Premature Ovarian Failure - BFP after 4 years + HRT


Jan 28, 2011
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Hi everyone,

I don't see too many posts on b&b about POF, so I thought I'd post my story.

We started TTC January 2007 -- I had just turned 27 and my BF was 26. I had gone off the pill in November 2006. I had one period after going off the pill, and then nothing for 5 months. I constantly thought I might be pregnant because my period never came, I read all about false negative HPTs but in the end nothing happened. I went to the doctor, who gave me a very general set of blood tests and told me everything would be fine.

At this point, I read up about temping and started tracking my temps. It soon became clear that I wasn't ovulating. I had 4 periods during 2007, but am pretty sure I only ovulated for 3 of those and had an LP of around 8 days. As we started into 2008 I knew we probably had a problem, but I didn't want to face up to doing something about it. I changed jobs, and focused on settling into my new career. Over the course of the year, I gradually started to feel worse -- I had less and less energy, started getting night sweats and hot flushes and became very down. Late in 2008 I found a new GP, explained the situation and asked for tests. She went straight for a CD 3 hormone panel. She called me the first week in January 2009 to say that my FSH was at 20 and I was in early menopause. I had just turned 30.

She sent me to a fertility specialist who outlined our treatment options: our chances of conceiving naturally were very poor at 5% - 10% over 10 years, if we wanted to get pregnant we needed treatment and our only option was donor eggs. I also went to see an endocrinologist, who confirmed the diagnosis. He ran tests to see if he could figure out a cause, but they were all clear so we don't know why this happened to me. At my request, he prescribed HRT - at that point, I wanted relief from the symptoms and the mental space to be able to think through our future. Our fertility specialist said that, given my age, waiting a couple of years to do DE was perfectly reasonable and I could just come off HRT when the time came. My wonderful BF didn't know what we should do either, we were both so lost, and so we decided to postpone all decisions and just go on with our lives for a while.

I took HRT from May 2009 until October 2010. I didn't feel perfect, but I felt far better than I had before so the HRT was a great relief. During that time we continued on with our lives, with a lot of emotional struggle in the background for both of us. We worried about DE - finances, practicalities, ethics, what to tell the baby, future ability to contact the biological mother, etc. We tried hard to figure out whether we could live happy, fulfilled lives without children. We discussed fostering and adoption. We didn't come to any kind of resolution, but we eventually (and at different speeds) came to realise that we just both felt overwhelmingly sad. I don't know if you've seen the film Up, but the sequence towards the start spanning the couple's lives is one of the saddest things I've ever seen. We agreed that 2011 would be the year we would decide whether or not to go for DE.

In August 2010, my endocrinologist asked me to stop taking HRT for 4 months so that he could run more tests. He mentioned that if I had any residual fertility then it was most likely to materialise during the 3 - 6 months after stopping HRT. He still didn't give better odds than 5% - 10% so I didn't invest any hope. At this point, I had pretty much accepted that I would never get pregnant naturally.

I was travelling during September and October, so I didn't stop taking my HRT until the end of October. I resumed temping because I didn't want to face months of no periods and the worry / hope that I might be pregnant. I wanted to know what my body was doing. Everything was as normal (which is to say, nothing was happening!) until late November when my temp went up. After 5 - 6 days, I knew I had ovulated - it was the most convincing set of temps I had had in 4 years. After 17 days of high temps without even a hint of spotting, my BF went out for a HPT. On Sunday December 12th 2010 I got a BFP!

Initially, we were too shocked to be happy. I don't think we really believed it - I started reading about rare conditions that could cause false positives, convinced that, knowing my luck, I had one of those. We did another test the next day, and then another at the doctor's office to confirm. We started to be a little bit happy :hugs: I think it was at the dating scan, when I was 8 weeks pregnant and we saw bubs wriggling around on the screen, that it became real for us and seemed like it might actually come true. At that point, we decided to allow ourselves to be happy - if anything went wrong, we wouldn't be any less devastated just because we hadn't been excited in the early weeks. Still, we didn't tell a single person.

It was a difficult wait for the 13 week scan, when we were given the all clear and past the scary first trimester. We told our parents first - both sides knew what we had been through and were over the moon. Then siblings were next. After every person we told I was hugely anxious, feeling like we had jinxed everything and it was going to be taken away from us. Gradually, as we told more people, I started to relax.

I am now 16 weeks pregnant. I had an ante-natal appointment yesterday, where they did another quick scan and everything looked fine. Finally, I feel like this is real and is really going to happen :) And I feel strong enough to post my story.

Wow, this is a long post! Thanks for reading, I hope it's helped someone even a little bit. I've had so much good luck, I hope it continues, and I'm wishing the same luck to all of you.

great news veda,
i got told today i have pof, im very very sad and finding it hard like your first did, do you remember what your fsh levels were,
so happy for you x
hi mrs madam,

I'm so sorry about your diagnosis, it's a very tough one. My fsh levels were around 20 on a few tests (maybe in the 18 - 24 range). You need to be careful comparing though, because different labs use different ranges -- I know in some cases over 10 is considered too high while others say 20 is the cutoff point, it depends how it's being measured. It's also important to repeat the test a couple of times because there can be fluctuations.

I know another person with a POF diagnosis. She still has fairly regular periods and doesn't have any typical menopause symptoms, but her fsh is still consistently high. She tried IVF once, but they couldn't get any eggs to harvest and they said there was no point trying any more. She's now strongly considering DE. She's also been having acupuncture to try to bring down her fsh, but no luck.

It's a very sad situation to be in, try to take care of yourself and give yourself time to get your head around it.

Veda, congratulations! Your story is just what I needed to start my day... a little hope! Mrs. Madam, I feel your pain, I just found out last week after going to 2 OB's and now and RE that I too have premature ovarian failure. It was tough to diagnose, my FSH has going back and forth between 7 and 8 and I'm 27 years old. This gave me a little bit of hope, but when I had my antral follicles counted, it was very low. The RE believes my eggs are of poor quality and that I will be in menopause at a very young age, most likely before 40. I'm hoping that we caught this in time and may still be able to conieve. We are looking into IUI right now because we can't afford IVF at the time. My insurance will cover 6 rounds of IUI, but I have pay for the injections which are not cheap. I've been off the pill for over a year and I don't have ANY periods at all, so I can't even try naturally.

Mrs. Madam, I know how shocking the news is. I'm an emotional wreck, and people who haven't been through this can't even begin to understand how hard it is. The fertility center started going over cost for IUI and IVF and I literally had a major breakdown right in the middle of the clinic and had to leave. My husband just brought the info home. Hang in there, and know that you are not alone.
This was such a helpful and hopeful blog. What do you think did it for you? Stopping the HRT or just starting the HRT to begin with?

I was diagnosed with POF in January 2011. I was on Lybrell which is the bcp that you take without breaks so that you don't have periods. I was only taking them for about 5 months from April to August 2010. I went off after August because I was seeing a slight weight gain and breast enlargement. I had the initial break thru bleeding when I stopped, but no period. I had one period in October 2010 and thought my body was resuming back to normal. I didn't have any more periods after October. I started having terrible hot flashes in Nov/Dec whenever I became upset, stressed or overheated. The night sweats were terrible. I couldn't stand to be touched by my fiance when we slept in bed at night. I had no energy and could not shake the brain fog. I was agitated and worst of all I gained 11 lbs and my hair started shedding. I was a totally wreck by January when I was finally diagnosed. Before seeing my GP, i had already done tons of research on the Internet and knew i possibly had POF. I wasn't trying to accept it though. I started taking soy supplements (NOW) and by the time i saw my RE on Jan 28, 2011, AF came on her own just using soy. It was anovulatory, but it was a period. My RE prescribed me vivelle dot 1.0mg and prometrium (200 mg) CD 1-7. I started taking herbs and vitamins everyday to Womens B Complex, iodoral (iodine) (50mg/day) vitamin D, Omega 3, cinnamon capsules, Alive whole food Energizer, Calcium Magnesium (just started). I also regularly drink Ultra Clear shakes (medicinal formula). I do all of this because my ovary/reproduction issues closely resemble hypothyroid issues. I want to treat the root cause of my issues not just the symptoms and this is why I am pursuing the overall bringing my body back to good health, INSIDE AND OUT. I physically feel so much better that I can actually exercise (weights, walking, elliptical, treadmill) without the extreme fatigue that I felt before. I am so thankful to feel like my old self. My hair shedding is slowly going away, but the 11 lbs are so stubborn. I now where a size 8-10 and my normal size was a 6. I am trying hard to get back to my normal weight, but I have had to buy bigger jeans/slacks. Not too big a deal. My butt is now bootylicious. I do want to have a baby though and that's why I am curious about how you conceived once you stopped HRT. Also, what was your normal temp and what was your temp when you ovulated and then became pregnant? Thanks.
this is the only story Mach with my condition. The only thing I want to ask is when you took off your self from HRT. How did you handle the symptoms? I tried but was very difficult? I will definitely try. I have been on hrt for more than 7 years. I am very devastated and never gave up. Am late 30’s. I don’t know baby thing will ever happen. I was heading on ED. But I will give another shot after this similar story I read. Very nice story. Hops up again
i will try to get off hrt and try e supliment. keep me in your heart. thank
Hi Veda,
How is your pregnancy?
I have the same curiousity with Darnelldee...
how you conceived once you stopped HRT. Also, what was your normal temp and what was your temp when you ovulated and then became pregnant?

Since I'm POF too...

Your reply will be very helpful.

Hi everyone,

I don't see too many posts on b&b about POF, so I thought I'd post my story.

We started TTC January 2007 -- I had just turned 27 and my BF was 26. I had gone off the pill in November 2006. I had one period after going off the pill, and then nothing for 5 months. I constantly thought I might be pregnant because my period never came, I read all about false negative HPTs but in the end nothing happened. I went to the doctor, who gave me a very general set of blood tests and told me everything would be fine.

At this point, I read up about temping and started tracking my temps. It soon became clear that I wasn't ovulating. I had 4 periods during 2007, but am pretty sure I only ovulated for 3 of those and had an LP of around 8 days. As we started into 2008 I knew we probably had a problem, but I didn't want to face up to doing something about it. I changed jobs, and focused on settling into my new career. Over the course of the year, I gradually started to feel worse -- I had less and less energy, started getting night sweats and hot flushes and became very down. Late in 2008 I found a new GP, explained the situation and asked for tests. She went straight for a CD 3 hormone panel. She called me the first week in January 2009 to say that my FSH was at 20 and I was in early menopause. I had just turned 30.

She sent me to a fertility specialist who outlined our treatment options: our chances of conceiving naturally were very poor at 5% - 10% over 10 years, if we wanted to get pregnant we needed treatment and our only option was donor eggs. I also went to see an endocrinologist, who confirmed the diagnosis. He ran tests to see if he could figure out a cause, but they were all clear so we don't know why this happened to me. At my request, he prescribed HRT - at that point, I wanted relief from the symptoms and the mental space to be able to think through our future. Our fertility specialist said that, given my age, waiting a couple of years to do DE was perfectly reasonable and I could just come off HRT when the time came. My wonderful BF didn't know what we should do either, we were both so lost, and so we decided to postpone all decisions and just go on with our lives for a while.

I took HRT from May 2009 until October 2010. I didn't feel perfect, but I felt far better than I had before so the HRT was a great relief. During that time we continued on with our lives, with a lot of emotional struggle in the background for both of us. We worried about DE - finances, practicalities, ethics, what to tell the baby, future ability to contact the biological mother, etc. We tried hard to figure out whether we could live happy, fulfilled lives without children. We discussed fostering and adoption. We didn't come to any kind of resolution, but we eventually (and at different speeds) came to realise that we just both felt overwhelmingly sad. I don't know if you've seen the film Up, but the sequence towards the start spanning the couple's lives is one of the saddest things I've ever seen. We agreed that 2011 would be the year we would decide whether or not to go for DE.

In August 2010, my endocrinologist asked me to stop taking HRT for 4 months so that he could run more tests. He mentioned that if I had any residual fertility then it was most likely to materialise during the 3 - 6 months after stopping HRT. He still didn't give better odds than 5% - 10% so I didn't invest any hope. At this point, I had pretty much accepted that I would never get pregnant naturally.

I was travelling during September and October, so I didn't stop taking my HRT until the end of October. I resumed temping because I didn't want to face months of no periods and the worry / hope that I might be pregnant. I wanted to know what my body was doing. Everything was as normal (which is to say, nothing was happening!) until late November when my temp went up. After 5 - 6 days, I knew I had ovulated - it was the most convincing set of temps I had had in 4 years. After 17 days of high temps without even a hint of spotting, my BF went out for a HPT. On Sunday December 12th 2010 I got a BFP!

Initially, we were too shocked to be happy. I don't think we really believed it - I started reading about rare conditions that could cause false positives, convinced that, knowing my luck, I had one of those. We did another test the next day, and then another at the doctor's office to confirm. We started to be a little bit happy :hugs: I think it was at the dating scan, when I was 8 weeks pregnant and we saw bubs wriggling around on the screen, that it became real for us and seemed like it might actually come true. At that point, we decided to allow ourselves to be happy - if anything went wrong, we wouldn't be any less devastated just because we hadn't been excited in the early weeks. Still, we didn't tell a single person.

It was a difficult wait for the 13 week scan, when we were given the all clear and past the scary first trimester. We told our parents first - both sides knew what we had been through and were over the moon. Then siblings were next. After every person we told I was hugely anxious, feeling like we had jinxed everything and it was going to be taken away from us. Gradually, as we told more people, I started to relax.

I am now 16 weeks pregnant. I had an ante-natal appointment yesterday, where they did another quick scan and everything looked fine. Finally, I feel like this is real and is really going to happen :) And I feel strong enough to post my story.

Wow, this is a long post! Thanks for reading, I hope it's helped someone even a little bit. I've had so much good luck, I hope it continues, and I'm wishing the same luck to all of you.


I am so please I read your story. I am so happy for you being pregnant, I know this was a long time ago but I was hoping to still get in touch with you. I am 27 I have poi. I have done theee I so cycles in the last year.
However I think I'm pregnant naturally.
My last Icsi was in sept/oct. the clinic put me on hey and testosterone prior to timing me in to the cycle. We also did an endometrial scratch. These are all new techniques compared to the other cycles of Icsi. The Icsi failed after two embryos transferred. During the Icsi they put you on the estrogen and progesterone. I did feel pregnant but it failed.
Anyway my cycle is normal 29days. I feel like I ovulated day 18 with an electric shock type feeling. I think I implanted day 28/29 where my period would have been and I feel pregnant and no period for the first time ever. Nothing proven on hpt yet. I wonder if the hrt, high dose of estrogen/progesterone and endometrial scratch have done the trick. My husband also believes I'm pregnant. Local hospital can't think outside the box and say no positive nonpregnancy but I know I'm far from normal lol. I am the exception to the rule and I feel so many pregnancy symptoms for the first time in my 5 years trying to conceive life. My question to you is how long did it take to show up pregnant on a test for you and did you then need progesterone and estrogen support. Obviously I want to maximise the success of this working

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