Pregnancy & Text Buddy - July 2011 - Seattle, US Area? Between 19 and 25 years

I should get Elsie some touch and feel books and some puppets. Those are some things we don't have yet that I could add to our daily activities.

I sing Elsie those songs too! I sing to her all the time. She really likes 'You are my Sunshine' and '5 monkey's jumping on the bed'. I sing somewhere over the rainbow a lot, too. Its definitely never to early to learn. I'm always talking to Elsie during the day and just pointing out and telling her what everything is, because they learn language by us talking so I want her to hear a lot of words.

Travis and I definitely want our kid's doing extra curricular activities. I think we've decided on soccer as a sport we would like Elsie to try. I have never learned sign language or the piano but those are two things I have always wanted to learn so I would like Elsie to have a chance to learn them (she has nice long finger's for the piano, too). But we have both said we won't push her into anything as we want her to explore what interests her the most. We did say that if we do enroll her into an extra curricular activity that she has to finish the course. She can't just quit everything if she tries it once or twice and doesn't like it. She has to learn to be committed to something and follow through as well as giving something more of a chance. She might not like it at first and all of those things take hard work and dedication and we want her to learn that early on. We don't want to put her into too many activities as we want her to have time to socialize with friends as well as family. I definitely agree by pushing our daughters to learn something as I was never really pushed to continue. I was always allowed to quit and since we didn't have a ton of money I wasn't always given the opportunity, especially if I did end up quitting things. That's why if she get's enrolled in something she has to finish it and I think like you said about having the responsibility to know she has a certain activity at a certain time on a certain day and she can't just skip it because spongebob is on or her friend wants to come over

Elsie still isn't grabbing for her toy's on her playmat, but she has been grabbing her feet I've noticed, a bit lately. She's definitely not overly independent but we're always giving her opportunities to spend some alone time. She has this one toy on her changing table that I turn on whenever I am changing her so she has something to look at and she LOVES it! It has 6 or so pictures in black and white with accents of red and there or faces on each picture that light up and it plays classical music. Sometimes after changing her I will just stand there and let her watch it and I end up standing there until the music ends! The music plays for a long time though, which I love because some toy's music is so short and you have to keep starting it over and over again.

I may have started my period just the other day. After I got my IUD I knew I would have some spotting/bleeding especially the day I got it put in. I had a light spotting for a couple of day's. But just recently it has seemed to be more heavy so I think I may have started my period. Which is really unfortunate as WARNING TMI I have been extremely itchy in my lady part's. When I was at my postpartum appointment they took a sample to test for a yeast infection. They called just yesterday saying it was negative. She was about to hang up when I asked her.. well I'm still really itchy so what can I do?! She told me to try monistat as I'm probably just overly dry. It is seriously so horrible. I try not to itch but sometimes (especially at night) it is so horrible. My skin is now red and swollen and it's beyond miserable. On top of that I also (ANOTHER WARNING TMI) asked the doctor to check if I had a hemorrhoid as it was hurting to go to the bathroom and sometimes I would bleed. Especially after I first had Elsie, though it is still continuing. When the doctor checked she said I had a small one and to use over the counter medicine which I have only used once but it seem's to have gotten better with time anyway (I guess they are very common during pregnancy and post-pregnancy). Now I'm just focused on this itchiness as it's honestly so miserable. I have had sex with Travis twice since Elsie but at this point I can't even think about it because I am so uncomfortable. Sorry for such a rant but I feel like I'm just stuck at home being miserable and uncomfortable and in pain!
I'm so glad you are on the same boat with the activities and such, I wasn't sure if I sounded crazy! Madi grabs the toys on her playmat and I got her to grab a rattle. She didn't even look at it once she grabbed it, but she held on to it for a while. She love to kick the toys on her mat and hit them, it's so cute! I posted a picture of her grabbing it on facebook :)
Madison is so sick. We took her to the doctor two Mondays ago, but they didn't do much. So we brought her back last Monday and we found out she has bronchitis. We have to give her so much medicine, its awful! Every 12 hours she gets her reflux medicine, four times a day she gets thrush medicine (sometimes she throws up when we give it to her), and a breathing treatment every four hours. We also have to sleep with a humidifier on, and flush her nose with saline and use the nose sucker to get her boogies out. Its soo sad. She has the saddest little cough and has been throwing up so much!
Oh my goodness, TMI but I think I have a hemorrhoid too! It hurts SO bad when I go to the bathroom and for sooo long afterwards. It actually hurts pretty much all day. I wasn't sure if the OB/GYN dealt with things like that so I didn't even ask. Really embarrassing and so painful lol.
I would write more, but Madison isn't feeling well so I want to go snuggle up with her!
Definitely not. Travis and I think it is important she does something outside of school and to definitely start young since neither of us ever ended up doing anything or following through. I nannied for two boy's who played soccer and it was so much fun to go to their practices and games, I would love to be able to go to something to see my kids excelling.

I think Elsie tend's to kick things more than try and grab at thing's. It may be by accident but sometimes it seems like she is doing so on purpose. I noticed her recently grabbing her foot a couple of times. She might have done so by accident but that just means she's closer to grabbing things since she's willing to grab her foot!

Poor Madison! She definitely sound's like a sick little baby. I can't even imagine! Sound's like a rough routine making sure she get's everything she need's! Hopefully she'll be feeling better soon so you can all relax and be happy! I don't think Elsie has ever really been sick and yet she has some fussy day's so I can only imagine what you're going through! Madison is so lucky to have such a great mommy!

I really felt awkward bringing it up to my doctor! But she was putting in my IUD so I figured since she was already down there it was better to mention something then, rather than doing so later. I was relieved when she said it was really common! You should ask the doctor the next time you go in, just to check, but I'm sure it's also okay to try Preparation H as it honestly can't hurt and could help with discomfort. I was always dreading going to the bathroom when I had to go, I hated it! Oh, I also think I started my period yesterday. When I got my IUD put in they said I would have spotting but this is much heavier than it was the first week of my IUD and I think I have very slight cramping. Hopefully it won't last long as I would like to use monistat to help with my itchyness and I feel weird doing so while I'm on my period.

I feel like I know every little thing about Elsie. I can always tell when she's hungry, tired, or needs her diaper changed. I don't really even have to guess and we just have such a natural feeling rhythm going. It's so crazy to watch her personality develop and know the things she does and doesn't like. She loves being held vertically rather than horizontally and oh my goodness does she love to suck her thumb!

Okay, Elsie is fussing now!
I don't think Madi even knows she has feet! That is so cute that Elsie grabs hers! Madi loves sucking on her hand, we've caught her thumb-sucking a few times! She's pretty much pacifier-ed out. She won't take it anymore! I wish she would though, because I would rather her use her orthadontic paci than her hand or eventually anything else she can grab and put in her mouth! I also liked giving it to her in the car when I couldn't feed her or take her out because she absolutely hates her carseat! I'd also give it to her after I gave her medicine and by sucking on it, she'd also suck her medicine down.

I'm assuming it was because she is sick, but Madison slept all day yesterday. She took like four hour long naps, and a bunch of little ones. Usually, she'll take one longer nap 30-45 min and a couple really short ones. So she was up ALL night! Like worse than when we brought her home from the hospital! She usually wakes up once, I feed her, she falls asleep and we cuddle until morning! It was the longest night. Eric had to be up early too, so when he would wake up with her I felt bad and would take her. Anyway, I'm exhausted!
I go a yeast infection when I was pregnant and that stuff cleared it right up! I'd wait for the bleeding to stop though! Sorry you're so uncomfortable :( I hope it gets better!
I haven't really noticed Elsie grabbing her feet much anymore. She also isn't swatting or grabbing anything and I was hoping she would be by now. On the bright side she's holding up her head a lot better than she was, and is usually doing so a majority of the time. I need to continue tummy time on more of a flat surface though as she'll usually just lay flat but when she's slightly inclined she will hold her head up. She is also trying to not necessarily sit but when she is in a laying down position she tries to pull her upper body forward as if she wants to pull herself into a sitting position.

Elsie has sucked her hand's since she was in the hospital but now she usually sucks her thumbs. She still pretty much hasn't gotten any control of her hand's so sometimes she has to chase it around. She doesn't really use a pacifier either and I agree with you. I would really like her to use once since it's obvious she loves to suck to soothe herself and it would be nice if she could use the orthodontic pacifiers I had previously bought her. I've stopped trying for a while now, maybe I should continue again.

Elsie isn't a big fan of her carseat either, that's where she spends the majority of the time crying. It's the worst thought since there isn't anything I can do about it. As much as I am in love with this baby stage it will also be nice when they get older and can communicate somewhat. I went to my friends babies 1 year birthday party and it's so crazy to think our babies will be that big someday, and then they'll keep growing!

Hopefully Madison is better by now, that sound's like it was a long rough night! I haven't hardly had any issues with Elsie at night. She usually falls asleep for the evening anywhere between 9-11pm and then she'll sleep until 9/10am. I don't have her on a real sleep schedule during the day and I am hoping to do so soon, so I'm not sure how much she really is sleeping during the day. I feel like Elsie sleeps more than what you mentioned Madison sleeps, though.

I got Vagisil instead as it was a cream to help stop the itching and I've only used it a couple of times and it has really seemed to help. I think I'm almost done with my period too, which will be nice.

How are things with you? Is it getting easier to live with Eric's mom and sister? I know Eric was looking for jobs in both Michigan and Washington, is he still looking or are you guy's planning on staying in Vegas for a while? I feel like we haven't talked in a while about each other. I have a second interview type thing on Tuesday and then I am going to babysit the boy for a short bit on Wednesday while his mom goes to a meeting. I'm really hoping things go well. For some reason I am getting myself paranoid and worry once the family comes and see's my home they'll no longer want me to watch their boy here, if at all. We finally got new couches though and it's a matching couch and love seat set that works perfectly in our living room and I'm so happy we finally have furniture we enjoy sitting on because that torn up couch from the dog was horrible!
Madison's bronchitis is getting better! She still has a cough, but its not as bad as it was. Now our bigger problem is her teething. She's drooling/slobbering everywhere (which is new) and won't stop nomin on her hands. She's even started pulling blankets or when I'm holding her, my shirt into her mouth. It's seriously one thing after another, I feel so bad for her. She is still such a good baby, even with all that's going on. I honestly think it's harder on me than her! I hate seeing her sick or uncomfortable.
She actually sleeps pretty good at night! It was just that one night that was awful, prob because she wasn't feeling well. Our schedule keeps getting more and more precise. She used to go to sleep anywhere from 8-11 until 7-9. Now she pretty much always sleeps from around 9-9. During that time, I'll usually feel her getting squirmy once, sometimes twice. Then I'll feed her, neither of us really wake up during that time. It's like sleep-feeding lol. Yesterday she slept a total of less than 30 minutes during the day! Usually she takes a couple naps, but not then. I think it was because she was so miserable with her teeth. I put my finger in her mouth (washed it like a surgeon preparing for surgery, germ-freak over here lol) and I could feel her little tooth buds even more! I figured she wouldn't make very much progress, and wouldn't cut a tooth for months. They're progressing though! She has two, one on each side. They're on the top to the side. Her doctor said they usually get front teeth first, but some babies do it differently. I wish she wasn't teething though :( it's no fun for either of us!
That's awesome that you got new couches! Eric and I got new couches too! Well, new to us. His moms friend moved to Colorado and asked Eric if we wanted her couches. They were pretty new, she just didn't want to pay to move them so far. It's a couch, love seat, and chair. They're so big and comfy, I love them!
I really hope your second interview goes well! I'm sure it will :) You'll have to let me know how it goes and how the little boy is! I hope he is good for you!
Eric still looks for jobs, mostly firefighter ones. Everyone wants to be a firefighter, and pretty much no departments are hiring. We're actually looking everywhere in the US right now. We just want to get out of Vegas, soon!!
We're looking at a really pretty wedding venue today! We thought we had our mind made up, but I saw pictures of this one and fell in love. I hope we like it in person, and fingers crossed that they have our date available!!!!
I think Vagisil is what I got! It really worked, and fast too!
My er....bum is feeling better too haha!
Does Elsie have a Bumbo seat? I love putting Madi in hers! She looks like such a big girl in it! She still hasn't laughed :( I can't wait to hear it!
I feel so bad for little Madison. Elsie hasn't gotten sick at all so I don't even know what you're going through. I'm glad to hear that Madison is still a really good baby for you, even through everything she is experiencing. I haven't even felt to see if Elsie had little teeth buds but she isn't showing signs of teething. Have you gotten a tooth brush for her? I got Elsie those little brushes that go on your finger so you can brush their gums. It says the toothpaste is for 3mo+ so I haven't used it yet because I want to wait until she is older.

We just got our couches off of Craigslist but they are nicer than our old pair. I liked our old ugly couch a lot because it was so comfortable but after the dogs tore it up we needed new one's. These are not as comfortable but they look nicer than our old ones and they are still fairly comfortable.

I cleaned like crazy before my interview. I was even cleaning the wall's! They said our place seemed cozy and they wanted to meet the dogs which I was avoiding because they are really hyper and crazy when meeting new people and our larger dog was abused when it was a puppy so she is really scared of new people and will bark like crazy and loud at them. Plus she is a pitbull mix so she just look scary. Then I went over to their place to see what it was like because she hasn't decided where she wants me to watch him. Their place is huge and nice looking but they didn't have anything exciting inside and it was kind of messy. Not like garbage everywhere but just not picked up like my place was with nothing out of place. So now I don't feel so bad about my place because I realize it's really clean.. haha but she said she was pretty certain they wanted to go with me so that is good! I'm going on a walk with her next Monday to get a feel for her neighborhood.

That's crazy about everyone wanting to get a firefighter position. Hopefully he can find one so you guy's can move. It would be even better if he found something close to your family!

How was the wedding venue?! I can't believe how soon your wedding day will be here! The holiday's will make the time fly by! I'm so happy and excited for you:)

Elsie has something similar to a bumbo seat. I forget what it is called but we got it from babies are us and I think it's a little big for her but it's nice because you can take out the middle part and it fits for when she grows. She's still doing such a good job trying to pull herself into a sitting position. She doesn't really do it when she is lying flat but when she's propped up like on her boppy pillow or in her boucey seat she'll try and pull herself into a sitting position.

I'm not sure if Elsie has truly laughed or not. It's almost like silent laugh and she makes some squicks while smiling. I wouldn't say she has had a full laugh really. The boy I will nanny for is 5 months and it's crazy to see how he can sit and play with toys and roll around and such. I'm excited for Elsie to get just a little older and be more interested in toys and such.
I do have a toothbrush! Its for 3+ months as well, so I haven't used it yet. I will start using it as soon as she is 3 months though :)
How exciting about your new job!! Would you rather watch him at your own house? I know I would! Seems so much more comfortable!
The venue is so so sooo perfect! Everything is included; DJ, cake, 4 hr open bar, dinner, champagne toast for all guests, photography, etc. They also give you a $100 spa credit, and a $300 florist credit. For 100 guests its only $9,000!!!
OMG yesterday we were leaving Costco and Eric got Madi and our groceries in the car, I went to put the cart away (we were parked right next to the cart thing), and he went to go throw a diaper away. Well I get back to the car only to realize my door is locked...and ALL OF THE OTHER DOORS ARE TOO! So I yell for Eric and yeah. Madi was locked in the car :( It was hot outside and the air was on, but on low. The car had been sitting, so it was sooo hot. Anyway, I call AAA and it took 10 minutes before they even called the locksmith, then they're like "its gonna be 15 minutes or more-we're calling 911" and immediately puts me back on hold. All this time, Madison is screaming and crying :( Well a freaking fire truck comes, but by then Madi had cried herself to sleep (she had already been in there for 20 minutes). So they look in and see that she is sleeping and since she wasn't in distress, they wouldn't break the window. Well when it had been about 15 minutes and AAA wasn't there yet, Eric called to see how far away they were...."10-15 minutes" SERIOUSLY?! THERE WAS A FREAKING BABY IN THE CAR :( So anyway, she was in there for about 45 minutes before we got in there. It was sooo bad :( I felt bad for Eric because he felt really bad and when it first happened I was like "Eric! I hate you. I hate you. I can't believe you did this" I felt HORRIBLE!!! I know I would have been really upset if I had locked her in the car, so I know he was beating himself up for it. I told him I wasn't mad at him and apologized, but I still felt like a jerk. Basdffaldkfalskdjf. That sucked :/

What is Elsie going to be for Halloween? We got Madi a ladybug costume, but Eric doesn't like it so we are still looking.
Oops Elsie made me delete everything!

Guess what? The dad of the family I was going to work for is getting laid off from Microsoft and has 6 weeks left so unless he finds a job before his 6 weeks is up they won't need me. Luckily I don't need a job right away, but I'm tired of interviewing! I hate that..

That venue sounds amazing and is such a great price! Did you make the final decision on it or are you still deciding/looking around?

I am always worried about locking Elsie in the car when I am shopping alone, I would be terrified. If Travis did though I probably would do the same thing and then feel really bad, because we know he didn't do it on purpose. Luckily Eric loves you so much! I can't believe they didn't get her out right away, that is just ridiculous!

Elsie has a really cute flower costume that is basically pajama's but it is size 0-3mo which she isn't exactly fitting into yet, everything looks big on her. Hopefully she will fit it by then, otherwise she'll probably just wear her butterfly wings.

Elsie started swatting toys on her playmat, but she still isn't grasping anything yet really. I can't tell if she is teething either. She has always sucked/chewed on her thumbs/hands but seems to be slightly more drooly lately. I felt her gums and think I can possibly feel some teeth buds in the front on top and bottom. I think I feel one on top and two on bottom but honestly I can't be too sure. She's still always pulling herself forward when she's laying on her back slightly proped up. Is Madison trying to pull herself in a seat position at all yet?
My mom is a recruiter for Microsoft....I should tell her to find him another job, hehe. I'm sorry that job fell through! I hate interviews, so I can't even imagine having to do it over and over again!! Especially since its a different kind of interview, you want them to trust you with their kid!
We did make a final decision on the venue! I am so so excited :)
Madi doesn't really try to pull herself into sitting position, I don't think.. I do put her into her bumbo seat or on the couch leaning against the armrest, thats about it though. She only really lays flat though, so maybe thats why? I don't really prop her up on anything. Sounds like Elsie might be teething! Ask her pediatrician the next time you go :)

I'm in Madison's room because she was playing while I iChatted with my mom and she fell asleep so I put her in her crib! She's taking a nap in there :) She has NEVER slept in there until right now!

Are you going to take Elsie trick or treating? We are just going to pass out candy, but I want to take her to one house. Just so we can say we did!
Really? That's kind of a fun job to be a recruiter! Hopefully he'll find a new job in those 6 weeks so I can still work for them. But if not I'll just find something else. I actually just got off the phone with her and she says the have a couple possible opprotunities with Nintendo and Amazon so I'm hopeful. The mom felt terrible but said I was her favorite out of all the interviews so if in the future they need a nanny and I am still available they want me. We were suppose to get together on Monday to walk their neighborhood so that I can see what its like and she had mentioned if I still wanted to go on the walk we could so I told her we should because its nice just to get out with someone once in a while. She also mentioned she had bought Elsie a couple of outfits which I thought was so sweet of her! So hopefully he does find a job and I can work for them because I really like their family.

I am so excited for you, its nice to have everything planned ahead for your wedding so its less stressful come the wedding day. My cousin has a 2 year old and just got engaged and they're getting married this December 22nd because her younger sister is in town from college. I don't see why they don't just wait until spring or summer break. I would want time to plan, they've had to switch venues, photographers, and a DJ twice already!

Yeah, Elsie won't pull herself forward unless she's already slightly proped up. I feel like they're growing up so fast! I need to find an actual pediatritian because Elsie is seeing a family doctor right now and they never tell me what precentile she's in or anything! They didn't even tell me when I should come in next or book an appointment, or even tell me what should focus on with her or what to look out for as she gets older.

I've been starting to put Elsie on her tummy to sleep and let her sleep on the couch while I watch TV so that she is starting to get use to me not holding her while she sleeps and she will sleep for an hour during the day and she usually goes to bed around 9pm but we stay up later so at night she'll sleep alone even longer! Next I'll need to start trying her crib! Our little girls are growing up and being independant already!

Travis said Elsie was too little to go trick or treating but maybe I'll just take her to the houses on our street just to show her off and say we took her! Then we'll stay home and pass out candy! With my luck Travis will work until 11pm anyway. My sister sometimes takes her boyfriends young nieces out trick or treating so maybe I'll go with them and get myself a ton of free candy :)

Omg, today at church I was putting Elsie back in her carseat (which she hates) and she started crying. I stood up and was putting my jacket on and my sister said Elsie left a drool mark on my boob. Then we all realized it wasn't a drool mark but that I was lactating because Elsie was crying and I had leaked through my bra and shirt! Luckily I was working in the nursery with my mom and sister so no one else was in the room or that could have been so embarassing! I am also lucky I brought a jacket since it was so cold because normally I wouldn't have brought one!

Elsie has been cooing like crazy lately, normally she is chatty but this week she's cooing! Also BnB changed their website and added a mobile site so it's so much easier for me to go on my phone now! I'm not the biggest fan of the change for the normal website but having the mobile site makes it so much easier to navigate while I'm on my phone which I do a lot.

I LOVE Madison's pumpkin patch pictures. Especially the one of you and her on the hay stack. I want a family picture so bad when we go. We're suppose to go Friday with a couple of friends but Travis works so he has to move his schedule around so hopefully we still get to go, otherwise I'm taking her to Safeway and still putting her in the pile of pumpkins to take her picture! I really want a picture of her in a wheelbarrow full of pumpkins! I also saw this cute picture my aunt showed me of a pumpkin they carved foot holes out of and sat a baby in the pumpkin, so I really want to do that with Elsie it would be just too cute!

I felt like there was something I was going to tell you but now I've completely forgotten..
The picture of Madison was taken in a wheelbarrow! I don't think you can even tell. Our camera died, so we didn't really get good pictures :( we're going to have to take a lot when we carve them!
Madi's doctor always tells us when to come back, and it seems like we go in a lot. I don't mind it at all, I always have questions when we go anyway! She tells us what new things she should start doing, stuff like that. You should find Elsie her own pediatrician! I seriously love Madi's. It makes me feel better that babies and children are her specialty. She has another appointment on Nov 3. Actually, writing that reminded me that I need to reschedule it because we are going to Michigan the 3-13 (just Madi and me). Then my mom is coming for Thanksgiving, we're going to Washington in Dec, then going back to Michigan for Christmas!! My family is coming from Texas soon, and so is my best friend. Busy busy next couple of months!!!
I like the mobile site for my phone too!
Baby girl just fell asleep, so I'm gonna join her! Ttyl :)

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