Hi i was just wondering if any of you lovely ladies have gotten pregnant with pcos and a blocked tube? With or with out having a HSG test! I so or if you know someone who has could you please share you story!
I just had a HSG 5 days ago and i have pcos and a blocked tube...and i could really use some hope and some on advice on what to do to help me get pregnant!
Thank you so much for take the time to read this and answer
Oooh yes, yes, me!!
We had been trying for 2.5 years with no luck. Went and had fertility tests and all was fine. I then had a HSG (called a HyCoSy in the UK) which I found a horrible experience and it showed that my left fallopian tube was blocked. They were suggesting IVF but I wasn't keen to be poked, prodded, and mess around with my body etc. I was devastated and cried and cried.
I got a minor infection after the procedure and was taking anti-biotics. I did an ovulation test and it showed I was high fertility 5 days after the procedure. So we DTD (just on that day, even though that was the LAST thing on my mind and I was feeling dreadful, I thought we should give it a go) and I didn't think anything of it.
Then 2 weeks later, for some reason (intuition I guess) I did a pregnancy test and got the shock of my life when it came back positive. I just couldn't believe it, especially after the specialists said that I had virtually no chance of conceiving naturally.
When I had my ultrasounds, it showed that I had actually ovulated on the left and the right tube must have picked it up. I didn't even know that was possible.
I'm now 15+5 and all going well.
So there IS hope. Granted I don't have PCOS (I do have several friends that do and they have had babies), but there are some similarities here. I'm also 38 and from your photo I'm guessing you are younger so you have that on your side! Some people say the procedure flushes things out (a lot of medicos have said this to me).
So...ovulation tests (I used Clearblue digital) and legs against the wall for half an hour after you DTD. That's what worked for us.
The body is really amazing and despite medical challenges that many of us face, it seems to always find a way.
I hope this makes you feel a bit better and all the best in your journey.