Interestingly I needed to sleep on my right last night as my left shoulder was in just too much pain and I woke up starving about 5am. Baby had been at some more acrobatics and when I stood up for a pee I found I had a bum sticking out of my side much higher than it's been for ages! lol Unfortunately the whole of my right leg was shot from sciatica so I had to try my left anyway when I went back to bed and I think it may have undone all my good work! Actually baby kept me awake until about half 6. Inside it felt like baby was feeling like I do when I'm struggling to roll over in bed, heaving myself about and getting tangled!
Can't quite tell where baby is now but not quite in right position I don't think. Maybe head a bit more central though as I'm getting finger-pokes on my right and left down by my hips and that's new. Fingers crossed...