Rant about OH's family.


Shiny Spine Certified
Jun 8, 2012
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Edited out because it could be linked back to me.
Wow, dont think theres much I can so about the entire situation.. But ill throw in my two cents. His parents are absolutely disgusting! I dont know how anybody could treat their son in that way! Thats horrible, and the mental abuse they put you threw is awful too. But he is their blood. Im soo so
Wow, dont think theres much I can so about the entire situation.. But ill throw in my two cents. His parents are absolutely disgusting! I dont know how anybody could treat their son in that way! Thats horrible, and the mental abuse they put you threw is awful too. But he is their blood. Im soo sorry your OH has to deal with his health issues, and then his parents on top of it! Its gotta be hard on both of you. I hope youve got a solid support system on your side. Pm me if you ever need someone to rant with hun!
Ugh im so sorry! i totally know how you feel! my OH's family wasnt particularly fond of me originally and that feeling only intensified when they found out im pregnant. They kicked OH out and everything. we reached out to them to try and make amends a few times and they shunned us until they found out we were getting married, and now they only tolerate me cause they feel like they have to. it sucks. PM me if you ever want to rant.
wow they sound terrible I'm sorry you have to put up with them.
My ohs family didnt like me much but they never treated me that badly.
I don't know what to say except f*** them.
:hugs: Id probably FREAK out on DHs family of they treated.him or.I.like that. Im so sorry :(
I'm so sorry you and your OH have to go through this! I still can't get over the blaming him for brain aneurysms...that is beyond disgusting. My honest opinion would be to completely cut them from your lives, they are toxic and will only bring sadness and hate. You really don't need that especially since you're pregnant. I understand that it's easier said than done. I really hope for the best for you, your OH and your little bean!
i have similar situation now before i throw my two cents in and give you my opinions i'll tell your my story briefly.

My boyfriend Marcus' parents never wanted him his dad never wanted kids ever and his step dad isnt really like a dad at all and all his mom does is use him so she can go out for weeks days at end with marcus' step dad. Now they have never been kind to me besides sebastion(marcus stepdad) but i always ignored marcus has a younger sister and a brother who is mentally ******** because of a brain anuryism when he was younger so marcus is constantly babysitting because his mom doesnt want to do it and treats the brother like absolute shit cursing at him hitting him she's brutal. Marcus has always been treated like shit by his entire family but they wont let him leave because then whos gonna do all the work in the house or babysit? so when we told them i was pregnant she said "its not my sons" i was like yes it is im not you who has a different kid by a different man every time you have a child. but marcus and his brother are biological and she tried to force me to get an abortion and kept saying she was gonna show up at my house and drag me to the appointment the appointment she already made without even asking if i wanted to or not i said if you show up here i'll punch you in the face. ive been through hell and back with his family especially through this pregnancy and OH being so young really hasnt stuck up for me much :( she said she was gonna come here and kick me and the stomach and she even took me to court to claim that me and my mother were not reliable enough to take care of a baby. Like are you fucking kidding me? then she told marcus he was not allowed to see me because i refused to get an abortion and for about 3 months we didnt see eachother until i told him that i was done going through all this pain if he wasnt gonna try to stick up for me and his daughter and then he finally started coming to appointments but still has yet to tell his mom that were seeing eachother.

My advice to you would be not to tell OH's family and not let them have any part in your childs life besides the twin. Cause i know if my OH's family ever wanted to be apart of the family i would say no if they ever wanted to see my grandchild id say no. They cheated me so badly and didnt except me as family why would i let them in my family. They dont deserve your love or your babies love after they treated so horribly and honestly i had a horrible grandma that talked shit about my mom all the time and i would never put my child through that.
I agree with just about everyone, that is absolutely ridiculous, disrespectful and immature of grown adults. My boyfriends sister is almost the same way. She heard rumors I was pregnant and immediately messages me saying I'm a whore and it's probably not his and a number of other things that I don't even want to repeat. Bottom line is she will have nothing to do with our baby. On top of that she had her son at 19! She's now 23 and thinks she has any right speaking to me like that after she had the same thing happen to her. Don't even worry about them! They are not worth the stress. Just worry about that little baby you have growing in you :) keep your head up!!
Do you mind if I pop in with my two cents. I am not a teen mom and clicked here by accident...but then I didn't want to not reply...so I hope it's ok. Most young girls voice their issues with swearing and their backs up..but something about your post came across as so mature....so i had to reply! I'm 30+ so this is coming from a very "old lady" point of view! hahaa...however, I do have crazy in laws...so I can totally relate to where your coming from. If I could give you two pieces of advice it would be this:

1) See that your OH and his parents relationship has been strained since day 1...clearly he has some very deep issues to deal with regarding them...so this has NOTHING to do with you specifically. You are just another outlet for them to voice their displeasure....so remember it has nothing to do with you.

2) In situations like this, you need to take a GIANT step back. This is HIS fight and you and his family should never talk...A lot of times, issues arise because the man(or woman) doesn't articulate clearly how this is what THEY want....so the parents assume the other person has tricked their child...but the minute he stands up and says...this is my choice, my life....they'll get the hint...so for your sanity...never EVER call his mother or be alone with her for any reason. When your at a family event...just remember you catch more flies with honey....go and chat with an aunt or another cousin...the mom has probably already spread so much crap..but let people leave saying..."i don't know what John's mom is talking about...she offered to help me in the kitchen...she seemed lovely".....you probably don't realize (BY NO fault of your own) that you go in with the wrong attitude so you come across as "unapproachable".....

The last thing I want to leave you with is....just remember...a family is something you create. So maybe your "family" will include, your mom, your OH, your baby and OH'S twin...just be ok with whatever your definition of "family" becomes....we have had to pick and chose who is a positive influence on us and who isn't...and we just avoid the ones who aren't worth our time....I refuse to let my DH family define me or suck one second of happiness out of my life......Life is so short, enjoy every minute, don't spend it fighting with his family....

I truly wish you all the best!!!!
Tbh the best you can do is be there for your other half, and support him :) if hes not fussed about it, you shouldnt get your self stressed, ty obviously arnt worth your time of day and your OH can speak to his twin soon and maybe they can sort something out between them about meeting up :) i hope the best, and i wouldnt want people like that around my child either :) xxxxxxx
Thank you all so much for your comments and support! :hugs: I'm honestly surprised people actually read all of my rambling. ;) I finally sucked it up and asked OH to really tell me how he feels about this entire situation, what he wants to happen, etc. Normally he doesn't like talking about his thoughts if they're upset (he hates being in a bad mood!) but he surprised me by being completely honest. We had a long talk, and we've decided not to tell his family. If we end up changing our minds, we'll only tell them after the baby is born - visitations would be very limited. We are going to tell his twin brother, of course, after our three month mark. He'll be overseas, but I'm sure he'll be happy and supportive!

Chulie, thank you for everything! Both OH and I definitely agreed with everything you said. It's really disappointing they have such huge issues with the both of us, and OH has tried discussing how he feels with them countless times. His mom seems to think he's being dramatic about it, because "he knows how his dad is", and quite frankly his dad just really doesn't care. I don't speak with his family often, though when I do it's always with OH beside me. I'm a generally shy person anyway, and I just feel uncomfortable by myself with people I don't know regardless. :3 I'm most definitely "honey" rather than vinegar though! OH's grandparents and I get along really well now, but sadly his cousins (minus one, the only girl) and his parents just don't seem to care how hard I try. Thank you again, we're definitely making the most of it! OH said to me last night, "this is my family now, so I'm not even bothered anymore". It really means a lot!

Thank you again to everyone who responded! I was obviously very upset (and still am a bit) but I've calmed down and realized they just aren't worth me being angry. If anyone else wants to reply please feel free to do so! But really, thank you all again! All of your posts made me smile. :D
I thought my in laws were bad! They look like angels compared to yours. I'd make it perfectly clear from day one that if the plan on treating your LO the same way they treat OH, then they can do one!

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