I am so sorry to hear about your losses
It definitely isn't just you, I have had 2 mcs and I am struggling a bit with this pregnancy (I am 17 weeks), every day is a worry and I get nervous at every ache and twinge. Some days thinking positive just doesn't cut it, however it's best I can do and ranting, or talking about my feelings on here helps and talking to other people.
It is perfectly natural to feel how you do about your pregnancy after everything you've been through. Definitely talk to your midwife about how you are feeling as they are there to help and guide you through everything.
There is no easy answer, or any solid advice I can give you to help ease your worries. Pregnancy is a worrying time at the best of times, so with having had 2 losses it only adds to the worry, so we just need to try as best we can (no matter how hard it is!) to stay positive and think positive. The only thing I can think of which may help is keeping yourself busy as the busier you are, the faster time will go by, and not all your focus is on the pregnancy (though I know that's practically impossible at times!)
Try not to worry about not feeling sick, I never felt sick at all and I am now 17 weeks (had my last scan very recently and been told everything is fine). Every pregnancy is different, and not being sick doesn't mean anything.
Hope you have a h&h pregnancy hun