Little kitten- i dont no what happened but i no he hasnt done anything to the child.. he hasnt even had a chance yet..! dont you think every one should be given a fair chance to prove themselves as parents?
i dont think it was unneccasary simply because inoo for a fact that it hurts children!
Violence, alcohol, suicidal and pill addiction! Yikes!
Nah I wouldn't for the world let my child near him (if the above is correct)! Thats why you hear so much crap on TV, children dead, neglected, abused and killed along side a suicidal parent etc because people let the children down starting with protecting the vunerable (THE CHILD). Not a 'risk' to take
EVER! And me personally do feel VERY strongly about children seeing their fathers theres exceptions to my thinking and all of the above fit it.
If the fathers so bothered he will seek help, seek legal representative and I'm sure Mummy will try to reason but right now shes scared, lonely and has a natural instinct to hold her little one as close as possible and protect her baby.
You've approached this topic with an attitude problem - Your own situation and this ladies is different so I didn't understand you comparing it to how great you will be letting your cheating ex see his child the situations are not even close. Opinions are great thats what the forums for as you point out but you missed the fact its for support not opinions with an attitude problem in your face up yours. HOW you say things makes a big difference theres no way your approach on this can be misread.
I think you can cool off for a week and then return if you wish to. I have taken this option because if I issued an infraction (penalty) to your account on the replies that I find as insulting/inappropriate post contents it would give you an automatic ban.