First time posting but here is my situation. I had a mirena iud placed july 2017,light periods throughout, had a very heavy period 29/12/18-03/01/19. Started having sore breasts on Wednesday (3 kids only times breasts have been sore is during pregnancy, my oh crap moment) had a positive home test 24/01/19 at home and a faint positive test confirmed at Dr. on Friday 25/01/19. Thinking I was around 3 weeks she immediately sent me for a hcg level and ultrasound to rule out ectopic. Wasn't given a level but was told hcg was low (forgot to ask was kinda shocked about what was going on) and couldn't find my iud or any sign of a gestational sac. Possible cyst detected. They told me at some point I lost my iud but I was definitely NOT pregnant told to come in on Monday for another blood test and ultrasound. 2 days late now and usually very regular. So just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience?