Rant - Feeling so hopeless about sleep!

Noelle - That's so great! I totally know what you mean about obsessing over good days. In fact I've started taking down brief daily notes on Elsie's meals, routines, outings, etc in the hopes of being able to recreate good days and avoid bad ones. You never know what level of crazy you're capable of until you have a kid who won't sleep :wacko:

Shadowy - Yay, good going, Sofia :thumbup: So glad to hear the Woombie transition and night weaning are both going well. I hope you feel better soon

aliss - Oh god, I'm so sorry you're having to deal with bad teething on top of the sleep issues! Well on the bright side I hope no one peed on your bed today??

lysh - Hopefully your night went okay despite the rough start. It's really hard to say what may or may not affect them, but generally I've found that how my LO goes down for naps doesn't really have any bearing on nighttime sleep. I still almost always have to nurse her to sleep during the day, but she can self-settle at night :shrug:

anti - Ugh, I've been there, that is really tough. Sometimes I don't think there's anything you can really do, you just have to ride it out. I hope it improves for you soon.

Last night wasn't as spectacular as the night before but it was still quite good. She slept 7pm-3:20am, nursed, and then fell back asleep until 5:50am. Unfortunately I couldn't fall asleep after that waking and just lay in bed feeling anxious and sick.

Tonight I'm going to start gradual night weaning yet again but I'm scared because it seems like every time I try to get rid of that last feeding something bad happens that makes her sleep get way worse - she starts teething or gets sick or has MOTN parties for no particular reason. I should probably stop being greedy and just leave well enough alone, but I think I'm going to push my luck anyway.
my baby really needs to sleep or i'm going to lose it. spent the night waking up with her, she wouldn't go to sleep till 10:30 and has been up since 6 am. she was also awake in the night too.

i just can't do it. i'm too tired and i have such a short fuse. plus the mice in my kitchen....i cried myself to sleep last night

my dh wants to do CIO but i just don't think i can. my nerves are shot already
my baby really needs to sleep or i'm going to lose it. spent the night waking up with her, she wouldn't go to sleep till 10:30 and has been up since 6 am. she was also awake in the night too.

i just can't do it. i'm too tired and i have such a short fuse. plus the mice in my kitchen....i cried myself to sleep last night

my dh wants to do CIO but i just don't think i can. my nerves are shot already

Aw it sounds like you are really shattered :hugs: Have you taken a look at Ferber's "Solve Your Child's Sleep Problems" book? Of course you shouldn't do anything you're not comfortable with, but progressive waiting (AKA controlled crying) can be done in a very gentle way, and it sounds like your husband has already volunteered for the job lol.
i need to read it. i have to rock her to sleep and she is awake as soon as i try to lay her down. 30 minute naps in the day. i can't keep up with it anymore.
Yes, take a look at the Ferber book! You don't need to read the whole thing, just read the chapter on sleep associations. It is really clear and has a chart to use, so you don't have to interpret anything nuts when you're exhausted. I also really like the "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" book, but it's too science-y if you're sleep deprived. It helps more now that Charlotte sleeps okay sometimes and she's a bit older.
i need to read it. i have to rock her to sleep and she is awake as soon as i try to lay her down. 30 minute naps in the day. i can't keep up with it anymore.

I'm so sorry, I feel your pain! Might not help but my LO has been like that, waking every 20 minutes & wouldn't lay in the crib at all. Have you got a rocker chair or bouncy chair that your LO likes? My baby sleeps better in that than his crib sometimes. I don't want him sleeping in it forever but whatever helps to get a bit more sleep!
Socity Courty- I feel ya! C is still up every 2 hrs at night. DH is helping but there are at least 2 wake ups where he will not go back to sleep til I have fed him.

I think we are going to try controlled cry for bedtime again. Last time I tried it he outlasted me [1.5 hrs] and I gave in. I am not going to do it for night wake ups. Can't anyway since C is failure to thrive for medical reasons.
Aimee - hugs to you! Glad your DH is good help though.

Our night weaning is going ok but only because we're not really trying and Sofia is adding 30 mins to her wakeup intervals herself each night. Last night she was up at 12am for a feed, slept and then up again at 4:30 am. But the issue is that she was up at 5:30 am after that, not wanting to go back to sleep. She has a cold too so her nose was all stuffy :/

I stopped taking Melatonin last night so I didn't sleep very well. I know it's all in my head though as Melatonin doesn't even help me. I'm not sure what to do about my own sleep issue without taking any meds.
Aw Shadowy Lady. I know how that feels. I hope you can get some rest soon, whatever the solution. I've heard really good things about the Nose Frida for stuffy babies (it's a snot sucker and you can get it on amazon). I feel Charlotte has been sick on and off this entire winter, so I'm right there with you!

Our night was wonderful - another STTN, although it took Charlotte quite awhile to fall asleep... She is proper crawling now! She crawled around her crib for at least 45 minutes, but then she must have been really tired because she then slept from 7:15pm to 6:30am. Sweet!!!!! Not sure how our nights are about to go, though, with the crawling and all. My girl has always been super sensitive to developmental milestones.
How did everyone's night go? This thread has been quiet...I'm just assuming everyone's baby is like Charlotte and is starting to sttn :D

Our night wasn't bad. Sofia woke up at 11:30 pm and I told hubby to go feed her coz I was too tired to wait till 12. He did but said she wasn't interested. Then she proceeded to talk to herself till 12:15 when she finally fell asleep. She then woke up at 5:20 am had some boobie milk and went straight down till 8:30 am :)

I actually managed to make it to the bootcamp class at 8:30 am today! Feeling pretty good :) DH is away tonight and my mom is staying with us. Hoping it's another good night...
Still no sleeping here! We are currently having a motn party, 2 hours in & still going strong!
i noticed it had been too quiet. i've been busy dealing with the damn mouse problem here but my LO is still being her naughty self, she's been up since 7:30 a.m. and has had 2 catnaps of about 35 minutes each. it's killing me!

Hope you all are having a good weekend. My LO is crawling, today she said "dada' and she also pulled herself up to standing! it goes soooo fast
Charlotte STTN last night but woke at 5:30am. I tried to pretend it was a night waking and feed her back to sleep, but it was a no go :)

Her naps today were weird - I think because she was so excited to crawl. She took an okay morning nap, but it took forever to get her down because she kept crawling around the crib. She took forever to go down for her afternoon nap as well, and then only slept for 40 minutes or so. I'm curious to now how tonight will go.

Tomorrow we have a Baby Groove class at 9:30am - smack in the middle of nap time. I'm so nutty that I am thinking of waking her up early so that she can take a nap before the class.
OMG! Coleton only woke up once last night! He slept from 7:30-2:30 and then 3-6:30. I feel like celebrating.

C is not crawling yet but did pull to standing yesterday from a seated position.

Irish and Socity- I hope things get better soon
Noelle - So glad to hear she's still sleeping well. The crawling around the crib sounds really funny.

Aimee - That's awesome! Go Coleton!

Shadowy - Another good night, and self-settling too :) Yay!

Irish - Sorry to hear about the MOTN party, I hope she settled soon.

socity - Urgh, I hate those catnaps. Hopefully it's just a developmental thing and it will calm down ASAP.

The past few nights haven't been great for us. She's been waking up earlier in the night again and then getting up for the day between 5 and 5:30am :wacko: I guess that's what I get for trying to night wean, right? Something bad always happens!

We're also both still sick which isn't helping, though she's finally on the mend and her only symptom seems to be a runny nose at this point. Meanwhile I'm feeling much worse, probably because I'm not getting enough sleep, so my method of handling her wakings has just been to feed her immediately and go back to bed. I know this probably isn't the best plan but I just don't have the mental faculty to do anything more in the middle of the night right now. I'm ready for this sleep thing to magically get better and stay better for a while :nope:
Sorry to see that people are still having blips (I know that doesn't even begin to cover it!).

Aimee - wonderful news! Fingers crossed he decides he likes his sleep and continues it!

Noelle - Boo for early morning wake ups. I've started ignoring Seren if she wakes early, until she cries, and then I get up with her. She doesn't tend to feed immediately on waking, so I can sometimes get up to an hour of babbling and cat napping - although that means neither of us are really sleeping, but it's more restful than getting up.

Bananaz - sorry you're still having a bit of a tough time, I hope you are both feeling much better asap.

Yawn 5 night wakings last night, not really for anything, although twice she did turn over and need rescuing. She's only really awake for about 5-10 mins each time, and she settles herself, but unbroken sleep is a killer.

I did notice that she's got an edge come through on her bottom right middle tooth, I think it's come up this afternoon, so I'm hoping it will push through and give her some relief.

She's been teething solidly for 8 days now, so I hope it yields something, rather than just them moving around.

Last night she refused to go to bed until 7:30 as she had a late afternoon nap at 4:40pm. So that seems to have roughly broken her desire to go to bed earlier. She went down at about 7pm tonight after taking longer after her bath to finish feeding and settle.

Still waking at 6am, which is a bit of a killer, but I'm hoping it'll pass once she's finished teething, for this round.

We're at the end of WW19, according to the book, so we've got about 3 weeks until WW26 unsettled period starts..... hoping I can get some decent sleep before then! :dohh:
Bananaz, until you're both feeling better you do whatever you need to to maximize sleep regardless of "good habits" and don't feel guilty about it! After Charlotte is sick, we always have a few tough nights while she adjusts, but babies are adaptable.

Sunnie, I venture you'll get much better rest after that tooth breaks through and the fussy phase of WW19 comes to a close. WW26 wasn't half as bad for us, although it does suck that they are so close together. Charlotte is very sensitive to developmental milestones, so I sympathize.
I haven't posted for a few days because it was the usual crap sleep and nothing new to report
Last night was decent though. She went down at 8:30 (we had company so she was up a bit later than usual) and slept until 12:30. I nursed her and she was back asleep by 1, then up at 6:30. Unfortunately she decided to get up for the day at 6:30 (this is super early for her, normally she sleeps until 7:30-8 or even later). She did wake a few times crying in there but put herself back to sleep within a couple of mins.
I still only got about 6 hours last night between getting to bed later than I wanted to, and not being able to fall asleep.

Sunnie - the broken sleep is the worst. At least your LO goes back to sleep relatively quickly, thats a small blessing. When mine requires my help to settle her (instead of crying for a min or two and putting herself back to sleep), we're generally looking at a window of anywhere from 30 mins to 3 hours to get her back to sleep :wacko:

Bananaz - I'd do the same thing, you've got to make concessions when you're not feeling well. Hopefully you start feeling better soon and can get Elsie's sleep back under control

aimee - SO exciting!!! Hope he keeps it up and isn't just teasing you!

socity - hope your LO starts giving you some rest soon, you can't keep going like this without breaking :(

Irish - Grrr! Does your LO cry the entire time or play during a MOTN party?

shadowy - not a bad night! Good that you were able to get to bootcamp, I find exercise makes me feel so much better! Of course its near impossible when you get like 5 hours of sleep a night :wacko:
I'm just wondering how I'm supposed ot do anything if she's always like this! I don't sleep,I can barely eat, my DH is complaining that we don't spend enough time together (and forget about the sex) I put her to sleep twice and tried to lay her down, her eyes pop open immediately and then I have to do it all over again, then she's in the bed with us. the thing is she doesn't even sleep very well in the bed. IDK what to do

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