I tested this morning with a clearblue digital and it was the best feeling ever!!!
Symptoms were tired, tender BB's and swolen nipples and period cramps for 5 days without any blood. Also the last two days I have had the feeling like I need to do a number 2 even if I had just done one (sorry if TMI
I don't know what else to say other than me and DB are over the moon and after 10 months it's happened and it feels like no time at all now! (even though it dragged at the time) To all those still trying don't give up hope!
Things I did differently this month....I had EWCM in abundance this mnth (never had it before) and we BD'd loads around the right time.
I've worked out that the baby will be due on my mum's birthday and today is my brothers birthday so its quite ironic.
Soooooooooooo happy