Preparing Your Body


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2011
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This is something I've been thinking a lot about lately, because I and my OH are having to defer TTC for a few months. So I'm trying to get in shape for it, and have come across lots of advice re. vitamins and herbal preparations and lifestyle modifications etc. on various threads. I want to post some on here as a reference for myself and other ladies on here.

For the record, I've been doing the following:

OPK and temping for the first time. I have periods every 32-33 days or so and from the looks of it ovulation occurs on CD19 0r 20. Chart shows a clear biphasic pattern this month and had positive opks and lots of EWCM so I was relieved enough about that.

Guaifenesin - following the advice of some gals on here I experimented with Guaifenesin this month, as I felt that since I got into my late 30s my EWCM had not been as abundant. I took four spoonfuls of cough medicine for about a week and a half in the early part of my cycle. I don't know if it's coincidence (unlikely, I think), but the effect was VERY noticeable. I had four days of EWCM instead of the usual one - buckets of the stuff, practically (sorry if that's TMI lol). So I'm definitely going to be trying this in the future.

I've cut back DRASTICALLY on alcohol. I'm an - ahem- enthusiastic drinker when out with my friends and with OH (wine and an occasional beer or whisky) but have cut back to a small glass of wine on any one occasion and not above once or twice a week.

Caffeine - I love the Evil Bean. :blush: This has been tough but I'm cutting out coffee almost completely. Having a cup of morning breakfast tea first thing and then no more than a couple of cups during the rest of the day. I enjoy the taste of redbush tea so it's no sacrifice to switch to that in the evenings when I would normally be thoughtlessly drinking cup after cup of strong tea on the sofa. Don't drink soda at all as a rule.

I take an antidepressant (Seroxat 20mg) and I am going cold turkey down to 10mg and will then wean myself off gradually over a few weeks. I've read articles on this and I know it will be difficult but I'm more comfortable with not taking them. If my anxiety goes through the roof it will be a different matter, but FX'd. :wacko:

I'm taking a Pregnacare Preconception tab daily for B vitamins and other useful vits and minerals.

I have a healthy diet as is and no weight problems, but I'm making a big effort to eat as healthily and non-processed as possible. Lots of fresh fruit and veg, lots of grains and good oils, some dairy, good quality protein. And drinking lots of water.

I am a terrible lazy ass, but I'm going to make an effort to get some decent exercise. I walk everywhere but think I will try and incorporate a jog/swim :wohoo: twice a week at least. This is likely to be the toughest bit :)

I have a very high-stress job, but that will be changing in the next couple of weeks. Stress is a big issue and I've always relied a little too heavily on red wine therapy and antidepressants.

Had bloods drawn to test for Rubella as I had never had the jab. The results came back and confirmed immunity.

After all this I guess it's fingers crossed. You can only do your best.

I would love some input from other ladies on how you are preparing your bodies, what bad habits you've kicked, what supplements you take, etc. and what 'old wives' stuff has worked for you...

(Not that I'm including any of us over-35's in the "old wives" category lol :))
Similar stuff to you, haven't changed my diet as I'm a healthy eater, not looking to lose or gain any weight, folic acid tablet once a day is the main thing I've done, I always get my 5 fruit and veg a day regardless of this TTC project.

Taking EPO from CD1 to ov, but only because I'm spotty around PMT time since I came off the pill.

Tried to cut back on caffeine, down from two large lattes a day to one most days, though it does make me want to punch people in the face more than usual. As a number cruncher I'm less than convinced on the small data sample provided about caffeine and don't really see the point in giving it up entirely.

Alcohol isn't a big part of my life anyway, some weekends I might have a couple of beers or a glass of wine if I'm in company rest of the time don't bother (partner doesn't drink at all).

That's about it, for now anyway, I'm quite early in the journey though, probably give it another 6 months and I'll be living on nuts and organic berries.
Ok so I decided to completely change my lifestyle before I got my last bfp,I started walking slowly at first for half an hour then worked up to seven miles a day ,I also started eating healthy ,no fizzy drinks ,coffee ,chocolate or crisps cakes or biscuits and one cup of tea a day ,no greasy food or takeaways ,basically I ate cereal,brown bread rice pasta chicken fish veg fruit eggs potatoes and drank loads of water,I took vitb6,folic acid and aspirin also pregnacare for a while dh took macaroot and well man,I completely changed my ways and got a bfp but sadly I lost my darling baby at nine weeks,I have been eating like a pig and have done no exercise lately and I really need to get myself sorted ,have also put on half a stone think I am just comfort eating,I lost almost three stone in weight and I felt fantastic and I could run for the first time since I was in my twenties,need to give myself some time then get my fat ass into gear,:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Good ideas and topic!

I would add for fertile CM - EPO is a good choice as mentioned but make sure you stop after O.
Keep hydrated - lots of water:thumbup:

I would add to vitamins - B-complex as well as your prenatal and fish oil.
Get your Oh on vitamins for men as well!

I have read that timing is where many couples miss out.
OPK's are good but as rule of thumb - See EWCM - BD.:thumbup:
If you do use OPK's use twice a day - early afternoon then eve. Some people use them once a day and miss the surge and when not bding before a pos OPK miss out.

good luck:flower:
Northstar, LMAO at the nuts and organic berries :haha:

Not drinking coffee is a SERIOUS sacrifice for me - I would inhale the stuff or shoot up given a chance.

My OH is a number-cruncher as well and he's very reassuring about all of the scare statistics that come out at least once a week in the press about pregnancy. At least one of us is calm and rational, lol :)
Desperado - 3 stone, wow!! :) that's a serious health regime. Was it after all of that that you got the BFP?

Hope you're feeling a little better today, btw:hugs:

I notice you said you've been taking aspirin - are you aware that it is not recommended during pregnancy? I was wondering if your doc had recommended it pre-conception for some reason?
Good ideas and topic!

I would add for fertile CM - EPO is a good choice as mentioned but make sure you stop after O.
Keep hydrated - lots of water:thumbup:

I would add to vitamins - B-complex as well as your prenatal and fish oil.
Get your Oh on vitamins for men as well!

I have read that timing is where many couples miss out.
OPK's are good but as rule of thumb - See EWCM - BD.:thumbup:
If you do use OPK's use twice a day - early afternoon then eve. Some people use them once a day and miss the surge and when not bding before a pos OPK miss out.

good luck:flower:

Thanks Cedarwood :) Actually my nurse recommended a higher-than-standard does of folic acid. She said it's 'no harm' taking it at higher doses.

About the EPO - I used to take this for bad PMS in my twenties, but tbh I never found it particularly useful for that. Is it supposed to enhance EWCM if you take it in the first part of your cycle? I found the Guaifenesin really effective and have tracked down a brand where that's basically the only ingredient apart from a load of sugar (yuck!). Of course, it may be a fluke that I had a load of EWCM this cycle, but I don't think so.

Am making an effort to eat oily fish twice a week at least too. Just as well I love salmon and mackerel and it's mackerel season!!! :)

Can well believe it about the timing - especially if you have a slightly longer cycle. I did testing x2 per day around ovulation and saw a weak surge turn into a really strong surge and then tail off. Whole surge took place over three days, but I know that it is possible to have a "fast surge" and miss a +opk.

I've already learned so much since joining this forum :) :flower: Good luck to you too!!!
Hello everybody :)

I'm new here, this is my first post, so I'm not sure if i'm starting at the right place but this thread interests me very much.

I'm 39 and have just come off the pill (which i have been on for about 2 years) in order to try to have a bub.

I just finished taking the pill on tuesday night and started my period on Thursday. I understand this is an artificial period, and am just keeping my fingers crossed that i will hopefully start ovulating for real around 2 weeks from now. I've decided to start trying when this period finishes anyway.

I know its late to start preparing but my situation is a bit tricky. My ex is helping me have a baby and we've spent a lot of time talking about it. So now that he's starting to come around, i've only really been able to consider it might actually happen in the last week.

So today i went to the pharmacy and bought a vitamin supplement which contains the following:

Iron: 21 mg
Vitamin C: 75mg
Folic Acid: 200mcg
B12: 3mcg
Copper: 1mg

(this is an italian brand as i'm living in italy and its difficult to access american or australian products. Plus i cant purchase things online as i don't use credit).

It says on the bottle to take one tablet a day, but having seen other prescription based products and the amounts of iron and folic acid they have in them, i'm thinking of maybe taking 2 or 3 a day.

Does anyone have any input into those amounts that i listed?

Thanks in advance for any advice and i'm really happy to be a part of this forum. Good luck to everyone trying or waiting to try, its so exciting to be thinking about having a baby...and very surreal :)

Much love, Debbie xox

Hi and welcome and good luck...

You will need more Folic Acid than least 400 mgs, I take 800 mgs...but if you take more of what you have, you will be getting too much iron...I would just take 1 of what you have and add more Folic Acid...

Also, there are many women here that get pregnant on their first cycle off birth control pills.
Honestly, I don't ever change much while ttc.

The best things you can do to help yourself conceive are being at a normal BMI, eliminating smoking, drugs, and alcohol. . . and of course being in your early twenties (but, we can't change that, and I had infertility in my twenties anyway).

I don't do drugs, smoke, or drink alcohol.

Regardless of ttc status, I drink a lot of water, eat a healthy diet, take a multivitamin, and exercise vigorously for 30 minutes/3 days a week.

I could afford to loose 10 pounds, but I really don't think that's interfering with conception.

I eat out and have junk food at least twice a week (I wrote twice because it sounds good, but I'm certain it's more. Who would want to count that anyway, lol).

I drink 1-2 cans of coke a day, but I don't care for coffee or tea.

Without doing anything at all, I feel that my body is more well prepared than most other women that become pregnant or give birth (I'm an OB RN and see women on a daily basis that eat exclusively fast food, doritos, and coke and they pop babies out like a pez dispenser).

For the last 2 babies, I haven't needed to chart or use OPKs, just because my signs of ovulation are very obvious to me.

I am currently charting soley for the purpose of taking something with me to see my RE next month.

So, I don't do much. I just live my life normally (which is interesting to say because I am completely and totally obsessed with becoming pregnant).
I tried Asda's own make of Guafesnin last month, it tastes like vomit.
I like experimenting....

This cycle it's healthy diet, exercise, supplements and soy....

Next cycle I am going to try eating Big Macs and french fries, drinking margaritas, smoking cigarettes, and having all the cappuccinos and Pepsi I want...
I like experimenting....

This cycle it's healthy diet, exercise, supplements and soy....

Next cycle I am going to try eating Big Macs and french fries, drinking margaritas, smoking cigarettes, and having all the cappuccinos and Pepsi I want...

I'm wondering if you might o earlier on the soy Indigo....

Yeah bring on the unhealthy, bet that actually works LOL:wacko:
I like experimenting....

This cycle it's healthy diet, exercise, supplements and soy....

Next cycle I am going to try eating Big Macs and french fries, drinking margaritas, smoking cigarettes, and having all the cappuccinos and Pepsi I want...

Lol, you know, it'll probably work, too. :haha:
Hi Debbie:hi:

The minimum recommended amount of Folic Acid is 400mg, but I was told you can safely take more than that and actually a nurse recommended that I take more.

Hope you have success ttc :)
I tried Asda's own make of Guafesnin last month, it tastes like vomit.

Do you find it makes any difference? I used Benylin but that had evomenthol in it also, taking it actually made me want to cough. :huh:
I like experimenting....

This cycle it's healthy diet, exercise, supplements and soy....

Next cycle I am going to try eating Big Macs and french fries, drinking margaritas, smoking cigarettes, and having all the cappuccinos and Pepsi I want...

I'm wondering if you might o earlier on the soy Indigo....

Yeah bring on the unhealthy, bet that actually works LOL:wacko:

I guess I should start testing early...The strange thing is....I am super horny...and I am usually not...not even around O time...I haven't felt like this in ages...I am googling if soy is an aphrodisiac (sp?)....
Desperado - 3 stone, wow!! :) that's a serious health regime. Was it after all of that that you got the BFP?

Hope you're feeling a little better today, btw:hugs:

I notice you said you've been taking aspirin - are you aware that it is not recommended during pregnancy? I was wondering if your doc had recommended it pre-conception for some reason?

Yes the doc put me on it after my ninth miscarriage,also injected myself with clexane daily,was told I had sticky blood syndrome,yes I got my bfp after I lost the weight ,:hugs::hugs:
(I'm an OB RN and see women on a daily basis that eat exclusively fast food, doritos, and coke and they pop babies out like a pez dispenser).

For the last 2 babies, I haven't needed to chart or use OPKs, just because my signs of ovulation are very obvious to me.

I am currently charting soley for the purpose of taking something with me to see my RE next month.

So, I don't do much. I just live my life normally (which is interesting to say because I am completely and totally obsessed with becoming pregnant).

Lol :haha: Are those women all about 22 though? They might find that lifestyle catches up with them in about 15 years...

How long have you been ttc this time?

I guess I'm one of those people who has to feel she is doing something - it helps me with the PMA. Plus, I've never tried to conceive before so have no idea what to expect.
I like experimenting....

This cycle it's healthy diet, exercise, supplements and soy....

Next cycle I am going to try eating Big Macs and french fries, drinking margaritas, smoking cigarettes, and having all the cappuccinos and Pepsi I want...

Sounds like a plan :haha::haha:

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