Relactation - tips?


Prodest mummy ever
Oct 11, 2007
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After 1-2 months now Im still heartbroken about stopping breastfeeding. I never really wanted to stop but it just sort of happened when I was visiting my family - they all wanted to feed Seth and I was having a hard time, so I ended up giving him like 1 breastfeed in 4 days so nthat people could help me out. By the time I got home my milk had nearly gone so I gave him like 1 feed a day and the rest formula. And its kind of just trailed off from there but I wish it hadnt :( Also he's having tests for lactose intolerance so Im hoping if I started breastfeeding again that might help him.

I read online that even after a few weeks or months its possible to try 'relactation'. Ive read a lot of stuff about it but I was just wondering if there was any tips anyone had to do so?

Im also wondering whether theres any point seeing as he's starting nursery in 3 weeks time.

Thanks :hugs: Might seem like a long shot but I really want the bond back, I feel like he's been so moody with me the past few days because he's been poorly and keeps going for a feed but I have to pull him away :(

Check out this thread, it should help i hope :hugs:
Let him feed if he wants to even if he gets nothing out, the sucking action will encourage the milk to come back.
Using a pump can help too... I have read alot online about it and even women who dont have children can produce milk and BF... Any woman can apparently, it can just take awhile, but you have to be diligent with pumping or having the baby suckle. There are herbs and things too.
I would definitley get it touch with Rafwife. She just successfully did it, and had talked to people who helped her get back into it. She'd be a tremendous help to you!
Thank you for that link, I dont know how I missed it!

Ive been feeding him today when he was due his bottle (just before) so that maybe my body might start to recognise when its time for a feed and then giving him his bottle, and then expressing in between to try and encourage more. I managed to get a little bit, not much but its a start. Im not sure if it completely dried up which is probably a good help anyway!

Maybe look into domperidone tablets. I had good success taking these to increase my supply, my baby was about 14 wks when I started. The optimal time for starting domperidone is within the first 12 wks though, so dunno if it would be any help at all with Seth being the age he is.

Good luck!
Hi hun, as you may have read I successfully re-lactated recently. I was still producing some milk though, but it was literally nothing. I would pump for 10mins and get about a teaspoon then it would stop and I wouldn't get any more for several hours.

Re-lactation is very possible for you, even if you aren't producing any milk. My breastfeeding midwife told me she successfully helped re-lactate a woman who hadn't produced any milk for 6 weeks.

So it is possible, but you have to be very committed to stand a chance of it working. You're also potentially looking at the process taking anywhere from 4-8 weeks and even then you might still need to top up with formula.

I don't mean to sound negative, as re-lactation was very worth it for me, but it is very difficult and you need to be very committed for it to work. :) If you're willing to give it a shot though then you will have lots of support available to you.

The first thing I would do is ring your Health Visitor and ask her to put you in touch with a breastfeeding midwife, and also a breastfeeding support group in your area that you can attend. Let them know of your intentions, and that you have been reading up on the subject and have talked to people who have re-lactated. You should find that they are incredibly supportive of you wanting to try.

There are a few things I would do also:

* Start expressing, even if you get nothing. The action of the pump will stimulate your hormones into starting to produce milk. You need to do this EVERY 2 hours and this includes through the night too. Pump on one side for 5mins, then the other for 5mins and do both sides twice (so a total of 20mins). Even if you get nothing, the stimulation of the pump is important.

* Put Seth to your breast before and in the middle of a feed and encourage him to latch on and suck. If he doesn't get too frustrated then try to have him do this for 5 mins each time.

* If you don't have closer to nature type bottles then switch. Get bottle that mimic the breast as much as possible. I find these work for us:

* Start taking Fenugreek and Milk Thistle tablets, both of which you can buy at Holland and Barrett. These will help your milk supply return.

* When you start to produce milk again, remember that you will never express as much as is truly there. Expressed milk is never an indication of supply. I have near enough a full supply of milk now and I can only ever express 1oz at a time.

These links are very good too:

Good luck! :hug:
Thanks so much for all that info :) Im am totally comitted to it but Im just not really sure how well its going to work when Im back at work as I go back in 3 weeks, so I obviously cant sit at my desk and express every 3 hours (can you imagine my boss's face? lol).

Ill definately give it a good shot though! Thank you for you advice, hope you're doing well :)

Good luck to you Linzi!! Hope it works out, and don't forget to let us know how you get on.
Hiya everyone,
I kinda new to all this. Was looking up tips for re lactating and stumbled upon this page...I stopped breast feeding about 12 weeks ago and I am desperate to start again, I have a hospital grade double pump and am pum ping as often as poss, but would also be very grateful of any tips from anyone.
Hey emm-mummy, welcome to BnB!

I started a journal about my journey to being able to breastfeed. My daughter is 9 weeks old now, and it's only in the past 3/4 weeks that I have actually managed to breastfeed properly.

My journal is here
Hey emm-mummy, welcome to BnB!

I started a journal about my journey to being able to breastfeed. My daughter is 9 weeks old now, and it's only in the past 3/4 weeks that I have actually managed to breastfeed properly.

My journal is here

Hi rafwife!

Let me start by saying that I read your relactation thread and it is really amazing that you were able to relactate. Your story is truly an inspiration. I know how a big commitment it is to achieve this since I am trying to do it too. I was an EP and re-started pumping last Saturday (LO is not handling formula very well and my freezer stash of around 1800 ozs is gone) after HUTH on January 5th. At that time I had been pumping for three months. Yesterday I started to take Fenugreek (3 pills/3 times per day) and I hope it helps me to start producing milk. Until now I'm just getting some drops (pumping every 2 hrs for 20 mins) and trying not to get frustrated. I really hope my story ends as sucessfully as yours!!
Have read ur journal...well done!! I'm just worried I left it to late as my milk has stopped completely not even a drip :(
Have been prescribed domperidone tablets, so hoping that will help. Havent been told to put her to breast yet as there is nuthin there and I suppose she would get very frustrated but dyin to try just to see if she would try and latch on.
Have only been pumpin and takin tablets for bout a week, so think I have a LONG way to go, I am determined to give it my best shot...I can but try :) x
Have managed to start gettin some milk :happydance: not a lot but its a delighted as I thought I had left it tooooo late and wouldnt get any!!! So am pumpin like a mad lady now lol! :)
Well done!!! :happydance: :happydance: Have you tried putting your LO to your breast yet?
Hi rafwife
Did try her this morning but she wasnt interested...she got quite upset so I stopped, feel a little dis heartened now but will keep trying:cry: Think she maybe been on bottles too long and wont take to breast again, might try nipple shields and see if that helps.
Don't feel disheartened, you've done so well already! It took me three weeks just to get Niamh to latch on properly.

What sort of bottles is she using?

Have you tried lots of skin to skin with her? Try taking warm baths together, or cuddling her in bed lots. Offer your breast whenever you're having skin to skin but don't be upset if she doesn't take it. It does take awhile for them to become interested again.

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