Raw painful nipple (expressing)

Thanks ladies :hugs:

I've emailed a lactation consultant based nearby and will wait to see what she says, and in the meantime will continue to work on my supply.

I noticed another raw bit on the other boob today, on the areola rather than the nipple. It's not actually sore but was clearly caused by the pump. I did one extra pump today (ended up out of the house for a lot longer than I thought I would be :/) but will aim for every 2-3 hours tomorrow as we have nothing on but DD's jabs in the afternoon. Anyway, managed to get an extra 1.5oz, so that's a start! I've been doing breast compressions while pumping in the hope that emptying them more will stimulate my supply further.
It might be worth looking into borrowing a different pump if the one you have doesn't suit you.
Good progress though.
I'll have a look at that if the sore bits don't heal soon, Raspberry :) They feel a bit better today though so hopefully they're on the mend!

I'm doing better with the pumping today, did 30 mins at 8am, 20 mins at 10am, and now doing another 20 mins (started at 12.25). Going to do another one at 230-ish, then we're going out, so will do another one when we get back (hopefully around 5), then 7, then bedtime, and one in the night if I wake.

Am I looking at days or weeks to start seeing an increase in supply? I will look at getting some fenugreek if I can find it in holland & barratt today.
Probably within about 3 days you should notice at least some increase.xx
That'd be great :D I've got just under 8oz so far today...not expecting my bedtime pump to yield anywhere near as much as usual, but if I can get my usual 12oz total or even a little more today I'll be pleased. With another hour or so left to pump today I hope I'll be able to get another 4oz at least :)
I'm sure you will, I imagine your normal express session later will yeild pretty well since milk is made on demand not really stored ... xx
You are doing great mama!!!

Like a PP said it should increase within days. It is not very long that your body takes to prepare for baby's needs. I will say this, can't remember if it was suggested or not but you could try using the pump on a really low setting and then increasing it as you do it during that session. I tried this and it has helped me A LOT with my sore nips.

What I do for the nighttime pumps is I set my alarm for every 3 hours. I do not go over a 4 hour gap. It has worked really well for me at least in keeping up with the pumping.
I will say this, can't remember if it was suggested or not but you could try using the pump on a really low setting and then increasing it as you do it during that session. I tried this and it has helped me A LOT with my sore nips.

Thanks for this tip, I tried it just now and it has helped! My let-down pain is pretty fierce the last week or so, don't know if that's because the nipples are irritated or what, but starting off low and increasing gradually has helped with that too, at least during a pump if not at other times.

I didn't do so well this afternoon - DD was really miserable after her jabs this afternoon so I've spent most of the evening on the sofa comforting her, and therefore didn't manage the 5 and 7 pm sessions I'd planned. Have done a bit extra now to make up for that at least some way, and have got 4oz, which gives me a total of 13oz for the day. Still, 5 pumps in a day is definite progress from 2, and a total time of 2 hours 15 minutes (30, 20, 20, 20, 45). Hopefully DD will be feeling better in the morning and I'll get more done!

There was no fenugreek in holland & barrett, they're not expecting any til wednesday. Can you use ground fenugreek (ie culinary stuff)?
That's brilliant, I'm not sure about the fenugreek I don't imagine you'd be able to ingest enough.
Thanks :)

Have ordered some fenugreek capsules from Amazon, so will see what they do when they arrive.

Have managed to pump every 2-3 hours today for at least 20 mins per session, and have got 14.5 oz! :dance:

I hope so much this is only the beginning of a good increase in supply - as it is today's output would make up half of DD's daily intake, so I'm over the moon and thinking if I do get a good increase I could realistically be able to exclusively express and only keep the formula for real emergencies or not use it at all...how wonderful would that be?!

The more damaged nipple is still sore but have been slathering on the lansinoh and gently rubbing in a little milk after each pump, and it looks like it's healing. It hasn't bled at all today. The other one is much improved.

Haven't heard back from the lactation consultant, I hope she gets back to me soon.
That's excellent progress I'm really pleased for you! Do you think there is any chance of trying to feed direct when you've healed? Just thinking if it worked you'd find it easier than expressing.
Ooh, just as I posted that, I got a reply from the lactation consultant. I've replied and just waiting to see when she's available to come see me. It's £55 for an initial visit, so that's not too bad. Not ideal around Christmas but if it works it will be money well spent, and if it doesn't, at least I'll know I've tried pretty much everything to get DD to latch.
Think of the time and money saved if it works! Also she'll be able to help with expressing and supply not just latching.
She will probably know where the local support groups are etc.

Yes, if I can get DD to latch I want to nurse her directly and only pump to build up a bit of a stash if I can. I know it will be a challenge because we were hopeless at it even when she hadn't been feeding from the bottle, and I've not got anywhere with trying her again and again, so the lactation consultant has her work cut out for her!

But then, maybe she wil be better than the midwives at working out what on earth is stopping DD from latching, and perhaps she can fix whatever's going wrong. I really hope so anyway!
Yep I'm sure she will, also sometimes it just helps when they are that much bigger with wider mouths and more neck control.
So glad to hear the LC responded!! That is such great news. I hope you can update ASAP on how it goes once she comes for the appointment. I know she will for sure be able to help you.

Pumping after breast feeding is time consuming. I am not going to lie. It is not too bad once you get used to it though.
I'm so glad your seeing an increase in supply after the frequent(er) pumping, yay! Keep that up! My advice to you would be to ditch the formula, and pack the bottles up and put them somewhere its hard to get to, to help with the temptation to give in and give a bottle, Unless it is absolutely necessary, make sure you pump right after if you do give a bottle. Remember, every drop of formula you give is one less drop you're going to produce. You will see that eventually you can get back to exclusively breastfeeding. I have went down the slippery slope twice of giving just one bottle or formula to having to give more and more and eventually your milk dries up and it's formula only. It was not going to happen this time, and it didn't. Also, I know some lc's may not recommend it, but if you have trouble getting baby to latch try a contact nipple shield. It was like throwing a magic switch (hubby and I called the shield "the spigot") when my baby was a few days old, feeds went from hours of fussy nursing, pulling off and having to relatch to hearing and seeing her take gulps of milk and actively feeding for about 10 minutes and then being full and satisfied. It took a couple weeks of me learning to latch her correctly (I watched youtube videos and realized I was doing it all wrong) and practicing without the shield and eventually we got to a point where we didn't need it anymore. I hope it works out for you, and I know it will as you sound determined to be successful, I was and that is how you have to be. I hope any of that helps, good luck!
Haven't read through but if nobody has mentioned it- apno cream

Make it your self. I Think it's equal parts of each: miconizole (yeast infection cream), hydrocortisone, and neosporin.
That helped me when I was really raw last time. And don't over do the pumping. 15-20 minutes max at a time.
Hey :) Sorry, been a busy couple of days!

I got 16oz yesterday! Done a bit less today as nipple is really sore again and DD is being super fussy and needs to be rocked/held almost all the time to settle.

I don't think we can get neosporin cream over here, certainly not OTC anyway...will have a look into it. Antifungal creams OTC are clotrimazole here, will that work?

cncem, I can't pack away my bottles! I'd love it if it was an option, but she will starve if I do, as at the moment I cannot get her to latch at all. It's not a case of we were bf before and I introduced formula - she's always been bottle fed (well, cup-fed the first couple of days), with me trying to bf alongside...the hospital didn't give me a choice; they made such a fuss about how little I was producing and how low her blood sugar was. I hope eventually we will be able to pack the bottles away but for now I can't :(

Still not heard back from the LC re an appointment date, might have to email her again to check if she received my reply.

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