Pregnant? Over 40....please join us :-)


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Jul 12, 2011
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Hiya all...I am a member and of a couple of pregnancy threads having got my bfp 2 weeks ago but soon realised I am very much the 'mature' mummy. We obviously have the same challenges but maybe some unique ones :haha:

Love to chat to some other mums in my can be your first, second , third or tenth!!!!

I am 42 and already have a 3 year old daughter. Met my hubby when I was 35, married at 37.....just never ready for children before, never met right person I guess. I am a little scared that I have left it late in life but I feel fit and healthy and happy and that's all that matters x
Hi :hi:

congratulations on your pregnancy!

I'm 40 and pregnant with number 2 child. I'm a single mother by choice after turning 36 and still not having found the right man to father my children. Best thing I ever did, number 1 child turns 3 in July and is super excited about becoming a big sister :flower:

I've already encountered some difficulties due to my age. Hospital policy is to induce at 40 weeks due to increased risk of stillbirth. I'm not happy with this and am certainly not happy to find I've been booked for a stretch and sweep at 38 weeks :wacko: No explanations or statistics given, just an attitude of 'well if you don't do it your child is likely to die' :shrug: How is anyone meant to make an informed choice under those circumstances?

On the plus side, my community midwives are delighted to have me back on their books and have already stated that my age won't be a barrier to another home birth :happydance:

Anyhow, I do notice I am moaning more this time round... maybe that's an age thing :haha:

Here's to a happy and healthy pregnancy for all us oldies :flower:
Hi Keebs...I was thinking I was the only lady on here over 40:cry:....glad you posted.

Shame about the doctors opinion....silly really if you had a normal pregnancy last time that all of a sudden on turning 40 it's different :wacko:....surely they should look at the bigger picture! I am yet to have my midwife booking in appt....I am hoping it a the same lady I had last time, she was ace. Ringing the community midwife on Monday when I'll be 6 weeks. Still a long way to go but I'm feeling ok....bit of nausea tiredness but nothing too dramatic yet:happydance:yet

Great to get a few more 'oldies' on board
Hi ladies! Congrats on your pregnancies! So glad that I found this group.

I'm currently pregnant with my 3rd child. I have a 10 and 7 year old. We just decided that we'd like 1 more to complete our family.

I'm also being seen by a group of midwives, but will deliver in the same hospital as before. I changed from an OB practice because I was not happy with my previous births. Nothing serious, but I think they were induction happy. So far all is going well and I've been happy with the practice.
Hi ladies! Congrats on your pregnancies! So glad that I found this group.

I'm currently pregnant with my 3rd child. I have a 10 and 7 year old. We just decided that we'd like 1 more to complete our family.

I'm also being seen by a group of midwives, but will deliver in the same hospital as before. I changed from an OB practice because I was not happy with my previous births. Nothing serious, but I think they were induction happy. So far all is going well and I've been happy with the practice.

Hiya 2plus....thanks for joining us!!:happydance: one of my good friends also had two older kiddies....9 and 7 and decided her family wasn't quite finished. She gave birth to her third last year at the age of 41....

How far are you with your third? I am so early days....Still in that very nervous phase of will it , won't it be a sticky one:wacko:
Hi 2plus1more and congratulations!

Glad you are more comfortable with your midwives, makes such a difference when your care givers are supportive of a natural birth experience. I find Dr's, whilst idespensible in some cases, tend to have a 'what if' attitude to things going wrong and want to intervene as preventative measures.

Hope your symptoms remain strong enough for comfort but mild enough not to be debilitating mitchnorm. Time seems to drag by in the early weeks I found, I'm pretty sure that at 6 weeks I had ticker envy of ladies who were 7 weeks :haha: Hope you get your lovely midwife back :flower:
Thanks for the welcome ladies!

Mitchnorm, will you get an early scan? I had a scan at 7 weeks and felt more at ease when we saw the heartbeat. I'm 25 weeks. Overall having a great pregnancy. My only complaint is the typical sore back when I do too much...which is all the time:)

Keebs, I agree completely about MDs vs midwives. At least here in the US, it seems they schedule c sections and inductions more than necessary.

Are either of you finding out the sex? We decided not to. It's driving me mad not to know though :wacko:
Thanks for the welcome ladies!

Mitchnorm, will you get an early scan? I had a scan at 7 weeks and felt more at ease when we saw the heartbeat. I'm 25 weeks. Overall having a great pregnancy. My only complaint is the typical sore back when I do too much...which is all the time:)

Keebs, I agree completely about MDs vs midwives. At least here in the US, it seems they schedule c sections and inductions more than necessary.

Are either of you finding out the sex? We decided not to. It's driving me mad not to know though :wacko:

We don't automatically get offered a n early scan in the standard we get them at 12 and 20 week...unless you experience bleeding, cramping or have a history of recurrent miscarriages. You can get private scans which you pay for. ..last time we paid for one at 7 and 10 weeks as I was so asymptomatic:thumbup: We will probably do one early scan at 7 weeks.

I actually like have a doctor's appt tomorrow which was booked before I found out I was pregnant.... to follow up on bloods taken due to not conceiving yet (typical:haha:) not sure whether to still go and discuss my previous 3 chemicals and request a referral. Can't decide. We can afford to go private but if we didn't have to that's money saved I guess.

Overall I am feeling ok....bit nauseous one and off and tired but apart from that all good x x
:hi: would love to join! I'm pregnant with #3. I turn 41 next month. :wacko: Where has the time gone!

I have a 15 year old from my first marriage and a 2 year old from my second. This baby took a little longer to conceive and I'm praying it sticks!

How is everyone feeling?
Hi all. I've just turned 40 and am pg with number 2. So far so good except for a very sore back! I hope all your pregnancies are going well.
Hi ladies....welcome!!!!

Tag...I think i remember you from another thread where everyone was trying to get their May bfps.....congratulations.... we are pretty much the same along in our pregnancy.

I feel on and off nauseous most of the day....but not sick. Same as with my daughter. Very tired later in the day...but feeling good actually.

I saw my doctor yesterday and she was lovely....discussed my chemical pregnancies and a little cramping...I was all ready to go for a private scan but she called out local hospital epu and got me in for a scan on Thursday. But earlier than I wanted but I'll take it. Fingers crossed I see the heartbeat :)
Hi ladies....welcome!!!!

Tag...I think i remember you from another thread where everyone was trying to get their May bfps.....congratulations.... we are pretty much the same along in our pregnancy.

I feel on and off nauseous most of the day....but not sick. Same as with my daughter. Very tired later in the day...but feeling good actually.

I saw my doctor yesterday and she was lovely....discussed my chemical pregnancies and a little cramping...I was all ready to go for a private scan but she called out local hospital epu and got me in for a scan on Thursday. But earlier than I wanted but I'll take it. Fingers crossed I see the heartbeat :)

Yes, it felt like the BFP would never come! :dohh: I'm trying hard to stay positive. I took for granted how easy the other two were!

I am also getting my scan on Friday. Looking forward to that! Can't wait for your results!!!
Congrats Tag and WW1 on your pregnancies!

Overall I feel great. I second the sore back, but really just by the end of the day. Once bedtime comes around I just want to sleep. :sleep:
Good luck in your scans! Both of your symptoms seem spot on so I'm sure you have healthy babies in there!
Scan went really well today...thought I was 6w 3d as per ticket (dated from last AF) but she measured baby at 4mm and 5w 5d.....saw the heartbeat though:happydance:though. Tbh she said that measuring something that small there's no room for error so Will be confirmed at 12 week scan.

Thought I saw 2 flickering HBs eeeeep....but sonographer is convinced only one the other flickering was me :haha:...the wall of womb. Phew!!!!

Hope everyone's ok x
Congratulations mitchnorm, so glad your scan went well and you got to see a heartbeat (or two :haha:) :flower:

:hi: tag74 and WW1, congratulations on your pregnancies :flower: Good luck with your scan tomorrow tag74.

Funny conversation with my daughter today.

dd: Mummy?
me: Yes dear.
dd: Is there a baby in your tummy?
me: Yes there is.
dd: Is it dead mummy?

Not sure if she thinks I've eaten it or what :haha: but I confess to feeling a certain disquiet until I'd found the hb on the doppler.
Glad scan went well mitchnorm. Seeing that little heartbeat is such a relief!

Keebs - that little conversation would have made me reach for the Doppler too! My DD (she's 5) is getting so cute about the baby. She puts her head to my tummy to say hello to baby. She's so excited - I suspect the reality might be a little underwhelming for her...
Scan went really well today...thought I was 6w 3d as per ticket (dated from last AF) but she measured baby at 4mm and 5w 5d.....saw the heartbeat though:happydance:though. Tbh she said that measuring something that small there's no room for error so Will be confirmed at 12 week scan.

Thought I saw 2 flickering HBs eeeeep....but sonographer is convinced only one the other flickering was me :haha:...the wall of womb. Phew!!!!

Hope everyone's ok x

So glad the scan went well!! I'll be honest I am nervous for mine tomorrow! I'll def update!

Congratulations mitchnorm, so glad your scan went well and you got to see a heartbeat (or two :haha:) :flower:

:hi: tag74 and WW1, congratulations on your pregnancies :flower: Good luck with your scan tomorrow tag74.

Funny conversation with my daughter today.

dd: Mummy?
me: Yes dear.
dd: Is there a baby in your tummy?
me: Yes there is.
dd: Is it dead mummy?

Not sure if she thinks I've eaten it or what :haha: but I confess to feeling a certain disquiet until I'd found the hb on the doppler.

Thank you! And I'd be reaching for the doppler too...she does have a great imagination though!
Hi guys...I'm sad to say I don't have great news. I was told I could be ready to miscarry or it's too early. They only could see an empty sac. Just don't know how to feel right now.

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