I had a emcs with my son as he was brow presentation (we didn't know until they cut me open), he got distressed, I got stuck at 5 cms dilated after 7 hours established labour, 36 hours labour totally. He was 9 lb 6 at 38 weeks which didn't help him come out (god knows what he would have weighed full term or overdue!) I was induced at 38 weeks due to his size and his suspected kidney problems. His size I have been told now was due to his other condition, hyperinsulinism (the opposite of diabetes).
I have been told I can choose a VBAC this time or an elective and I am torn. This baby looks free of kidney problems and is an average size (unlike his brother who was 95th centile or more at every scan from 20 weeks). I fear this baby will be brow presentation too, or will get stuck or something. Though it was a forced induction before, so maybe if this baby is allowed to come when they are ready it wont be so traumatic. Oh well, I still have 5 weeks to decide!
Hey Missus
I had a brow presentation 9 years ago with my DD, after 12 hours of (inducted) labour I was fully dilated, had episiotomy, forceps the works but in the end the head was just in the wrong position to be born so I had C Section.
I then had my DS 2.5 years later vaginally. The thing about brow presentation is that it's not likely to recur, it's just one of those things that happens on the day. My sons birth, although relatively fast (established labour for 4 hours) was so much easier to recover from and there were no complications like brow presentation. I would advise you to consider VBAC if it is a safe option for you as you will more than likely fly it and feel great after.
I am just after finding out that I have low lying placenta this time round and in the worst case scenario I will be faced with another section. I am slightly gutted but at least this time I'll know in advance and if placenta does not move up I will be able to get my head around it. Hope I've been some help, best of luck with everything (please pray that my placenta moves up in the coming weeks)
Thanks for your experience. I would hope it wouldn't reoccur, though both me and my sister were brow presentation, so I don't know if its something that happens in my family? I would very much like to try a VBAC, i just can't shake this fear of the baby getting stuck and distressed. I know that as if I can go naturally its more likely to work than induction. My section was pretty horrific too and I was so dosed up I didn't know everything that was going on.
I hope your placenta moves up soon for you and that you can avoid another section