Pregnant but so nervous due to bleeding


Active Member
Mar 3, 2015
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My husband and I found out on 11/15 that we were pregnant. I had never gotten a BFP before and I was completely shocked at how quickly the plus sign appeared!
Things were great! Until I started having dark brown spotting when I wiped. On one occasion I had bright red blood, but it went away quickly. I got blood work done, was at 92 on Monday and then it jumped up to 322 hcg on Wednesday! Progesterone was low so they put me on some supplements for it.
I'm on vacation this week and we've done a lot of walking and the bleeding/spotting started up again. Dark brown at first and then on one occasion some bright red blood. It's been going on for two days, the last time it happened it went on for 3 days.
I'd just like to know if anyone has had a similar experience? I've got some mild cramping and bloating, my boobs are sore and growing, but I'm so incredibly scared that I'm going to loose this bean and it's our first! Any insight, tips, anything, would be appreciated. Thanks for reading!
Sorry you are experiencing this. I had spotting with my MC on and off in week 5 and 6 then MC in week 7. BUT!!!.......

When I posted something similar back in AUG tons and tons of women had the same and they went on to have healthy pregnancies. As everyone says try not to worry too much! Best wishes and healthy and happy 9 months!
I had a bit of spotting early on but everything turned out fine. Maybe try and take it easy for a few days?
I had light pink spotting for a few days around 5 weeks 4 days and now I am 8 weeks 5 days and so far so good. My was caused be a subchorionic haematoma (sp?). However I learned this is super common and since the day I went to the hospital concerned my HCG has gone from 6000 to 150000. So it just shows some spotting just happens. The main thing is that it stops. If it progresses and gets worse then I would be concerned.

Good Luck!
I am 7 weeks and have had spotting for about 5 days is driving me crazy! In my first pregnancy I had one spot of blood and I had my son that day lol. I called my Dr and they told me to take it way and drink more water and not to worry unless quickly fill a pad or have intense pain. I have my first ultrasound Tuesday. No real word of wisdom, but you're not alone.
Ladies thank you so much for sharing, whether your story was sad or uplifting it's just nice to know that there are others who experienced or are experiencing what I'm going through.
I truly want to enjoy the pregnancy (especially since it's our first) and am keeping my fingers crossed that I get to see our bean on Monday!
Have a wonderful holiday and I'll be sure to update you all (if you'd like) about our results on Monday.
Again it's great to feel part of a community and to talk with someone besides my husband (who is being really wonderful with my raging hormones) or my mom (who has the best intentions but had her last pregnancy 18 years ago).
Thanks again! :thumbup:
Oh and I forgot to add, I have had a miscarriage and there was no gory show. Not a single spot of blood, so that being said blood isn't always bad. I find anyone who hasn't spotted during pregnancy will always tell you the worst but for those of us who have it know it happens in about 25% of healthy pregnancies. Hope this reassures.
Hello again ladies! I had hoped to not post so soon however I just had another scary incident. I spotted my underwear sorry for the tmi. And it was bright red I wiped and had a LOT more bright red blood appear for at least 4 more wipes. I have had bloating and gas but no actual cramping just yet. I've put on a pad as a precaution but I'm incredibly scared could this be a MC? I don't have my sonogram until Monday at 1, quite a long way to wait any advise or input and prayers would be truly appreciated. I'm very worried.
Easier said than done I know but don't panic and step away from Google!!!

I bled through first tri with both my babies and much more than spotting when wiping... this is TMI probably but anyway... at 10wks with 2nd pregnancy I was at work, felt a "gush" went to bathroom and it was blood. Drove home and in the 15 minutes it took me to get there soaked through my clothes and the folded up jacket I was sitting on in the car. Bled clots for another 10 minutes in the shower then it tapered of but still soaked a pad in about an hour. Spotted on and off for 10 days or so after that. That pregnancy ended up with a beautiful boy who will be 2 in Feb :)

There has been no rhyme or reason for bleeding in either of my pregnancies other than a hormonal thing.

Fingers and toes crossed for you and your bean :hugs:
Are you still away or can you get to your doctors/ER? I had spotting earlier this week & thought it was just one of those things. When it happened again the next day I called my hospital & they said to come in for a scan. I did & everything was fine but it was great to get that reassurance. Hope everything goes ok for you :hugs:
I had a very similar thing happen to me when I was 4-5 weeks.. I bled for a week, it went from brown, to red, to pink, then eventually stopped altogether. I still don't know to this day what caused it, but I'm now 28 weeks with a healthy baby girl! I really wouldn't worry yourself too much, unless it becomes heavy like a period. :hugs: I know not worrying is easier said than done, but spotting is so common in early pregnancy. X
Easier said than done I know but don't panic and step away from Google!!!

I bled through first tri with both my babies and much more than spotting when wiping... this is TMI probably but anyway... at 10wks with 2nd pregnancy I was at work, felt a "gush" went to bathroom and it was blood. Drove home and in the 15 minutes it took me to get there soaked through my clothes and the folded up jacket I was sitting on in the car. Bled clots for another 10 minutes in the shower then it tapered of but still soaked a pad in about an hour. Spotted on and off for 10 days or so after that. That pregnancy ended up with a beautiful boy who will be 2 in Feb :)

There has been no rhyme or reason for bleeding in either of my pregnancies other than a hormonal thing.

Fingers and toes crossed for you and your bean :hugs:

Berri, thank you so much for sharing your experience! I don't think we can ever overshare with all the crazy stuff happening to our bodies.
The bleeding stopped, it's down do a dark brown and it's minimal so I'm hoping that it means happy things. We're going to go and see if we can get a reimbursement on our park tickets (my poor husband has just hung out with me at the hotel versus doing any of the fun things he's wanted to do).

Again, thanks so much for sharing and I'm so happy for you and your little one! :hugs:
I had a very similar thing happen to me when I was 4-5 weeks.. I bled for a week, it went from brown, to red, to pink, then eventually stopped altogether. I still don't know to this day what caused it, but I'm now 28 weeks with a healthy baby girl! I really wouldn't worry yourself too much, unless it becomes heavy like a period. :hugs: I know not worrying is easier said than done, but spotting is so common in early pregnancy. X

Thank you so much for sharing! I'm convinced that this bean is a girl because she's causing so much drama already :) until this point I always said I wanted a boy, but now I just want a healthy little bean that will grow into a healthy little baby. :)

Karry1412, we're still on vacation. I've messaged my doctor (they have a patient portal which I enjoy more than being on hold forever) and they told me that it was normal to bleed, that they didn't recommend too much bedrest nor too much activity, so somewhere in the middle?

Our scan is still set for Monday, I'm thinking they are closed on Friday or else they would have gotten me in then. The bleeding has almost stopped now, not sure if I should be happy or more worried about that, I just want this little bean to have a healthy heartbeat on Monday!
I'm sure everything will be fine & hope you enjoy the rest of your vacation. Be sure to update us on Monday!
Hello everyone!
I had some severe pain last night (Saturday) and was instructed to go to the ER. I was so hopeful that during the ultrasound they would see something and I was so excited when I thought I heard what was a heartbeat (the tech didn't talk to me or my husband nor gave any hints), then the ER doctor came in and said that it could be an ectopic (sp?) pregnancy and that I needed to see my doctor on Monday.
Then a nurse came in and my husband asked about my blood work. I asked about my hcg levels and she said they were 305, the week before thanksgiving they were 322.
I have no hope, I cried all night. I had hoped and prayed that our first pregnancy would go all the way to 9 months! But now I'm certain that I'll hear more bad news on Monday.
Has anyone experienced anything like this? Again I'm devastated, but praying for a miracle. :cry:
I've not got any similar experience, but I just wanted to send you some big hugs! :hugs: xxx
I'm so sorry you are going through this. The news you have received is bad and, sadly, it is unlikely to get better. I hope that the physical aspect of things gets resolved quickly so you can move forward towards closure and healing. Lean on your partner, and know that you are not alone. Take care.
Hello ladies!

I have a sad update, we lost our bean, I had an ectopic pregnancy, but thankfully the tube did not burst. They went in and surgically removed the pregnancy and did a D&C. We won't be able to try again for three months, which I'm very bummed about, but my doctor was great.
She said I was not allowed to be depressed because we got me pregnant despite my PCOS and we were going to do it again. I hope you all go on to have wonderful pregnancies and I hope to join you all in three months!
So sorry to hear this. :(
I'm really glad you caught the ectopic in time though, that's a big relief.
Hang in there! You'll be back here soon, I'm sure of it.

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