Welcome Sophie & congratulations on the US! It's such a relief to get the good news but when your in a situation like ours (older - but better
? - mom, multp. mc's, etc.) it seems to feel more like ticking off another stop on the worry-train. But so glad to at least be on the train! I so know what you mean about being 60 at graduation, hoping I won't be mistaken for a grandparent. Going to have to learn to roll with it
Tag, so glad to hear about your numbers. I'm sorry to hear your doctor was suggesting a chemical - I suppose their thinking is to prepare you but it sure seems as though it might have been too early to make a prediction. Especially since it seems as though the HCG numbers can be all over the place. I am so keeping my fingers crossed that things will continue to progress well.
Fezzle, sounds like things are going great. Congratulations on not spotting - that is just such a big deal. I had regular, continuous but light spotting with both mc's that I was told was normal (& maybe it is for most but obviously not for me). I haven't had any - not yet at least - but I dread going to the bathroom (which is hard when you are pregnant & going every hour), I just feel like it's inevitable that the blood will show up. I would love to be able to just enjoy the ride of being lucky enough to be pregnant (and very easily so which I count my lucky stars for because I know that is not the case for so many) but it just seems like an agonizing waiting game. Can't wait to get past the early genetic screenings and milestones - I'm jealous of you for being at 12 weeks! Hopefully once we make it well into the 2nd we can enjoy it a bit.
My next US is next Thursday so I'm having that bizarre mixture of excitement and dread. Comic/absurd note: at my first scan (I was 6 wks, 4 days) the doctor noted that I had a fully developed corpus luteum on each ovary. At the time I didn't think much about it because I frankly did not know what it meant. So, of course I went home and googled it (which, by now, I should know not to do - Google makes it so easy to drive yourself literally nuts) and all this stuff starts popping up about twins and missed twins. Let me just say, that whatever you do - do not google "missed twin early pregnancy" because it is a rabbit hole that is almost impossible to escape from! My doc was very thorough in the trans. vag. ultrasound, I know in my rational brain I'm not having twins but now I can't get my magical brain to let it go of the notion which makes waiting for the next scan even worse. Sometimes you need to walk away from the computer!