So I went in today to do my normal blood work, but the nurse said that my Dr. wanted me to do a ultrasound that morning, because my HCG levels were so high for 5 weeks pregnant, and because I got pregnant right after a MC with no period in between (which apparently is a no-no according to this Dr.'s office). I told the nurse I was scared to do the ultrasound, because after every ultrasound I MC (it happened to me twice once at 7 1/2 weeks and again at 7 weeks). Well, my fears and apprehension was forwarded to the ultrasound technician (the first person I offended) because he asked me if the miscarriages happened after ultrasounds at that clinic (one did and one did not) anyhow, I go ahead and have the ultrasound done- they see a gestational sac, but that is all, no yolk sac and no fetal pole. Based on the measurement of the gestational sac, they have me at 5 weeks 4 days with a conception date of July 11, which is impossible because my husband and I only DTD on July 13 and I ovulated on the 14th. Before I go any further, I don't want to worry or scare anyone with my irrational ultrasound fears, they are just my irrational fears based on my past experiences. Everyone I know, including my Dr. Says ultrasounds are safe in early pregnancy.
I also managed to ruffle my Dr.'s feathers, because he was kinda getting on me about getting pregnant right after a MC. I told him my other Dr. said it was okay to start trying right away. So he wasn't pleased with me saying that. In the end- I have another appointment for another ultrasound in a week.