Pregnant ladies with dogs..

We have 2 huskys and a jackrussell. We started the routine before the baby came, them spending more time out of the living room, got them all sleeping in the kitchen instead of the bedroom, this way they didnt assoisate (sp) the change with the baby. When we bought charlie home we kept them in the kitchen for an hour while we got sorted and then let them all in to have a good sniff! The jack wanted to lick her like mad, the female husky wasnt overly fussed but our male husky (pack leader), sniffed her, turned his back and sat right in front of her facing the door. He went all protective bless him.

Then when the visitors started coming we would put the dogs in the kitchen and they could see through the stair gate, if anyone else other than me or OH held her he would howl like mad! It was so cute, he would also pace against our legs if she started to cry.

I might add, she is now 13 months and has been walking a week, he spends most of his time hiding from her and she loves to give him big cuddles lol. You just see his eyes squint as if hes thinking 'oh god she coming to squeeze me again!'
I have 2 dogs. A 6 year old corgi and an 8 year old german shepherd. Both are great dogs and really couch potatoes. My shepherd is protective of her ball and that is the only think that worries me. We will probably have to have a no toys inside policy.

My corgi, who is the best dog is the world, but not especially cuddly has been giving me alot of love lately. I know dogs can smell changes in body chemistry and I wonder if he knows I am pregnant. Maybe that is crazy lol.


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I have a german shepherd also. She is way to smart and I know she will be fine. Shes had babies ride her back, pull her tail, poke her eyes you name it. and shell just turn her head away or kiss them. I can imagine how great she will be when she can tell its our child. I keep telling her mommy is having a baby. and she knows those words. So when I finally bring home baby saying this is my baby shell get it.
I have 2 dogs aswell, a 10 month old german shepherd (you can only imagine how hyper he is!) and a 1.5 year old pomeranian who is a mummys boy, is very protective of the house and is generally good with strangers he just barks alot until he gets used to them!
Im a bit concerned about our shepherd as hes still such a puppy and doesnt know how to be completely "gentle" yet, he just gets too excited:wacko:! Im not too concerned about our pomeranian because hes small and hes good with babies just not small children as he cant stand how they dont respect his um..."boundries!":haha:
I would never leave my child alone with any animal and we have been told by many people to introduce the baby to them straight away and to involve them in everything just as usual ie take them for a walk when we go for a walk and have normal playtime etc:)
Oh and i forgot that when we brought Beau our shepherd home our pomeranian Douglas was soooo protective of him to the point where he wouldnt let his best friend (one of my good friends dogs) anywhere near him because Beau was "his", he didnt mind any humans being near beau just not other dogsso that will be interesting lol!
My female lab was 3 when i brought my daughter home. She had a quick sniff realised it wasnt food and that was that! Clear bounderies are good and sounds like ur pooch already has them so i think ur good to go! My daughter is now 14 months and, up until yesterday have had no problems, they seem to adore each other and if we're out for a family walk lulu our lab heards our daughter so she doesnt go to far from us (not that i let her anyway lol). Yesterday problem arose when my daughter wouldnt leave lulu alone and then tripped and fell on lulu and hurt her. Lulu growled at her and boy did she get a telling off and sent out the room. I never leave them alone together and like i say its the first hiccup in 14 months so think thats pretty good going. Good luck xxxx
We have a 6 year old choc lab and she is still hyper lol. since finding out I was pregnant we have stopped her sleeping on the bed, stopped her jumping up when we get home, which was mainly our fault as I used to encourage her to 'stand' against me for cuddles when getting home, now she is ignored until coats etc off, spoken to other people in the house and she has sat down for a cuddle, we also stop if she stands or jumps in the middle of the cuddle until she sits again.

I am not worried about introducing a baby, at the end of the day its just being vigilant.

All dogs react differntly to stress situations anyway.
When I was crawling my parents dog (a lurcher) had had an accident and had an open wound on her stomach. Whilst my mom was on the phone to the vets to come out I crawled over and poked my finger into it! the dog just closed her eyes and didn't even growl. thenn after my nans house fire we had some relatives come stay with us and my nans collie dog came. I i was on the arm of the chair swinging my legs and slipped off as the dog walked past and landed on his back, his forst instinct at the shock was to bite me, I dont blame the dog, have never been scared of them and my dad refused to let them put him down as it was a frightened reaction after the trauma of being in the house fire. all in all we had 4 dogs at home at one time when i was younger, and we never had any issues with 'our' dogs.
What a good idea for a thread OP! Your GS sounds alot like our vizsla- very soft but likely to get jealous if not introduced properly- and really dont want that for the dog or the baby
I have a rottweiler and a shihtzu ...although they are both ok roung my boys who are 2+3 i am buying a travel cot for baby to sleep in the living room while the dogs are in the same room they can sniff but not get too close.
Also a major, major think to keep a serious eye on wheather you have a great dane to a tea cup aware where you leave your baby when they have a dirty nappy..never leave them alone dogs go mad for poop and have recently savaged and killed a 2 week old baby in the matter how well you know a dog dont trust it round a child x
Yesterday problem arose when my daughter wouldnt leave lulu alone and then tripped and fell on lulu and hurt her. Lulu growled at her and boy did she get a telling off and sent out the room.
So you allow your daughter to harass your dog and then tell the dog off when she gets hurt? Please don't do this, your dog needs space too, don't allow your daughter to harass her. If your dog is uncomfortable then give her some time out away from your daughter - not as a punishment but to give her some respite, she shouldn't be put in a position where she is being harassed and can not get away from it :(

Also, personally I would not tell them off for growling, a growl is a warning and if you supress a growl (which is her way of telling you she is not happy with the situation) then a dog will have no warning and may simply snap next time (obviously you know your dog but it is not a good idea to supress their natural warning signs).

At the end of the day a dog is a living breathing animal, she is not a plaything for a child. They will tolerate a lot but they can not be held responsible if they are being harassed and nothing is done to prevent the harassment.

I don't mean to be harsh, but I am very worried that one day your dog may snap and she will be pts for defending herself against a situation she shouldn't be put in in the first place :(
Thank you to everyone who has posted.

I think the main thing from reading is not to exclude our doggies. Which is common sense I suppose, but amazing how many people leave their dogs out.
I have a friend who had a baby and the poor dog doesn’t get walked anymore and gets kept in the smallest kitchen you have seen. I feel so sorry for him. He is just wanting to be part of the pack.

I will get Colin to take home something of the babies from hospital before we come home so Zoe has a chance to have a good sniff. Also let her come and meet baby on arrival in a calm atmosphere. I read a post a couple weeks ago from someone saying to start using like talc and other smellies used for baby so the dog is used to all these smells and is familiar.
Also I have pram/car seat & nursery furniture waiting in spare room and let her have a good sniff of all the new stuff I bring in so she is used to it. They are just inquisitive at end of day and suppose if we allow them to see what we have they will come for a sniff and that will be it.

Zoe needs her routine so she will definitely be getting her 2 walks per day as normal and will be allowed to sit in living room with us and baby as she normally does. All going well she will welcome our new addition and it is just another person to pay her attention and for her to love! My friend brought her newborn into our house in her car seat. Zoe had a good sniff, I put car seat on sofa and then Zoe ran out into garden un phased so hoping this is how she will be. We will just have to remember to pay her attention to – No matter how hard it will be at times!  xx
I read a post a couple weeks ago from someone saying to start using like talc and other smellies used for baby so the dog is used to all these smells and is familiar.
Ah now that is a good idea :) I can see me putting talc all over myself to get them used to the smell :haha:

My friend brought her newborn into our house in her car seat. Zoe had a good sniff, I put car seat on sofa and then Zoe ran out into garden un phased so hoping this is how she will be. We will just have to remember to pay her attention to – No matter how hard it will be at times!  xx
This was a good reaction and should bode well for when you bring your little one home :)
we have 2 dogs a 5 yera old Rodshian Ridgeback cross and a 3 year old Shetland Sheepdog cross, when we brough DD home they where 4 & 2 and we where worried about them. OH would bring DD's sleepsuit home everynight that she had worn in the hospital everyday and my nan gave us the best advice and that was for me to walk in first on my own as they hadnt seen me for 3 days and OH walked in with DD in car seat. my nan (wh has had dogs all her life) said that we had to let the dogs sniff the baby, they did and that was it then no bother at all and our dogs where very hyperactive...

we had one incident and that was a few night before i went in to labour we where setting up the travel cot in the living room (i didnt trust the dogs with her in a moses basket downstairs) and once we finished putting it up Bentley (the eldest dog) jumped in it.... i went in to panic and shouted at him. he jumped out and never went near it again!!

Yesterday problem arose when my daughter wouldnt leave lulu alone and then tripped and fell on lulu and hurt her. Lulu growled at her and boy did she get a telling off and sent out the room.
So you allow your daughter to harass your dog and then tell the dog off when she gets hurt? Please don't do this, your dog needs space too, don't allow your daughter to harass her. If your dog is uncomfortable then give her some time out away from your daughter - not as a punishment but to give her some respite, she shouldn't be put in a position where she is being harassed and can not get away from it :(

Also, personally I would not tell them off for growling, a growl is a warning and if you supress a growl (which is her way of telling you she is not happy with the situation) then a dog will have no warning and may simply snap next time (obviously you know your dog but it is not a good idea to supress their natural warning signs).

At the end of the day a dog is a living breathing animal, she is not a plaything for a child. They will tolerate a lot but they can not be held responsible if they are being harassed and nothing is done to prevent the harassment.

I don't mean to be harsh, but I am very worried that one day your dog may snap and she will be pts for defending herself against a situation she shouldn't be put in in the first place :(

Maybe harras was the wrong word to use. I dont let my dog get harrassed to the point of snapping. My daughter tripped and fell on her and it was an accident. I more than fully aware of the needs of my dog and she spends as much time away from my child as she wants. She isnt negelected or mistreated just cos i now have a child. But i will never allow my dog to growl at my child. End of. She has been amazing with my child and i love my dog more than anything so please dont try to make me out to be a bad dog owner
Yesterday problem arose when my daughter wouldnt leave lulu alone and then tripped and fell on lulu and hurt her. Lulu growled at her and boy did she get a telling off and sent out the room.
So you allow your daughter to harass your dog and then tell the dog off when she gets hurt? Please don't do this, your dog needs space too, don't allow your daughter to harass her. If your dog is uncomfortable then give her some time out away from your daughter - not as a punishment but to give her some respite, she shouldn't be put in a position where she is being harassed and can not get away from it :(

Also, personally I would not tell them off for growling, a growl is a warning and if you supress a growl (which is her way of telling you she is not happy with the situation) then a dog will have no warning and may simply snap next time (obviously you know your dog but it is not a good idea to supress their natural warning signs).

At the end of the day a dog is a living breathing animal, she is not a plaything for a child. They will tolerate a lot but they can not be held responsible if they are being harassed and nothing is done to prevent the harassment.

I don't mean to be harsh, but I am very worried that one day your dog may snap and she will be pts for defending herself against a situation she shouldn't be put in in the first place :(

Maybe harras was the wrong word to use. I dont let my dog get harrassed to the point of snapping. My daughter tripped and fell on her and it was an accident. I more than fully aware of the needs of my dog and she spends as much time away from my child as she wants. She isnt negelected or mistreated just cos i now have a child. But i will never allow my dog to growl at my child. End of. She has been amazing with my child and i love my dog more than anything so please dont try to make me out to be a bad dog owner

I agree, my DD loves nothing more than following Patch around and trying to pull his tail and she is the one to get told off as she needs to learn that she can not treat a dog like that... if the dog starts it the dog gets told off if DD starts it she gets told off...

this is because my dogs are quite placid with her and let he pull and climb but other dogs she may come across my not be as laid back and if she upsets the dog of course they will retaliate..

you can NOT let your child wind an animal up and then tell the animal off... if thats the case then you need to get rid of the dog as it is not fair on then!!
I'm a bit worried how the pup will react, though it's more his size compared to a baby.
We're getting him the snip next month, and introducing gates so he'll learn before bubs comes along.

I've also heard about bringing baby's smell to the dogs attention, ie a blanket/baby grow, before they meet, so the pooch can be used to the smell.

I've taken a step back with the pup too, not giving him as much attention, and now OH walks him. I have noticed since OH has been walking the dog etc pup just wants to sleep next to me, or follow me.
My brother has a german shepherd and she just cannot be trusted around new people - kids and adults included.

Whenever my niece comes round, she has to put away because if she is left on her own she will go for her. She has already tried it once...pinned my niece on the sofa and was barking right in her face - my brother had her upstairs in his bedroom with him, and he let her out not realising that my niece was downstairs on the sofa.

The thing is, it's not the dogs's my brothers fault for doing this to her from the beginning. She was always put away when someone knocked the door or when someone came round - right from day one it was like this. If she was introduced to people from the start and trained properly, she'd be okay with people.

We have a rather misbehaved cat (and I've never know anything so misbehaved in all my life). I was sitting on the floor once trying to get a stain off of it - the cat comes over and lies down next to me purring. I start to stroke him...3 seconds hand and wrist are attacked, bleeding like hell. He wasn't provoked or anything, I just feel something happened to him before we had him, hence why is so violent. Because of his violent ways, I will not allow him near the baby. Sorry if that's cruel or whatever, but the safety of my child comes first.
Yesterday problem arose when my daughter wouldnt leave lulu alone and then tripped and fell on lulu and hurt her. Lulu growled at her and boy did she get a telling off and sent out the room.
So you allow your daughter to harass your dog and then tell the dog off when she gets hurt? Please don't do this, your dog needs space too, don't allow your daughter to harass her. If your dog is uncomfortable then give her some time out away from your daughter - not as a punishment but to give her some respite, she shouldn't be put in a position where she is being harassed and can not get away from it :(

Also, personally I would not tell them off for growling, a growl is a warning and if you supress a growl (which is her way of telling you she is not happy with the situation) then a dog will have no warning and may simply snap next time (obviously you know your dog but it is not a good idea to supress their natural warning signs).

At the end of the day a dog is a living breathing animal, she is not a plaything for a child. They will tolerate a lot but they can not be held responsible if they are being harassed and nothing is done to prevent the harassment.

I don't mean to be harsh, but I am very worried that one day your dog may snap and she will be pts for defending herself against a situation she shouldn't be put in in the first place :(

Maybe harras was the wrong word to use. I dont let my dog get harrassed to the point of snapping. My daughter tripped and fell on her and it was an accident. I more than fully aware of the needs of my dog and she spends as much time away from my child as she wants. She isnt negelected or mistreated just cos i now have a child. But i will never allow my dog to growl at my child. End of. She has been amazing with my child and i love my dog more than anything so please dont try to make me out to be a bad dog owner

I agree, my DD loves nothing more than following Patch around and trying to pull his tail and she is the one to get told off as she needs to learn that she can not treat a dog like that... if the dog starts it the dog gets told off if DD starts it she gets told off...

this is because my dogs are quite placid with her and let he pull and climb but other dogs she may come across my not be as laid back and if she upsets the dog of course they will retaliate..

you can NOT let your child wind an animal up and then tell the animal off... if thats the case then you need to get rid of the dog as it is not fair on then!!

If u read it properly ur'll see my daughter fell by accident. The dog wasnt wound up at all. Im in my 30's and have had dogs all my life im not stupid. Read it properly before u pass comment
Yesterday problem arose when my daughter wouldnt leave lulu alone and then tripped and fell on lulu and hurt her. Lulu growled at her and boy did she get a telling off and sent out the room.
So you allow your daughter to harass your dog and then tell the dog off when she gets hurt? Please don't do this, your dog needs space too, don't allow your daughter to harass her. If your dog is uncomfortable then give her some time out away from your daughter - not as a punishment but to give her some respite, she shouldn't be put in a position where she is being harassed and can not get away from it :(

Also, personally I would not tell them off for growling, a growl is a warning and if you supress a growl (which is her way of telling you she is not happy with the situation) then a dog will have no warning and may simply snap next time (obviously you know your dog but it is not a good idea to supress their natural warning signs).

At the end of the day a dog is a living breathing animal, she is not a plaything for a child. They will tolerate a lot but they can not be held responsible if they are being harassed and nothing is done to prevent the harassment.

I don't mean to be harsh, but I am very worried that one day your dog may snap and she will be pts for defending herself against a situation she shouldn't be put in in the first place :(

Maybe harras was the wrong word to use. I dont let my dog get harrassed to the point of snapping. My daughter tripped and fell on her and it was an accident. I more than fully aware of the needs of my dog and she spends as much time away from my child as she wants. She isnt negelected or mistreated just cos i now have a child. But i will never allow my dog to growl at my child. End of. She has been amazing with my child and i love my dog more than anything so please dont try to make me out to be a bad dog owner

I agree, my DD loves nothing more than following Patch around and trying to pull his tail and she is the one to get told off as she needs to learn that she can not treat a dog like that... if the dog starts it the dog gets told off if DD starts it she gets told off...

this is because my dogs are quite placid with her and let he pull and climb but other dogs she may come across my not be as laid back and if she upsets the dog of course they will retaliate..

you can NOT let your child wind an animal up and then tell the animal off... if thats the case then you need to get rid of the dog as it is not fair on then!!

If u read it properly ur'll see my daughter fell by accident. The dog wasnt wound up at all. Im in my 30's and have had dogs all my life im not stupid. Read it properly before u pass comment

I think that if you have had your wee one around doggy for over a year and that was your only "issue" then thats going well.

You said your wee one fell, dog got a fright and gave a natural dog warning. I think it has been picked up wrong. Plus its hard not to then give the dog a warning as you get a fright when the dog growls and it is a natural reaction. However, the dogs was a natural reaction as was yours, there is no right or wrong. You are aware dogs are dogs and you were just sharing your experience with us, not that is was an "Incident" was just sharing that these things can happen and to be aware that accidents happen and to watch your dog around the shild no matter how well they get on.

Yesterday problem arose when my daughter wouldnt leave lulu alone and then tripped and fell on lulu and hurt her. Lulu growled at her and boy did she get a telling off and sent out the room.
So you allow your daughter to harass your dog and then tell the dog off when she gets hurt? Please don't do this, your dog needs space too, don't allow your daughter to harass her. If your dog is uncomfortable then give her some time out away from your daughter - not as a punishment but to give her some respite, she shouldn't be put in a position where she is being harassed and can not get away from it :(

Also, personally I would not tell them off for growling, a growl is a warning and if you supress a growl (which is her way of telling you she is not happy with the situation) then a dog will have no warning and may simply snap next time (obviously you know your dog but it is not a good idea to supress their natural warning signs).

At the end of the day a dog is a living breathing animal, she is not a plaything for a child. They will tolerate a lot but they can not be held responsible if they are being harassed and nothing is done to prevent the harassment.

I don't mean to be harsh, but I am very worried that one day your dog may snap and she will be pts for defending herself against a situation she shouldn't be put in in the first place :(

Maybe harras was the wrong word to use. I dont let my dog get harrassed to the point of snapping. My daughter tripped and fell on her and it was an accident. I more than fully aware of the needs of my dog and she spends as much time away from my child as she wants. She isnt negelected or mistreated just cos i now have a child. But i will never allow my dog to growl at my child. End of. She has been amazing with my child and i love my dog more than anything so please dont try to make me out to be a bad dog owner

I agree, my DD loves nothing more than following Patch around and trying to pull his tail and she is the one to get told off as she needs to learn that she can not treat a dog like that... if the dog starts it the dog gets told off if DD starts it she gets told off...

this is because my dogs are quite placid with her and let he pull and climb but other dogs she may come across my not be as laid back and if she upsets the dog of course they will retaliate..

you can NOT let your child wind an animal up and then tell the animal off... if thats the case then you need to get rid of the dog as it is not fair on then!!

If u read it properly ur'll see my daughter fell by accident. The dog wasnt wound up at all. Im in my 30's and have had dogs all my life im not stupid. Read it properly before u pass comment

I think that if you have had your wee one around doggy for over a year and that was your only "issue" then thats going well.

You said your wee one fell, dog got a fright and gave a natural dog warning. I think it has been picked up wrong. Plus its hard not to then give the dog a warning as you get a fright when the dog growls and it is a natural reaction. However, the dogs was a natural reaction as was yours, there is no right or wrong. You are aware dogs are dogs and you were just sharing your experience with us, not that is was an "Incident" was just sharing that these things can happen and to be aware that accidents happen and to watch your dog around the shild no matter how well they get on.


Exactly. Thank you :) xx

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