Really Painful Latching On?

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Hi there, this is my second post in this area of the forum but my first since breast feeding began on 30th July!

Anyway, I am really struggling with it at the moment, everytime Cassidy latches on it is really painful for the first few moments and occasionally throughout the feed.

I have spoken to the midwife and she showed me how to get Cassidy to latch on correctly, which I have been doing since but it still really hurts.

The thing is Cassidy is now starting to pop on and off the breast for breaks and does this 2 or 3 times per feed so I have to go through that pain each time she latches on again and I am sure she also grinds her gums on my nipples from time to time causing me to jump in shock!

I really don't want to quit breast feeding but the pain is becoming more and more unbearable, so much so that I had an emotional meltdown and was moments away from quitting until my OH calmed me down and said we would see what we can do to each the pain. So he went out and brought some nipple shields, which I only use every so often and still they don't take the pain away completely.

Is anyone else experiencing this and if so do you have any tips on how to stop it or some re-assurance that this pain will not be there the whole time I am breast feeding.... as said before, I really don't want to quit, I want to be able to enjoy feeding time and to continue doing so for as long as possible but if this pain is destined to stay the whole time I doubt I could persist!

i felt exactly the same way hun!! :hugs: I remember climbing into bed one night and just broke down, I was so tired and my nipples were so sore, really thought about giving up, but I am 110% glad that I didn't.

Yes it will get better!! The Pain WILL go away, you can get to the point where BFing doesn't hurt and is in fact enjoyable!!! But for some people, the fact of the matter is, is that it might take a few weeks to get there. I know that right now that may seem like an eternity, but just take things one day at a time, take some paracetomol, that might help, also some BFing cream . But the truth is that your nipples have to toughen up, which they can only do by going through this time. The latch is the main thing to get right, and your LO is trying to figure it out for herself too, It can be hard when she keeps coming off during a feed, but try to look at each one of those times as another opportunity for her to practise getting the correct latch!

Yes Yes Yes, it will get better!!
Hang in there!:hugs:
Mine have actually gone back to this stage now since my breasts started getting engorged. One of the tips is to rub milk into your nipple at the end of the feed, just squeeze out some milk and rub it in to the nipple. Also make sure you change your breastpads regularly and try to get air to the nipple as much as possible.
Congrats on the birth of Cassidy.

As the others have said, don't be disheartened, it will get better. Your nipples just need to get used to feeding and toughen up a bit. It will only take a couple of weeks and then they will be tough as old boots (joke).

Get yourself some Lansinoh cream. It's expensive at around £10 per tube but did wonders for me. And as Kitten said, let your boobs be free and get some fresh air to them as much as you can.

Let us know how you get on. x
Keep on going, it will get better. Your breasts do get used to it! It took me 2 months of pain but the rewards are so beneficial.
My lo is now 18m, im pregnant again and they have become sore again like to begin with. Guess its oregnancy boobies! But im in tears at the thought of not feeding her so just breath deep and it will get better.
Good luck.
hun i feel your pain! i'm currently at the same stage as you and its so least once daily i have a stressout and think about stopping but i made sure not to buy formula so the next feed i have to again BF and usually thats a better feed than the last so renews my spirit!

i am noticing that whilst we're still learning and its still painful, its not as bad as at the start so it is getting better

my little girl also seems to catch my nipple sometimes (always on my right side!) and its not pleasant but i haven't a clue why it happens! :confused:

my nipples are still cracked and sore from really bad initial latches but they're slowly getting better and the Lansinoh cream does help (get it free on prescription)

i am also expressing one feed a day now for my OH to give to Isabel which gives my nipples a bit more of a rest and i think thats helping with healing...perhaps you could try (but make sure to use a bottle designed to act like breast, e.g breastflow or tommee tipee closer to nature breast ones)

i'm at end of third week now and i'm not gonna deny its still painful and hard work but the light at end of the tunnel is a little brighter than before, so have faith...things will slowly or quickly improve for you too :hugs:
Just an update to say the pain is still there but I managed a feed on the right breast with alot less pain tonight and am really happy about it, I'm definately starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel and your responses have really helped me, thank you ladies x
YEAH!!!!:happydance::happydance: So Very Very happy for you!!! Things are going in the right direction! You'll see!!
Hit a downfall this morning, woke up and boobs were seriously overfilled and painful and on top of that I had the uncontrolable shakes like I was freezing even though I was in a duvet and would now and then go really hot, I felt really bad and thought I might have a water infection I felt so weak! My OH had to go and get some formula to feed her with whilst I tried to sleep it off! Glad to report that Cassidy is now back on the breast and I feel really evil for letting her have formula even though I was too weak to breastfeed her!
But on a good note, I feel much better apart from feeling a little flushed and sweaty and have managed another few feeds with relatively less pain then before!!

Also did my first public breastfeed yesterday in costa coffee, they are so friendly in there and didn't mind at all which was nice!
glad you're on the mend now hun...and well done on the better feeding and feeding in public :happydance:
Turns out I may have mastitis which can cause the symptoms I had this morning and also the majority of my left breast is covered in a big red patch, got to go to out of hours doctors to see what they think!
Aw, just to echo everyone else and say that its really normal and soon the pain will disapear :hugs:
It is mastitis and doctor prescribed some anti biotics for it. Have continued to feed on that breast to prevent it getting worse and although Cassidy has got herself into the routine of sleeping through the night I am going to set my alarm to give her a feed in the night to stop my boobs becoming engorged.
So it's all about perserverance and I am putting ice packs on my boob until it settles, gets a bit wet but it's such a relief!
apparently it can help to relieve engorgement by putting savoy cabbage in fridge then putting the washed chilled leaves in your bra and changing them once they warm up

sorry you're suffering :hugs:
I was about to say u ay have mastitus... I have almost exactly this when holly was about 2/3 weeks old, feeding got very pianful then i got mastitus but feed thru it hunny, it wont b much longer and it wont b painful at all!! Good luck hun!! x

Since early yesterday afternoon the feeds have been lovely, still the slightest bit of pain when latching on which is totally bearable and then the rest of the feed is painless!

What's more, I didn't wake for my alarm to give her a night feed last night but I woke up this morning and my boobs were NOT engorged! Made me worry slightly but judging by the gulping, milk running down her chin and the fact she is now sleeping, I'm guessing she is getting enough! I think I am definitley coming through the other side !!

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