Pregnant? Over 40....please join us :-)

Keebs....have been referred and sent my first bloods and urine off on Friday. They received them today apparently...phoning tomorrow for my results. Hcg was 95, 16 days after erpc so hoping these ones have dropped even lower. Fingers crossed......Thank you for asking x
Hi all,

Carry, I'm so sorry about your loss. I truly hope you are back soon if that is what you would like.

Hope the rest of you are well. I'm still chugging along with fingers crossed. This is the first time I've been so closely monitored and so early. I recently got my test results back and this is what they look like (I believe the HCG numbers are good, no idea about the progesterone - would love any feedback as I'm new to this):

At 4 weeks, 2 days (since LMC) my HCG was 825 and my progesterone was 50.9 (I am on 200 mg. prometrium).

At 4 weeks, 5 days my HCG was 2273.

I'm busy and traveling right now which is a good distraction; still holding all of this at a distance because both of my MC's were a bit later and one occurred after seeing healthy, active kiddo on US and chromosomal testing. I will have my first US next week at 6.5 weeks and I wouldn't say that I'm anxious or nervous but there is a large part of me that is braced for a negative outcome.

On a lighter note, I was wondering if any of you have good stories about different symptoms you had with different pregnancies or if they were all the same? In my past 3 I would say my early symptoms were very similar but this time around is quite different (I'm going to go ahead and assume that is neither good or bad but just different as I always hear that each one is different). This time around I still have the typical sore boobs and constipation that I've always had. But in the past my first and strongest symptoms were being nauseous, extremely sleepy/fatigued and ravenous right from the start. Not this time; however, I do have horrible acid reflux along with the constipation and sore boobs. I've only had reflux one other time with my first and it didn't start until the middle of the second tri. I have to say such a difference in symptoms makes it hard to really believe I'm pregnant! Oh well, what can you do?
Thanks Keebs. Yes I am staying diet controlled at the moment - so far so good! They've said it is progressive though and despite my best efforts, those pesky blood sugar levels might rise regardless. I'll just have to take it as it comes - on the up side, the lack of cake has got to be good for me 😀
Better late - the only pg symptoms I had early on with DD and my current pg were sore boobs and gagging when I brushed my teeth! Nausea came later (more so with this one). I was also complaining heavily about a drain smell in the bathroom which hubby couldn't smell. I guess they were my super pg senses kicking in - although I didn't realise at the time!

Good luck with your US. I hope it goes well x
Hi Better late, your HCG sounds very strong...good luck at your u/s!!! And congrats!
My ultrasound went well. We saw the tiny bean & its beating heart. It measured precisely 6 weeks & 4 days which is exactly what I was on the day of the scan. It was certainly a relief because a few days before, the few symptoms I'd been having seemed to stop abruptly. It stayed that way until the scan & then within a few hours came raging back with some news ones - well, hello there mind numbing fatigue, I'd been wondering where you were! Since the scan I've been sleeping - A LOT - & I've graduated to nighttime bra wearing to mitigate the stabbing boob pain 😫 when I roll over.

I wish I could feel excited, like celebrating, but it feels more like having ticked off a small milestone in a long journey. But I'm still in the game & I'm grateful. Another scan at 8.5 weeks!
Congrats on your scan, BetterLate!

I'm waiting for my appointment letter to find out when my 12 week scan is- it should be some time in the next couple weeks.
Glad your scan went well, Betterlate x
Hi ladies. Can I join. I'm almost 43 and pregnant for a 3rd time following 2 mmc's last year. I've had 2 scans and all is well but still I worry. I have a 3rd scan Wednesday and already so anxious I'll learn my baby has died.
Would be nice to share with you ladies. Worries about mc, and genetics, being 60 😳 when this child graduates high school!! And celebrate all the hurdles we cross getting to our due dates.
Wish you all the best.
Welcome Sophia!

I am also cautiously waiting.

My beta started slow so my doctor told me I was having a chemical pregnancy. Well blood work soon showed otherwise. Since I conceived after my MC but before I got my first AF, I am not having a scan until next Tuesday where by my calculations I'll be 7 weeks, 2 days and by their calculations 6 weeks, 6 days. To say the least I'm extremely nervous.

DPO Beta Doubling Time
12 13.0 (Undefined)
15 122.0 22.3 hours
17 173.0 95.3 hours
19 344.0 48.4 hours
23 1647.0 42.5 hours
25 7248 22 hours
Welcome, Sophie! How many weeks are you now?

tag- congrats! Good luck with your scan too!

I have a scan on 10 Sept, where I'll also get the combined screening test done for chromosomal issues. I'm almost at 12 weeks, I haven't had any spotting, and still having symptoms, but still nervous!
Welcome, Sophie! How many weeks are you now?

tag- congrats! Good luck with your scan too!

I have a scan on 10 Sept, where I'll also get the combined screening test done for chromosomal issues. I'm almost at 12 weeks, I haven't had any spotting, and still having symptoms, but still nervous!

I am 8.5 today. Having my 3rd ultrasound this afternoon. TERRIFIED it will be bad. I think the worry will never stop.

Which genetics screening are you doing? I'm hoping I make it a few more weeks and I'll be doing that myself. I want the blood test where they extract fetal DNA but not sure exactly what the test is called. I'm still with my RE. Will (hopefully) see my OB starting next week.
We're having the nuchal translucency measured at the scan plus a blood test. Depending on how much of a risk those results show, we can then get further screening on the NHS with a CVS or amniocentesis, but since they both carry a small risk of mc, we'll pay for the Harmony test if there seems to be a need for further testing.
We're having the nuchal translucency measured at the scan plus a blood test. Depending on how much of a risk those results show, we can then get further screening on the NHS with a CVS or amniocentesis, but since they both carry a small risk of mc, we'll pay for the Harmony test if there seems to be a need for further testing.

I think it's the Harmony test I'm wanting provided I can stay preg that long!

Good luck to you ☺️
Ultrasound was great!!Measuring 2 days ahead. Saw him/her moving!! HR 170. Soooo relieved
So happy the u/s went so well!!!! :)
Welcome Sophie & congratulations on the US! It's such a relief to get the good news but when your in a situation like ours (older - but better:winkwink:? - mom, multp. mc's, etc.) it seems to feel more like ticking off another stop on the worry-train. But so glad to at least be on the train! I so know what you mean about being 60 at graduation, hoping I won't be mistaken for a grandparent. Going to have to learn to roll with it:thumbup:!

Tag, so glad to hear about your numbers. I'm sorry to hear your doctor was suggesting a chemical - I suppose their thinking is to prepare you but it sure seems as though it might have been too early to make a prediction. Especially since it seems as though the HCG numbers can be all over the place. I am so keeping my fingers crossed that things will continue to progress well.

Fezzle, sounds like things are going great. Congratulations on not spotting - that is just such a big deal. I had regular, continuous but light spotting with both mc's that I was told was normal (& maybe it is for most but obviously not for me). I haven't had any - not yet at least - but I dread going to the bathroom (which is hard when you are pregnant & going every hour), I just feel like it's inevitable that the blood will show up. I would love to be able to just enjoy the ride of being lucky enough to be pregnant (and very easily so which I count my lucky stars for because I know that is not the case for so many) but it just seems like an agonizing waiting game. Can't wait to get past the early genetic screenings and milestones - I'm jealous of you for being at 12 weeks! Hopefully once we make it well into the 2nd we can enjoy it a bit.

My next US is next Thursday so I'm having that bizarre mixture of excitement and dread. Comic/absurd note: at my first scan (I was 6 wks, 4 days) the doctor noted that I had a fully developed corpus luteum on each ovary. At the time I didn't think much about it because I frankly did not know what it meant. So, of course I went home and googled it (which, by now, I should know not to do - Google makes it so easy to drive yourself literally nuts) and all this stuff starts popping up about twins and missed twins. Let me just say, that whatever you do - do not google "missed twin early pregnancy" because it is a rabbit hole that is almost impossible to escape from! My doc was very thorough in the trans. vag. ultrasound, I know in my rational brain I'm not having twins but now I can't get my magical brain to let it go of the notion which makes waiting for the next scan even worse. Sometimes you need to walk away from the computer!
Thanks guys...yes, u/s is on Tuesday.

Betterlate, I know the internet can make you batty....step away from Google! :)

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