Pregnant? Over 40....please join us :-)

Good luck with the scans next week, Tag & BetterLate! Mine is Thurs too.
So we all have scans next week it seems. I have another one Wednesday.

Google is the devil. But I'm finding this site makes me worry also because I read so many stories about ppl who were fine till 11 weeks, 12, etc It freaks me out. I'm a neonatal nurse and already know too much and reading stories of loss after everythg seemed "fine" has me constantly on edge!!
I'm the same way- it doesn't help that I know a few people IRL who had good 12 week scans and then had a mc around 15 weeks or later.

I got a doppler and found the heartbeat last night and this morning, so if that continues, I'll feel a bit less anxious going into my scan on Thurs.
Fezzle- Yay on finding the HB!!

I've thought about a Doppler but afraid I'd make myself nuts with it. Lol
I'm one of those ladies who miscarried at 16 weeks but I am now 23 weeks and going strong. Fingers crossed. x
Hi all,

Sorry I've been away so long, I just had to step back from everything - getting too stressed out and just felt the need to distance myself from the whole idea of being pregnant (sad I know but with the previous losses I just felt I should be more guarded).

The good news is that I finally feel I can, cautiously, start to really celebrate and bond. I've had no cramping or bleeding & my belly popped big time :dohh:! It's still early (12 weeks, 4 days) but we got our CVS with the microarray testing back today & it showed 100% normal. Not even the slightest detectable blip in genetic material. It also told us we're having a boy which I still can't believe but am ecstatic about. One of the best things is feeling like it's safe (or as safe as it's going to get) to tell our daughter! I can't wait for her to be a part of this.

I'm just so grateful to be this far along & have this knowledge. Still a long way to go but we're making progress. I truly hope all of are doing well and moving forward on your journey to wherever you need to be for maximum joy!
I'm glad your test came back with good results and that you're feeling more confident now! Have fun telling your daughter!

We did the Harmony test with came back as low risk, so also getting more excited now. We decided not to find out the sex with that test though, so are still deciding if we're going to find out at the 20 week scan, which is 3 weeks away.
So glad things are going well Betterlate and Fezzle. I'm nearly 37 wks - 3 weeks max until my bundle will be here. Tired and very uncomfortable but counting my blessings!
You're almost there, WW1! How exciting! Did you stay Team Yellow?
How is everyone getting on? Not long for WW1. How are you feeling now?

I'm 29 weeks now and Bubaroo (as we have nicknamed the baby) is kicking beautifully. We are still team yellow although we have the sex written down in a sealed envelope. We've both decided to wait until after the birth to look inside. We don't mind about the sex. We just want the baby to be healthy. We think it is likely to be a girl because we already have a girl and the siblings in Hubby's family tend to be matching pairs. (Hubby is one of two boys, his Dad is also one of two boys and his Mum is one of two girls).

I've also decided to try for a homebirth. The midwives in our area are really geared up to support this as an option. After a frustrating first delivery and appalling experience with my m/c the thought of going to hospital fills me with dread so I am going to give it a try. I will rent a birthing pool and have my TENs machine (which helped a lot the first time) ready. I might be mad but it feels like the right decision. I didn't need heavy drugs for my first and they tell me I was quick for a first time Mum so I am hoping the second time will be even quicker. Eek. I am really pleased to be talking like this is actually going to happen. I've been so cautious until the last few weeks!
Hi all. Just to update: my little boy was born on 31.10.15 weighing 8lb 11. He's adorable and totally worth the wait! I hope you are all doing well x
Congrats, WW1! :cloud9:

All good here! We ended up finding out the sex after the 20 week scan and we're having a little girl. I can't wait to meet her!
Hi ladies.....original creator of the thread here. I dip in and out and great to see you doing so well x x x x

As you may remember I lost my baby on July after no heartbeat on a scan at 9 weeks....d&c followed only to be told 10 days later that I'd had a partial molar pregnancy. If you have never heard of it like me's rare...meant fortnightly blood and urine samples to a specialist referral centre to ensure hcg dropped and no cancer....I avoided chemo and was cleared to ttc as of 6th October....... I am one of the lucky ones

Well here I am tentative 4.5 weeks pregnant having got a bfp on Tuesday. As you can imagine I am nervous, excited, generally trying to not get too carried away. A tentative hi from me again x x x. x
Congrats Mitchnorm. Hoping things go smoothly for you x
How is everyone doing?

Mitchnorm- I see your ticker is still going so hope all is well!

Shanoa- you must be close now! Are you still Team Yellow?
How is everyone doing?

Mitchnorm- I see your ticker is still going so hope all is well!

Shanoa- you must be close now! Are you still Team Yellow?
All seems to be ok so far. Had a scan at 6 weeks and saw heartbeat. have booked a private one on Xmas eve .. I will be 9 weeks according to my dates which is the date everything went wrong last time so have everything crossed.

Feeling very nauseous on and off during day.....helped by eating something but of course indont fancy anything....vicious cycle.

Aaah well....hope everyone else is ok x x x
Good luck with the Christmas Eve scan! And the nausea!
Hi All,

Not sure if anyone is still checking here but wanted post a long overdue update. I stopped posting a while back when several things conspired to distract me. Then at about 30 weeks began having early labor symptoms & partial abruption, scary. I was hospitalized twice but was able to get it calmed down & let baby grow a bit more. Finally at 34 weeks I abruptly went into full labor which started & ended in about 8 hours which seemed surprisingly fast to me but I'd never been in labor before so didn't have a comparison (my first was an emergency c-section with no labor also at 34 weeks).

We had an amazing birth experience at OHSU in Portland, OR & they did everything they could to make my vbac possible. My little boy was born March 10 after about a half hour of pushing. He weighed 5 lbs. 4 oz. due to his prematurity however he was healthy & strong. He was in the NICU for a week to give him time to grow a bit & aid respiration for a day or two.

He's now a gorgeous, smiling, laughing, babbling, very chubby 3 month old. He's quickly catching up with other 3 month olds in terms of growth & is in the early stages of teething. He sleeps through the night now as well:happydance:

We could not be more blessed. It was a difficult pregnancy but that had more to do with a chronic health issue than age I think & it was just so worth the struggle. I'm done having babies but am so grateful for what I have. I'll be 43 in a few weeks; the lucky mom of a 7 year old &, by then, 4 month old! I wish the best to all of you still in the process & hope that, no matter what happens, you find happiness in you family & in yourself.

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