Hi hun
I don't know about preseed but are you taking evening primrose oil ? It worked brilliant for me got my bfp first month it increases the amount of ewcm
i used it the first month try to conceive also. I had spotted alittle for the first time during ovulation and used the preseed that night. and took a test about 20dpo and there was my positive
so I dont know if it helped. but i do know that before i had cameron i went 8 years without conceiving. and i didnt use preseed with cameron but he was a surpise. and then the first month trying to conceive this little bundle of joy i used preseed. so maybe it did help or maybe it was just a big egg being released since i spotted.
I know you hear mostly good things about preseed but my personal experience with it was I did conceieve my first month using it but It turned Into a chemical pregnancy, I was convinced if was from preseed after reading online that it paves the way for good and bad sperm to reach the egg. Now I don't know if this is true but this is my personal experience and opinion.
Sorry abt the chemical. But it's hard to pinpoint what happened of course. I don't think there's any link to the lubes and chemicals. Good luck Hun. It's worth a try!
Hi ladies
I was wondering, it might be tmi but when you used the preseed did you have sex and lay on your back after or your stomach? I saw some websites say laying on your back for 15 min.
We were TTC for around two years and after 3 or 4 cycles using preseed got our BFP. I did lay on my back most times afterwards, but when I had stuff to do I used a soft cup to keep all the good stuff where it needed to be. Best of luck to you!
I have pcos and have had to have clomid to conceive both times. I had 3 chemicals inbetween (natural cycles).
I'm not sure if it was the preseed but I used it both times with my first cycle of clomid and got pregnant with my stickies both times! So I definitely recommend it! Xxx
We conceived on our second cycle TTC with Pre-seed. Didn't use the applicators that came with the Pre-seed, just used a dab of it as lube. You really don't need much! It's great
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