Thanks Lisa, you have helped me to understand it a bit better. So the rise in progesterone causes the sore breast? That's the only symptom that I have other than cramping. So you say that the progesterone rise causes my sore breasts after ovulation? So does this mean that since I feel the sore breasts 7, to 8 days before my period, that that means my LP is only 8 or 9 days? Also, what do you think would happened if I started using progesterone cream as soon as I felt my breasts swell? I have some on hand and I'm tempted to use it just in case ...I'm so confused right now as to what to do.
I believe progesterone is what causes sore breasts in the LP,I think progesterone rises at its highest in the middle of the LP and thats why your feeling sore breasts later in the 2ww, sometimes I dont get sore breasts till around 10dpo. I would recommend basal body temping every morning so you can clearly see when ovulation is occurring and how long your LP is. and then start the progesterone cream about 3 days after your temp shift indicating ovulation occurred . this is the site I use to keep track of my cycles
Thank you so much for being so sweet and advising me in this situation
I really do appreciate you taking the time to read and answer my thread.
So you do temping, so you know that you did ovulate, and sometimes you dont feel your breasts get sore until 10dpo. That makes me feel a little better. I just feel like there is a reason why I havent been getting pregnant on all those months of NTNP.. As I said, this is my first month of actually trying (BD'ing every day or at least every other day around my fertile period, taking vitamins daily, staying down for 15 min or more after sex etc), but I am still a little worried.
My problem with temping is I NEVER fall asleep at the same time, nor do I ever wake up at the same time due to my job. Dont you have to temp at the same time every day for it to be correct? I just really cant ever do that. Is there another way to find out?
So if I started using the progesterone cream like lets day today, it wouldnt do anything even if my LP was short/I had low progesterone? Could it possibly be harmful?
Thanks again
I temp on some cycles but not all of them. I normally ovulate around cd 14 so I start temping about cd 9 then continue until I see fertility friend confirm ovulation. you dont have to take it exactly the same time but you should try to temp within the same hour every morning, maybe set your alarm for the same time just to take your temp then fall back asleep?. if you cant do that then just buy some OPK's and test until you get your LH surge you can be pretty sure you will ovulate within 24-36 hours of the positive opk,
you can also check your CM to confirm ovulation typically it will be watery or alot like raw egg whites when your ovulating. and after ovulation it will change to sort of white lotiony CM.
No I dont think progesterone would be harmful at all , you just want to make sure you already ovulated because if its taken before ovulation it will stop ovulation. I do believe it can help lengthen the LP and sustain a pregnancy.
you could start the progesterone its just you dont know how many days past ovulation you are but I dont think it would hurt anything to use it for about 5 days if you dont get a BFP stop using it and AF will arrive , if you get a BFP continue using the progesterone through your 1st trimester.
Well I had my period on the 30th of last month. My cycle is generally 27 days, but a few times a year it will be 30. Since my average is 27, I figured my next due day for AF is the 25th (This sunday). Or if its 27 days would that make it Monday the 26th?
On cycle day 12, I noticed a bit of the EWCM (looked like jelly, but it was definatley EWCM.. mine always looks jellyish).. It was not a HUGE glob of it, like I normally get, but it was definatley there, probably between 1/4-1/2 a teaspoon. So that was on Saturday the 10th (cycle day 12 for me) ..
That day, and a few days after, I felt the twinges, dull aches, pulling and throbbing in my ovaraies. A few times the pain was so sharp I winced. I think this went on in my ovaries for till about mid week.. I know there is no way of telling you actually ovulated unless you are temping, or getting a scan on your ovaries at the doctors. But does it sound to you like I may have ovulated that week? Then later on in the week (this past saturday the 17th) is when I started to feel my breast pain/swelling. So what do you think of all that?
So if you take progesterone cream before you ovulate, it will cause you to NOT ovulate? So what happens if you start taking it a few days after you ovulated?
How soon after you feel those pains and see that EWCM does it mean you ovulated?
If I ovulated yesterday or the day before, that would mean my LP is only 7 days, so wouldnt that be a bad thing anyyways? Wouldnt the cream help, and not harm if that was the case?
Sorry for so many questions. Feel free to ignore me if you want