In September of 08 I had a miscarriage and it rocked our world. I was able to get pregnant again in February of 09 and our beautiful son was born in October. We recently decided it was time for #2 and on the 4th of July I had a positive pregnancy test. I ended up bleeding and hurting so bad i had to go to the ER. It turned out I had an eptopic pregnancy. I had to have immediate surgery b/c my tube had ruptured and I was bleeding into my abdomen. We had to wait 3 months for my body to heal before we could try again. It has now been 3 months and we have been talking about trying again but I am not sure if I am emotionally ready. I am so afraid of it happening again. I really dont want to go through all that again. But I am even more afraid of not being able to get prgenant again. I was just wondering if anybody else had a similar experience.