today and got a picture button of Elsie sitting in this huge massive chair just because she was so tiny. The quality of the picture sucks because I guess to take the picture that far away with their crappy camera makes it grainy. But its cute to see how small she is. Now I want to do it each year so we can see how big she's gotten! We also did photobooth pictures which turned out so cute. But we had two do it twice because we were definitely not prepared the first time haha there is one of Elsie in the middle and Travis and I on either side kissing her that turned out so precious!
Madison was in Pampers nb diapers, but we just switched her over to Huggies size 1! The Huggies 1 are a little smaller than Pampers 1 so we will be moving her to Pampers 1 soon. These just fit her better right now, they also have this thing in the back that helps prevent blowouts which is perfect bc she's always getting poop out of the back! We're also incorporating more 0-3 months clothes, but like you said the long pant/sleeve ones are getting a little short. She's getting too tall!

My stitches had actually been fine for about a week before we had sex! No itching or pain, that's why I felt ready for sex! We waited to get the clear from my doctor though. Also, just a warning, breastfeeding makes you errr more dry down there. My doctor warned me so we had bought some lube...definitely needed it! I actually started my period two days ago :/ I'm not one of the lucky ones who doesn't get their period while breastfeeding. Oh and I'm on the pill now. It's got one hormone instead of two, since I'm breastfeeding. It's just progesterone. We will be using the "pull out method" as well, as I don't want to get pregnant again before the wedding! Especially since I got my period, I am very fertile right now.

Speaking of the wedding, the planning is going well! There's so much that goes into it, I didn't realize how many details mattered! It is so much fun though, I am so excited!

Madison has been sleeping so well! She wakes up once to eat and goes right back to sleep! I have so much more energy lately. How is Elsie doing at night?

Are you going to get Elsie's ears pierced? Madi has a doctors appt Monday and we are going to ask when we can get hers done! We'll be getting them as soon as she's able. I want to get them while she's young so she isn't pulling on them or anything. Mine were done at 6 weeks, and I've never had a problem with them! It's a controversial subject though, some are really against it.
I didn't know Pampers ran a little bigger. I use huggies a bit more, I just kind of like them better. But that's probably because I had this one small pack of pampers that didn't even have that blue line and they just fit weird. But then I got this different set of pampers and they were fine. I haven't put her in any 0-3mo yet though, I can't wait because I have a ton of super cute clothes!

I can't believe your stitches are already better, especially since you had a worse tear! Mine itch like crazy! Especially the last couple of days. I need to make my PP appointment so I can have them checked. It's good to know about being dry though, especially for the first time introducing sex back again! I'm definitely going to talk about birth control and what's best for breastfeeding because I don't need a baby quite yet. At least a year from now before I want to be pregnant again!

I'm glad to hear the planning is going well! I'm so excited for you! I can only imagine what goes into the planning. I saw your status update about the Cinderellea dress. Is that the one you picked? It's beautiful! Are you doing tiffany blue for your wedding color? I always think of what I want my wedding to be like! I am excited for mine and I'm not even engaged yet, I bet you're estatic.

I'm so glad Madi is sleeping better because I remember she had a couple days where she was up fussy or just being awake. Elsie has slept so good at night ever since she was born! I always feed her on my side when I feed her at night since she sleeps with us. I don't know if I wake up and feed her because I notice her wiggling or if I wake up and since I woke I just assume its time tofeed her. Tonight I'll have to see because its so natural now I just feed her!

Travis and I decided to wait until she's old enough to ask. So if she asks when she's 4 she can get them done or if she doesn't ask until she's 10 we'll get them done then. We want her to make the decision and have the memory of getting them done. But I also had mine done when I was 6 weeks old. And I never had a problem with having gotten them done so young. I wear earrings all the time. I definitely read that thread about it though! I think getting them done can be good because then she'll get use to them where as a 5 year old might tug at them because they itch when they start healing and hurt a lot especially when you try to sleep. I don't care either way I think its up to the parents. I think its more accepted getting them done young here in the US rather than the UK though. I just think it would be fun to make a big event about it for when Elsie decides.
You should try taking a bath with tea tree oil! It might help heal your stitches faster! You can get it at a vitamin store, and I'm sure other places. My nana swears by it! She uses it on everything. I hope it heals up and stops itching soon! Ouchy! I'm glad mines all better. I even found the courage to use a tampon lol. It's a little uncomfortable since my period isn't too heavy, but it's not too bad!

I am going to try the two Cinderella dresses on this weekend. My mom is going to be in town for her high school reunion so I'm going to steal her for a little while and bring her along :) I'm so happy that I get to share that experience with her! Yes, our color is Tiffany blue!! I love it so much. I've been browsing online and I've got so many great ideas!

Have you and Travis talked about marriage recently? I know you two know you're going to marry, but I wasn't sure if you had any idea when? Eric and I kept putting it off and I finally just opened the calendar on my phone and made him pick a date with me!
I definitely might have to try that. There is a super supplements by my house, I'm sure they have it. These stitches are miserable. I actually looked at them the other day and they look like they're almost out but because they're poking out of the skin I think that's why they itch! That's awesome you're able to use a tampon though! I would be nervous. I wonder when my period will start!

Aw, I'm so glad your mom will be in town and be apart of your dress shoping! Have you heard of the site Basically you make "boards" and "pin" pictures from websites or even from other peoples 'pins'. There are a lot of wedding pictures I pin to my wedding board to remember cute ideas. You cold probably find a ton of great ideas!

Well Travis really wants to get married. We've been dating for almost 5 and a half years so he feels like he's late on asking to get married. But he doesn't want to buy a ring right now and be in debt before we get married. We also have to try and plan it either between the two kids or after. So I guess we need to sit down with a calendar and plan the wedding and next baby! So we can at least have a plan! we originally said between Elsie and the next baby which we want 2-3 years apart.
Ahhh I was on my phone and I typed a reallyyy long message and I accidentally pushed the back button and lost it all!! I'll try to sum it up!

I'm on this wedding website and we have 'inspiration boards' where you do the same thing, you add pictures! I made one and it looks really cool haha. It has Tiffany blue shoes, a blue box, pretty bouquets, etc. You can look at other peoples too! Its really cool :)

Eric and I were looking at/pinking out rings right before I got pregnant. He also didn't want to be in debt so once we found out I was pregnant so I didn't get it when I would have. I ended up not getting one until about five months later! It will all happen how its supposed to though, I think!

If Elsie hasn't got her shots yet, beware! We had a great doctors visit, Madi usually cries when the doctor starts messing with her. She was such a good girl and didn't cry at all! She let the doctor do everything she needed to do and cooperated well. Then we had to get her shots :( She had to take a syrup, and did really good! The nurse even commented on how well she did! Then was time for her shots... She cried as soon as the needle touched her and for about a minute after they were all done. Then she fell asleep and we went out to eat. Halfway through our meal she woke up screaming...she never does that. Then we couldn't calm her down! I can always calm her down as soon as I pick her up! I even went outside and walked around with her and she just cried and cried. It was so sad! We picked up some Tylenol on our way home, actually the Walgreens brand because the Children's Tylenol had been recalled! We gave it to her when we got home. She would drift in and out of sleep, screaming when she woke up. When she finally got into a good sleep, she slept for HOURS! I actually woke her up because I was scared! Last night was rough. She wouldn't sleep on the bed or next to the bed in her bassinet. She would only sleep if she was laying on either Eric or me. We took her temp this morning and she had a fever so we gave her some more Tylenol. Her fever went down, but shes still a little fussy. I hope she feels better soon :(

Oh, and she's 9lb 13oz, 21.6 inches long, and her head grew an inch since our last visit!
I hate when that happens! It seem's to happen a lot to me, too. Even when I am using the laptop! Today I didn't have internet until just now and it's about 9:30pm! So frustrating. Especially since I FINALLY got the pictures of Elsie from the photographer. Which by the way turned out horrible. There is only one picture I liked. I am so disappointed since I can't go back in time and get newborn pictures of her! I am just so upset.

That sound's awesome. It's so nice being able to get idea's from the internet and other people. I bet planning your wedding is so much fun! I can't wait to plan mine but I'm going to try and be relaxed while planning it because getting married should be fun and not stressful and I get stressed too easily. I think I'm going to have a laid back wedding because I'd rather have fun than be really proper. Also I was telling Travis how Elsie and I have a different insurance come October since I'm not pregnant so they just have me on a different plan but that it only lasts until July or so. I told him I could probably apply again and continue to get medical benefits but he said even if I couldn't we could just get married so I could be on his insurance. I told him 'Oh how romantic'. He said he felt bad because he feels like it's taking the fun out of getting married. I told him I think that was Elsie's fault because now we're getting married sooner than we probably would. But we both wouldn't have it any other way!

So you two were already planning on getting married before you found out you were pregnant? That's cute. Travis and I had always talked about it and we've even looked at rings before but we hadn't ever planned on getting married this young. Though I have always wanted to be married young and have children young. I think he would have rather waited until mid to late 20's. So I guess I got what I wanted! I feel bad because he probably would have rather had a couple more partying year's. But we hardly partied anyway since I wasn't a big fan and he would rather spend time with me. We went and looked at a ring the other day at Kay. Just because we were at the mall. They had us sign up for some silly thing which ended up him getting a credit card. He was so mad because we hadn't planned on getting a ring there so now he has a credit card that could hurt his credit since if he closes it right away or doesn't use it, it could look bad on his score! I'm so picky with my ring. It's so basic but I also want it to be just right. Originally I wanted a 1ct solitaire round diamond but when I saw the size I almost thought it looked too pick since it stuck out so far from my finger! Then I want two very very thin bands of diamonds on either side. That's the part where I am picky because I want it so thin and that's just hard to get perfect.

Elsie actually hasn't gotten her shot's yet! Poor little Madi! I'm glad you told me though so that I can be aware when it's Elsie's turn. When she got her first doctor's appointment I made her second and they said it was a 2 month old check up so she won't even have her's until the first week of October and I think it's like the 6th or something. I thought they were suppose to have a 1 month check up. But what do I know. I might call and try to get it closer to the 1st. I think she weigh's a little over 10lbs now. I only used my bathroom scale and weighed myself and then weighed her but it was a 10lb difference!

I have my PP doctor's appointment tomorrow! I'm going to have her check my stitches but I'm pretty sure they're gone. I'm still so itchy and for a while I thought it was my stitches because it itched exactly the same but now I'm pretty sure it's something else and I have no clue what. But I don't feel very lady like with itchy lady parts! Hopefully she can tell me something to help at least! I also can't wait to talk about birth control because I feel so bad that I haven't been able to have sex with Travis because I know he's really been wanting to and he's waited so long! The last time we had sex was the day before I went into labor! He's been asking but I told him it's not fair for me since I cant actually have sex and I feel so uncomfortable down there. Ever since then he's been really respectful.

Aw I just read Madi's weight and such. She's so cute and little. Like I said I'm thinking Elsie is over 10lbs now! I won't even know for sure until October! She'll have gained even more weight!

I'm so excited. I sold our turtles today since we just didn't have time for them. I got $100! I also am selling my car tonight for $600 which I think is a good deal since I rear ended someone on the freeway in January 2010 and it's had problems ever since and a cracked windshield. So last fall it got really wet inside and I stopped driving it because it would fog up and I couldn't see. So since it sat wet for so long the whole inside molded and the person buying it said they didn't care since they were putting new seats in! So I think $600 is a good deal for me! I had also forgot to file my claim for unemployment for one week which means you have to reopen it and I hadn't realized so basically I missed 3 weeks of unemployment and I was worried I was out all that money! Well I called and they said they would still be able to pay it for me. So I got 4 weeks of pay all in one week, which felt nice because I was so worried. It was like $690 I would have been out too!

Okay I got to go get Travis from work and Elsie is getting fussy since I'm typing!
Agh I hate when I reply and it deletes!!

I've been pretty busy lately. My mom was in town, then my best friend was in town, and Madi has been so sick!

Madi's been teething since about 5 weeks, but teething toys are too big for her little mouth. I don't know what to give her to chew on!

Elsie's pictures on Facebook are so cute! They're both getting so big. Madi has such a cute personality now :) She doesn't sleep very much during the day, and she's always smiling! Shes so funny though, as soon as I get my phone out to take a picture of her smiling she stops and her eyes get wide and she just stares at my phone and follows it with her eyes. I wish I could get a good smiling picture!

Elsie is so talkative! I saw that video. Madison makes cooing sounds, my friend said she sounds like a bird lol. Any new milestones? I read that babies can start to giggle at 9 weeks. She scrunches up her nose and opens her mouth like shes gonna laugh, but she hasn't yet!
You definitely sound busy especially with a sick and teething baby. I don't think Elsie is teething yet but she drools a lot more lately so maybe she is starting! The only new thing with me is that I found a new nanny position, full time for less money but they are bringing their baby here. Its a boy who will be 5 months when I start watching him (in November) and talking to his parents he sounds a lot like Elsie and when I saw him he seemed so easy!

Thank you! I love taking pictures of her! They really are so big! I'm pretty sure Elsie is over 10lbs now! We'll know for sure next week. Elsie does the same thing! My phone has a bright pink case and she loves to stare at it! I seriously take like 25-50 pictures just to get one good one. I have over 2800 pictures on my phone and the memory is getting really full. I'm sure you'll get a ton of good smiling pictures soon now that she's getting older!

Elsie talks so much! Especially when she first wakes up for the day, it is so adorable! That's too funny that your friend said Madi sounds like a bird! I don't think we have any milestones yet! But I heard the same thing about laughing. I think she's only laughed twice. Once was really short and the other was while she was in my moms arms sleeping and she laughed so loud! It was cute but that was a couple weeks ago and she hasn't since.

Oh I went to the doctors and got the go ahead to have sex. So we have twice and its definitely dry and kind of hurts! I was really surprised! I got mirena the iud. I am pretty excited about it because I don't have to remember to take any pills! Sometimes I forget to take my prenatals and I don't want to forget a birth control pill because Elsie doesn't need a sibling quite yet! It lasts for 5 years but you can take it out when you're ready to TTC. It was free through my insurance, too. I guess you can spot for the first 2 months and it helps make your periods lighter and in some women they won't even have a period. So far I haven't even started mine since Elsie was born! I bled a little after they put the IUD in but it was just for that one day. I hope I'm one of those lucky girls who don't get one while breastfeeding, that would be nice! Oh and it has these little metal strings so the doctors can take it out later and she said Travis might be able to feel them in the beginning before they soften and when we had sex yesterday he said he could!
I don't know if I told you or not, but I already had my period :( I even had cramps! Thru told us that about the Mirena strings while I was pregnant and it freaked Eric out! My doctor said if they cut them too short it could poke! I just didn't like the idea of always having something inside of me, you know? I have an alarm on my phone though and I've been so good about taking my birth control, I take it at the exact same time except once I was an hour late bc we were out and I didn't have a drink.

That's awesome that you got a job!!! I'm really happy for you, hopefully he's a good baby!

We took Madison swimming last Monday! She loves baths, and she loved the pool! It's so funny, when shes in the water she pushes her head back to get it wet and smiles. It's so cute!

Sooo Eric and I are getting married in April, Madison will be like eight months. We want to go on a honeymoon of course, but we don't think we can leave her! I guess we could bring her, but I don't want to take her out of the country and there's nowhere in the US that I would want to go. I don't know what to do! What would you do?
You did tell me you already had your period, which by now was probably a couple of week's ago? That's why I'm surprised I haven't had mine! Elsie was born almost 9 week's ago and yet I have not had my period. My postpartum bleeding stopped around 5 weeks, and I have only had slight spotting since after getting my IUD. I think the main reason some people choose something other than and IUD is for the same reason you didn't want to because they didn't like the idea of having something inside them all of the time. Which honestly since it's so new, is kind of a weird idea to me! But I also like not having to even think about or worry about taking birth control pill's. But whatever works for each person is all that matters! I'm glad having the alarm works well for you. I guess when I had birth control pills before Elsie the hardest part for me was finding a time of day that worked well to always be able to take the pill, even with an alarm. Because sometimes I wouldn't be in a place where I could take it or I would be at work on a shift I couldn't just go take my pills. That's why it's nice they make so many methods so that each person can have what works best for them!

I am so happy I got the job! The only thing is I realize I don't exactly have a ton of toys for Elsie and since this baby is about 2-3 months older than her he will be needing toys a little ahead of when Elsie need's them. Right now Elsie has one of those playmat/gyms that have an arch with toys hanging above, she has a ton of rattles, a couple of music/light toys, a couple of books (not many), and a couple of toys a little older that aren't really that exciting. So now I'm researching what toys are best for what age. What do you do with Madison all day? I'm worried I'm not doing enough with Elsie.

That is too cute that Madison got to go swimming! Elsie likes bath's especially if they are warm but I think she is also a little nervous of them, she always has a worried face on! I don't think she likes it as much as Madison probably does. It sounds so cute that she got to go swimming and was trying to get her hair all wet!

I have no clue what I would do! I feel the same way, Travis' brother is getting married in Vegas in June and we're suppose to leave Elsie here because they figure we wouldn't want to go to Vegas with a baby. But honestly I don't really want to leave her. If I was you I would probably talk to Madison's doctor explaining your situation and see if your doctor felt comfortable with you taking her out of the country. Maybe plan ahead of where you're wanting to go so they can get a better idea. Maybe by then you'll be okay with the idea of having time to yourselves to enjoy being newly weds and being able to have a vacation. When Madison grows up she'll never be upset that you didn't bring her on your honeymoon but I also know that it's not all about Madison, it's that you want to be able to spend time with her too! So I definitely think it is a hard decision and you and Eric should go with whichever makes you happiest. But since you're wanting to go out of country you'll have to talk about if you feel comfortable taking her out of the country at that age. You could also possibly go on your honeymoon later in life when she is older because by then you'll probably want a vacation away from the kids anyway, but it's also not as fun not going as newly weds.
Madison also has one of those play mats with an arch whit toys hanging down. She loves it! There's also a little mirror on the arch and she loves to stare at herself. She even swats the toys now!! She loves laying down and looking at the ceiling fan. I'll flip the switch on for a few seconds and turn it off so it's spinning, but slowly. Sometimes when she's crying I'll lay her down and as soon as she opens her eyes and sees the fan, she stops. I walk around with her, take her to the window to look out, take her in the bathroom to look in the mirror, etc. Eric puts her in her vibrating seat and puts on cartoons, she loves to watch tv! She is very independent and loves to just lay down, look around and entertain herself.

My mom got me a book, Chicken Soup for the Soul New Moms. I really like it! It's so relaxing for me to just lay Madi on my lap and read. I cry at silly things, like reading about a baby kicking and remembering Madi in my belly. My mom has got me a few Chicken Soup books since I was little, and when she gave me this one it made me cry. I got one for little kids (can't remember the name), for the teenage soul, now this. She wrote in it "Krystal- I'm so proud of you baby! You are doing an amazing job! I love you so much! Mom xoxo" thats when I cried! Anyway, I know you like to read so if you haven't read it yet, you should :)

I love being a mom, and I can't believe how much I love Madison. I never thought it was possible!
That is too cute. Elsie doesn't bat at the toy's yet but she'll look at herself in the little mirror. I also take her to the mirror in the bathroom that is bigger and she'll smile at herself! We don't have a ceiling fan but if we did I think Elsie would really like it! I put Elsie in her vibrating seat a lot when I need to shower or go to the bathroom or just need to have my hand's free. Elsie would much rather be held than laid down so sometimes it's hard because she'll only last so long on whichever activity I put her in. Sometimes I use her swing but I don't think she likes it much. She love love loves to talk so we end up having a lot of chats. I also let her watch a little bit of TV. Not a ton, but she loves lights and I figured it isn't so bad her watching a little bit. I got the Parenting magazine today because I wanted to read it and I figured I could read it aloud to her because my mom kept saying I need to start reading more to her and I know some babies really like pictures of real life people so I thought the magazine would be good because then we both could be entertained! I was worried that I wasn't doing enough with her but it sounds like we do a lot of the same things. One of her favorite things to do is just observe though. She loves to look at tree's and new surroundings. She sometimes get over stimulated easily, especially with a lot of people around talking to her. She'll hide her face on my chest when I'm holding her and that's how I know she's a little bit over stimulated.

Oh! I should get the Chicken Soup for the Soul New Mom's. I had kid one when I was younger and I also had the teenage soul one as well! I really liked them then and I bet I would really connect with the one for new mom's. I was crying watching Project Runway Season 8 the other day because they had the designer's mom's come in and all of the designers started crying because they missed their mom's and really enjoyed their support and I realized that Elsie will always look up to me that way. That was such a sweet thing your mom wrote in it for you too. Now you'll have it forever!

I know exactly how you feel! I love Elsie so much. I know understand why my mom did everything she did for me. When I was picking up my Parenting magazine today I saw a halloween one with cute idea's for kid's parties and since my birthday is in the middle of October I usually had a halloween party so my mom always did fun things and I was thinking how I can't wait to do things like that for Elsie. I'm always seeing new and cute idea's too but she's too young for them right now!
I love reading Madison touch and feel books because I can put her hand on it an let her feel. We have one with different animals, and you can feel their fur. I know she can't understand yet, but it's still fun for us :) I also put her in her bumbo seat and shake rattles at her, or play with this hippo puppet. She likes the puppet the best! I think it's for the bath, but she likes it!

Today I started singing her the alphabet and doing the letters in sign language. Also, singing "head, shoulders, knees, and toes..." it's never to early to start learning! :)

Have you thought about extra curricular activities and such for Elsie? I want Madison to be in a sign language and one other language (she can choose which) class. I'd like to do this pretty early, because it's so much easier for them to learn a second or third language at a young age. I think it's really important for her to learn other languages, I feel like it will help her excel in the long run! I wish my parents had done this for me, its so hard for me now! I've been in Spanish for like four years and it just won't click! I want to put her in gymnastics at a young age too! I'm thinking four or five! I really want to teach her responsibility. Like, you have gymnastics on this day at this time and even if sometimes you would rather stay at home and play, you have to go. I just want to teach her that quitting isn't an option because when I was little my parents let me quit violin, ballet, tap, gymnastics, cheerleading, etc. I really regretted it when I was older, and in high school I quit soccer and softball and it wasn't a big deal because I never learned that quitting wasn't okay!

K I'm totally rambling and I probably sound like a Nazi mom :dohh:

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