Regulating cycles


Aug 31, 2006
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What is avaliable to regulate cycles? Does it need a doctors prescription?
Don't they use the pill to regulate periods?
LOL Well it might just a little setback can do you good sometimes?

Searched the good old Google?
I'm sure there's some herb you can use.... the name escapes me at the mo... :-k
Herbs for Regulating menstruation

Ginseng, Siberian ginseng, motherwort, vitex, don quai, Wild Yam and licorice can help. The Chinese have been using don quai to regulate menstruation since at least the sixth century b.c. Typically, don quai is taken during the two weeks before menstruation. Results of studies conducted in China led researchers to conclude that this herb enhances the utilization of oxygen in the liver and also that it contains small amounts of nutrients important to women: vitamins B2, B6 and E, pantothenic acid, choline and zinc.

Other herbs used in both Chinese and Western formulas to regulate a woman's cycle are motherwort, skullcap and ginger. They are especially useful to encourage menstruation that has been delayed by illness, stress or overexertion. Studies conducted in India showed that aloe vera juice, traditionally used there as a female tonic, also regulates menstruation.
Cheers for that Charl :D

Havent the foggiest what half of those are lol!
As far as i know Vitex you need a prescription for....

Will see how things go at my appointment on Friday anyways.
Good Luck AG! x
hi well my cycles were all over the place after coming of depo the longest i went was 132 days between peroids , so went to see doc he put me on tablet to try & regulate cycles it was the best thing i did going on the tablets as they regulated everything & ive had 6 monhts of regular peroids now as my last 3 cycles was cd28 , cd28 & cd29 the tablet is a progesterone i think its called tyrethisrone i think it might be worth a try for people that have irregular cycles as it worked for me .violet x
Arcanegirl said:
Cheers for that Charl :D

Havent the foggiest what half of those are lol!
As far as i know Vitex you need a prescription for....

Will see how things go at my appointment on Friday anyways.
Chinese herbs hun I believe - Dr Herbs is good :D
the tablets were called norethisterone that help regulate you not tyrethisterone . violet x

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