you can start from 32 weeks i have taken in all my pregnancies and with DD i was only pushing for about 25 mins had no stitches
. It doesnt induce labour it is just supposed to tone ur uterus hopefully making contractions more effective whilst in labour and shortening the 2nd stage
32 - 34 weeks 1 cup per day
34 - 36 weeks 2 cups per day
36 - 38 weeks 3 cups per day
38 weeks on 4 cups per day.
If you get any severe cramping after taking it then stop taking immediately. In my first and second pregnancies it didnt seem to have any effect whilst pregnant and this time around it has just increased the amount o braxton hicks i have been having. I have also tried Evening primrose oil this time around as my cervix likes to be stubborn so i was hoping this would help lol.