QI - Tips to get you ready for Conception



Tips for swift conception!
***New suggestion - His & Hers vitamins****
From Sanatogen - They're vegetarian and seem to contain most of what you need.
Pregnacare has L-Arginine and Selenium so I think its better for ladies to stick to that.
But a proper "Man Pill" in its own special pot might be easier for your OH to... erm... swallow!
Its best if pre-conception vits + omega 3 are taken 3 months+ before TTC. (especially if you're veggi)

I've been pouring through books on baby-making and just wondered if you guys might be interested in what I've learned.

But... don't hold me to it - I might be wrong!
I've just skimmed over the major points from all my books - if you want any extra info or reasoning just ask?
And... if I've missed anything major - let me know and I'll add it in?

No alcohol
No smoking
Reduce caffeine intake to 2 decaff cups a day
Herbal teas are mostly OK but avoid earl grey, black tea, green tea and chamomile (red bush tea seems to be OK)
No soft cheeses - brie, camembert, goats or blue cheeses like stilton or even some hard cheeses with wax on - basically anything unpasteurised is bad. (Cottage cheese = OK)
No raw eggs and no runny egg whites
Get your 'five a day'
Eat wholewheat carbs - brown bread + brown pasta
Organic everything is best
Drink 2 litres of filtered water each day
Take 400 micro/g? of folic acid each day (or pregnacare)
Get up-to-date with vaccinations - rubella, tetanus, measles, mumps + chicken pox.
Have blood tests for anaemia + other stuff
Don't pick up cat poo
So pelvic Floor exercises and improve core stability
Get Vitamin A from dairy and Betacarotene from orange, yellow and green veg
Zinc for conception (hard cheeses, wholegrain cereals, pulses + green veg)
Manganese (fruit, nuts, seeds)
Selenium (brazil nuts, sunflower seeds, dairy + wholemeal bread)
Vitamin B6 (dark green leafy veg, avocado, nuts, lentils, bananas
Iron (spinach, brocolli)
Maintain a 'healthy' weight (BMI of 24) and be prepared to put on 2 stones or more when you're PG!

Male Diet:
Stop or Reduce alcohol intake to max 2 units per day
No smoking
Reduce caffeine intake - decaff = preferable
No saunas, jacuzzis or super-hot baths
Ensure good levels of:
Selenium (meat, chicken, eggs, brazil nuts)
Zinc (Meat, eggs, dairy, whole grains, legumes, wheatgerm)
Vitamin E (veg oils, nuts, seeds, wholegrains & vit C supplement aids Vit E uptake)
Vitamin C (citrus fruits, tomatoes, melon, papaya, OJ, potatoes, brocolli, cauliflower, sprouts)
Vitamin B12 (milk, cheese)
Multi-vits are good for men but don't take ones with added iron

Both address any environmental factors
fumes at work, radiation from machinery, pylons etc

Exercise - aim for resting pulse under 70 bpm
Stop contraception (DOH!) I mean remove implants, coils etc well in advance of TTC and use condoms/charting instead if you're regular.
They say that from coming off the pill it can take 3 months+ 'till your bodys back to 'normal'

Watching your cycle:
With a 28 day cycle Ovulation is usually 14 days before AF.
BBT (basal body temperature) goes up when you ovulate (by about 0.2 degrees centigrade or 0.4 degrees farenheit)
Keep track of this by taking your temperature when you wake up in the mornings at the same time - before you do anything.
Or after 4 hours sleep if you're on shifts etc.
After a few months you'll have a good idea which day of your cycle is ov day.
Mucus testing is also a good indicator of fertility - when it goes from being thick and blobby to thin and sticky you're ready to ovulate.
The 'stretchier' it is the closer you are to ovulation.
The only way to get to know your mucus is by testing it every day - stretching it between your fingertips. Fun Fun!
OPKs (ovulation predictor kits) are highly recommended by the TTC-ers
The cervix changes around ovulation too - it drops and opens and after ovulation it closes again.
POAS (peeing on a stick) is v addictive and can end up costing you a small fortune. Amazon and ebay are good places to buy.

Have sex in the week running up to and including ovulation.
But only on every other day.
****interesting addition****
'normal' sperm counts should have sex every day, but low sperm counts should do it every other day to allow the reserves to build up again. That's why a lot of TTC books suggest every other day - to be on the safe side.
Men abstain from masturbation during this week.
After ejaculation stay still for up to a minute and don't let him pull out.
Semen starts to liquify after a few minutes and thats when the sperms start to swim.
Feel free to put your hips up on a pillow or even do the air bicycle - it might just help.
Don't worry if you think you've 'lost' a lot after moving. The strong sperms are probably on their way.
There's a product called Pre-Seed that helps the swimmers along.
Its marketed for vaginal dryness but some of our TTC-ers have been v successful with it. It gives the sperm safe lubrication right to your egg.

Boy or Girl:
The vagina is naturally quite acidic but gets slightly more alkaline close to ovualtion.
Female (X chromasome) sperms cope better with acid than male (y chromasome) sperms
So... for a girl have sex 2 or 3 days before ovulation or the day after.
For a boy have sex at ovulation.

So there you have it... the sum of hours of reading and about £60 on books that all say mostly the same things!
About the boy/girl thing, I've heard the opposite. That girls sperm is the stronger and so to have intercourse a few days before. For a boy, as close as possible.

Not saying that either is right hehe, interesting though!
Maybe there's some uncertainty then... only 1 of out of 4 books mentions it...
Awww thanks hun for doing that, i found that interesting as there were things i didnt know- not that i am trying any time soon but its really useful, thankyou
Thank you, that's all so useful :) I heard the same as broody- girl sperms are more hardcore so have sex a few days before Ov for a girl and on/as close to Ov as poss for a boy xx
k I''ve changed it - most probably my mistake - ta for posting.

I've also added a bit about Pre-seed.
Just discovered it in the TTC section - seems like its worth using !
Yeah i've read up about that quite a lot. Sounds to have quite a lot of success xx
Thankyou for taking time to post that, there are some interesting tips/facts there!:hugs:
You're very welcome.
I spent so long reading and re-reading the books that it seemed a waste not to share.

If anyones got anything else to add (or remove!) just let me know?

Why shouldnt you drink green tea? Im addicted to it- have it at 2-4 times aday.
Green Tea contains caffeine so its best avoided.

Most herbs are OK but if in doubt - have a look at this site..
Why shouldnt you drink green tea? Im addicted to it- have it at 2-4 times aday.

Also I think when youre pregnant just try and have things in moderation.Youre allowed to have a certain amount,I think its 4 cups of instant coffee a day so you dont have to stay away from green tea TOTALLY if you really cant give it up :thumbup:
just dont go mad on it xxx
cazd, does it say what's wrong with red bush tea? Does that also contain caffeine?

And how long before ttc should you start taking folic acid?
red bush doesn't have caffeine in it, not sure why it's 'not allowed'

And how long before ttc should you start taking folic acid?

I wouldn't mind a solid answer on this as well. I've read that folic acid only stays in your system for 24 hours. But I've also read you want to start taking it 3 months prior to TTC to 'build it up' in your system. Two conflicting bits of info, very confusing!

Very kind of you to share all your gathered info! Must admit I've been doing the same sort of thing, researching and such, for a while now as well. Hadn't thought to write it down here though! Again, very nice of you!:hugs:
Hi guys.

I waited so long before my OH was ready to TTC - so I scooped up every bit of information - so that I could do everything possible to get my body ready for making a baby. So.. hearing that some studies have shown that caffeine can reduce fertility - for me its a no-brainer.

Of course... there are plenty of ladies who make perfectly healthy babies while drinking full-fat coffee. But I want a baby NOW !!!

Even if I'm perfectly healthy and fertile it still might take a few months to get PG. If there's anything I can do to shorten that time - then I'll do it !
For me... I've giving this everything I've got.

So... some studies show that caffeine can reduce fertility.
But... there's a potential problem with this finding... lots of ladies who drink lots of coffee also smoke - so perhaps that's why fertility is reduced.
Tea also contains tannin that blocks the absorption of minerals such as Iron. And that's not fab news for a veggie like me.

Also... Coffee, black and green tea, chocolate, cocoa, cola and decaff coffees contain Methylxantines - which have been linked to a condition that causes pain in BBs called fibrocystic disease.

Decaff coffee contains other stiumlants (theobromine and theophyline).
Getting Pregnant Faster by Dr Marylin Glenville cites a study that showed drinking 3 cups of decaff coffee a day was associated with an increased risk of spontaneous abortion.

The link might be tiny - or based on flimsy evidence - but hey... I can do without coffee!
cazd, does it say what's wrong with red bush tea? Does that also contain caffeine?

And how long before ttc should you start taking folic acid?

Hey you!
I've searched and searched for why red bush tea is bad. And I can't find it anywhere! I may have got it in my head after reading that a red bush tea manufacturer mis-sold their tea as being good for giving to babies for colic.

Anway... thanks for asking... I've taken it out... and added.......... Chamomile tea !!!!
Mwah ha ha ha

Re folic acid...
It doesn't stay in your system for ever - so it is strange that all the books say to start taking it 3 months prior to conception.

My guess is that ladies who are thinking about making babies are becoming broody - and there's no stronger force in the world than a clucking woman !!!
'Unexpected' conception could happen before the planned date for TTC.
and folic acid is so very important in the early days of pregnancy - better to be safe than sorry I think.
And since its not harmful to take 400ug per day, and it has been shown to reduce the risk of getting cancer (in non broody ladies too) then why not take it....
hey cazd - good work :)
although i am wondering what the hell we are supposed to eat / drink without worrying!!!! aside from water, vegetables and cereal (as a veggie too) !!
I agree totally though, if that's what it took i'd do it too ....
Oh thats a whole other thing!
I've been through all fruit, veg, carbs + nuts to find out what's good - specifically for making and growing a healthy baby.
Eggs are so good that I can't leave them out of my diet

I took my list of GOOD FOODS to Sainsburys yesterday and we stocked up.
I've got all sorts of things that I'd never normally - like cottage cheese, spinach, papaya, blueberries and dried apricots!
But looking at the fridge - its super-healthy. Even if it takes us a while to make a baby - we'll be so much better off for it.

I'm making carrot and courgette muffins today after seeing it in the Sainsburys baby magazine!

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