Quitting job end of first trimester


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2012
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Hi all
I'm 12w pregnant and have had a miserable first trimester. The worst frankly is behind me, but I'm still very nauseous, exhausted, have food aversions etc.
I just started a consulting gig last December after staying home with my son for nearly 2 years. On the outside, it's a great job. It's a corporate job with one of the most coveted companies in the world. I easily returned to the workforce after a 2 year break because of high demand for the work I do. Of course, it's extremely well paying.
However I must confess I have never ever enjoyed what I do. I dream of alternate careers all the time.
Long story short, I feel physically and mentally unable to continue. I know that once my second child is ready for preschool, I'll have to go back to work and not think of quitting for at least 20 years so we can retire securely. Plus I owe it to my husband to not dump all financial responsibilities on him. We will survive on his income.. although he will be stressed I'm sure. But he is supportive of me quitting if that's what I want to do.
Have any of you quit your jobs while pregnant? I know I don't have a good reason as such to quit - not like I'm on bed rest or have HG. But I'm still very fatigued and pukey and generally miserable. I plan to hand over some savings to my husband to cover my part of the mortgage for about a year or so.
Should I start my one last break early? My contract ends in September anyway- I'm just thinking of quitting 4 months early. Not even thinking of resume gaps right now. We will cross that bridge when we get to it I guess.
I'm 9w4d and handed my notice in last week. Iv worked were I am now for almost 2 years and hate it with a passion. I don't earn enough to get maternity pay and I work until 10:15 5 night per week so get on average 6 hours sleep as I'm up early with DD. I'm exhausted, it's not good for me or for baby so I've quit xxx
I quit last week to focus on finishing school and be a sahm to my toddler and then both of them when the other baby gets here. I liked my job and worked there for several years but I made next to nothing compared to my husband so it wasn't about the money. it just wasn't worth it, to me, for someone else to get to raise my babies if I could have the chance to stay home. My babysitter was my grandma, so it wasn't that big of a deal, but I am very excited to get to be the one taking care of them!
See that's one of my problems- the money I make is significant, so I feel ungrateful and stupid quitting such a job. But I'm also very tired and feel sick all the time, and I never enjoy what I do. I know I will have to get back to a similar job once the second one starts school and I'm kinda resigned to it (unless I'm one of those who manages to make a career out of my passion-the kind of person you read about in motivational blogs :)).
But I just don't feel like doing this job now :(
Do what you feel is best for you and baby. I got laid off two weeks ago and I'm happy, now I can concentrate on school and growing baby. At work I was barely eating and not getting enough sleep, so it was the best thing to happen.
If you can afford not to work, then just do what it best for you. You are extremely lucky to be in that position.
Do what is best for you and your baby :) I don't know how I'd cope with work if I felt sick all the time! My last pregnancy, I managed to bypass morning sickness (yay!) but had terrible, terrible pain and cramping through the whole pregnancy - this was horrid, especially in the first trimester, as I thought something was going wrong. Just do what you think best and don't worry about anything else, especially given that your husband is supportive of you giving up if you wish.
i would LOVE to be in that position to quit my job right now :( its driven me waaaaaay past that point of waking up in the morning & doing the classic " i REALLY dont want to go here" speech & i think once you get to that stage you shouldnt really be in a job you dont like .. so i personally think that if you are unhappy in your job then quit! if you are in a position to do so then, by all means :) .

good luck hun xx
I can totally relate. I actually quit my job of 8 and a half years during ttc stage. Found out a month later after I quit I was pregnant. Even though it was all planned I thought for a moment at the time if we should even continue to try since I was jobless. Luckily, hubby makes good money but I know we'll want to use my money for savings and we like to travel and eat out, etc. So I do have the added stress of looking for work wile pregnant but I had to leave a stressful situation where I was working 13 hours shifts daily and with no support from bosses, throwing each other under the bus, and making you feel like crap. I was miserable so I left. Looking for a better situation now, even if it's less money.
Thank you for all your replies! I just sent my consulting firm an email handing in my 2 week notice and set up a meeting with my manager tomorrow. Aaahh.. I can't believe I did this. My poor husband said half jokingly that he could never think of quitting his job or looking around coz he never knows when I'll announce that I'm quitting mine. Lol.
I also realized these are the last few months alone with my son. I'll never have that exclusively 1:1 time with him again. I can't wait for the next 2 weeks to pass!
It's not always easy to tell your company you're ending things but as long as you did it professionally then you're fine. It'll all work out fore the best!
I'm an overseas teacher at an international school and DH works at the same school. We actually make good money and save 75% of our salary, but it's a totally toxic environment...no support from admin, really difficult parents, and many of the locals discriminate against foreigners...we've been here for 3 years, but I'm beyond miserable :( We are moving back to North America in 6 weeks, and we will actually both be jobless for at least the first while...it terrifies me, but I would rather be happy. I honestly think you should do what will make you feel happy and healthy...that's what's best for the baby too, if you can handle the financial change, which it sounds like you guys can. Good luck :hugs:

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