Saras WTT Journey - anyone else ttc in Dec?


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Jun 26, 2008
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Hi All, I have been active members of other forums and often i have seen people start threads that are journals. I don't see any in here and im not sure if its because its not allowed... but i can't see why not. So I am going to start one. I find a journal just allows me to vent daily :) and it also gives me a chance to go back every once and while and see how far i've come. Feel free to jump in at anytime and offer feedback, support, opinions etc.

Here it goes... I'll start with a little about me.

My name is Sara. I live in Kitchener Ontario Canada. I am 25 years old, turning 26 in August. I got married on Aug 4 2007 and it was the best day of my life. My DH and I started dating when I was 17 and we got engaged when I was 22 and waited until I was almost 25 to finally walk down the aisle. We had lived with his parents until just 1 month ago when we purchased our first home. It is a perfect house for us and we settled quickly and are extremely happy. I am an accountant for Dominos Pizza and really love my job. My DH is a metal fabricator and hates his, lol.

We have booked a cruise for Dec 7 and we are going with my sister and her BF and my in laws. This will be our 2nd cruise and their first. I have had my clock ticking for about a year and half now. Its pretty much consumed me. My best friend and my DH best friend (who got married in May of 07) announced to us in march that they were 3 mths pg. Very happy for them and of course, very jealous. She is due on July 17th. So that got the ball rolling for me to bring up the subject with DH.

He said that before the cruise we could review our situation (ie. financial) and i could go off my bc. We both make good money but we are only 1 month into our home and things are a bit tight right now, when we are used to having a ton of excess, living with his parents. So that means we get t ttc in Dec of 08. The cruise is 163 very long days from now.

I read the posts from all you lovely ladies and how we all seem to feel the same excitment/dissapointment. Excited we get to ttc, but disappointed it isn't NOW!. I would really like to TTC now, but i don't want to be 5 months pregnant on the cruise. Heres why... its probably the last cruise we are taking for awhile... and we are planning to go scuba diving onthe reef, and ATVing through the mayan ruins. Not a good idea or even possible pregnant. So in my mind i know its the right thing to wait but my heart is dying.

so i have some goals for the next 163 days.

1. Weight loss - 23 lbs. My current weight is 163 and i would like to be down to 140. For many reasons, my health, my bikini on the cruise, and because being overweight lowers fertility.

2. Cut out Coffee - I love my coffee! but i can't drink it pregnant and so why not just cut back now. My plan is to substitute green tea for coffee for now, as im not pregnant so i can continue to consume a safe amount of caffeine. then i will slowly sub peppermint tea for the green tea. I am on day 4 of no coffee, drinking about 5 cups of green tea a day (@ 35mg of caffeine per cup thats 175mg of caffeine - less than 2 large Tim Hortons).

3. Paint the babies room - I know some of you might consider this a bad idea but i am a pretty creative person and plan on painting some baby winnie the pooh murals on the walls. I cant paint pregnant, so i want to do it soon.

So today i started out by eating a good breakfast (bowl of fiber one with 1% milk and 1 cup of milk with one scoop of vanilla protein) and 1 cup of green tea. My weigh in days are going to be thursday evenings. So i'll update next thursday.

Feeling pretty good today a little tired, but its friday of the long weekend. So i am painting a hallway of my house this weekend and cleaning and relaxing and gardening.

This was probably the longest post this journal will ever see, but you never know when i need to vent! Thanks for listening, and sharing and maybe even joining me on my journey. :hug:
Hi and welcome! This section is the best as we are all ripping and ready to go but certain things are holding us back. Good luck
Its been a good weekend. I have today off and I am working tomorrow on the canada holiday. My hallway is done being painted, and i am just working on clean up.

I bought the paint for the babys room. Im really excited to paint it and hopefully it will get painted this week, but for sure next weekend.

DH and I talked a lot about a new vehicle this weekend. We had a date night last night, went to the casino for an hour, and then came home and watched a movie and had some popcorn. On the way to the casino we decided we need to sell my truck. My truck is super cute, but not baby friendly at all. Its a lowered F150 with a loud exhaust and a great stereo. It only fits me and one other person, so a shopping spree doesn't really work, and car seats certainly wont. I would like a ford edge or a mazada CX7, but hubby wants me to get a crew cab (full back seat with 4 doors) chevy truck. What do you all think about that? anyone ever heard that you cant but car seats in the back or anyone have a similar vehicle and used the car seats?

Today im just cleaning the paint, doing a little shopping and cleaning my house.

Have a great day!
So i went to start to prep the baby's room and i turned off the breaker so i could remove the outlet covers and discovered that the fridge (of all things) is on the same breaker as the upstairs bedrooms... weird. Glad i figured it out before i had melted ice cream dripping down the front of my fridge. I wanted to turn off the power because we have 3 rooms upstairs (that aren't being used right now) and the cats play up there and i didn't want my kittens sticking their paw in an outlet and electricuting (sp?) themselves. So i have to leave the power on and make sure the door is closed at all times. Anyway i didn't get anywhere with that yesterday, I'll spend a couple hours tonight hopefully.

I was hanging out for a bit in the TTC section. I love reading the posts where she might have a :bfp: and they are sooooo excited. I get excited with them! Then it makes me want to run out and buy a test, but it would be pointless because i am still on my BC. :cry: This waiting thing might kill me.
Good Morning. Another day another dollar.... I am getting so torn about waiting. I had a little chat with hubby last week and we decided we would try (or just i could stop my bc) in Dec. And I agree with that, but i want Dec to be NOW! I get frusterated reading about where people are in their cycle and how they know or don't know their cycle... and i don't even really have one! When i was 17 i started receiving Depo Provera shots for bc... i only stopped them last march before the wedding... thats almost 7 years. I went on BCP for a year and recently switched to the nuvaring. so i probably haven't ovulated in over 8 years. I want to go off my bc to chart my cycle, find out how long it is, what day do i o on.... but how do i tell hubby that. I just want to tell him i want a baby and this is what i want to do, but im so scared he will say no and it will break my heart. I wouldn't dare go off without telling him, thats not where i am going with this, but how do i bring it up? I want to go off my bc and track my cycle until dec so that i am better prepared. But than i panic... we don't use condoms... what if i get pregnant by accident and screw it all up?? :hissy::hissy::hissy:
Good Morning. Another day another dollar.... I am getting so torn about waiting. I had a little chat with hubby last week and we decided we would try (or just i could stop my bc) in Dec. And I agree with that, but i want Dec to be NOW! I get frusterated reading about where people are in their cycle and how they know or don't know their cycle... and i don't even really have one! When i was 17 i started receiving Depo Provera shots for bc... i only stopped them last march before the wedding... thats almost 7 years. I went on BCP for a year and recently switched to the nuvaring. so i probably haven't ovulated in over 8 years. I want to go off my bc to chart my cycle, find out how long it is, what day do i o on.... but how do i tell hubby that. I just want to tell him i want a baby and this is what i want to do, but im so scared he will say no and it will break my heart. I wouldn't dare go off without telling him, thats not where i am going with this, but how do i bring it up? I want to go off my bc and track my cycle until dec so that i am better prepared. But than i panic... we don't use condoms... what if i get pregnant by accident and screw it all up?? :hissy::hissy::hissy:

I think you should tell him just that. You need to let him know that you want see what your cycle is doing for a while before you start to try. That's what I did, and it seems to be working out.
If you don't want to use condoms, you can use the rhythm method. It involves charting, but instead of bding on days you are fertile, you bd on days that you aren't. DH and I did that for a while too, and I am still baby free.
Thanks - im gonna try to tell him, but i have to work up the nerve...seems dumb that i am so nervous but i am and i cant help it.
I know how you feel. I was pretty nervous before I had a heart to heart with DH about it.
So i sort of said something to DH last night. I told him how much i think about having a baby. I told him it consumes probably close to 95% of my day. That was all i said. He almost seems like he doesn't want to talk about it. He got real quiet and didn't say anything. I think its maybe too soon for him. He said the other night he wants to enjoy the first summer in our first home and i think i should give him that. Then maybe in Oct i can approach the subject of going off the bc a little early. I will just have to keep myself busy and try not to be on here too much. I think i was on here for 5 or 6 hours yesterday. I am taking cake decorating classes and they start next tuesday, so that will give me something to do. And i will be painting the babys room and i have some other home improvement projects i want to tackle. I need to get my emotions/hormones in check and just calm down a whole bunch. It will be a little a harder in 2 weeks when my best friends baby comes. But i am happy for them, i was jealous when they first announced it, but i got over it.

So thats all for now.
Hi Sara, I'm in the same boat as you pretty much!
DH and I are waiting till a holiday in December to ttc, I'm in Dublin Ireland, and we're hoping to head to Las Vegas and New York for christmas, and then we're moving to the uk when we get back, would be very hard to last such a long haul flight etc.. and moving country being pregnant!
Sooooo hard waiting, especially since i had a very early m/c (5 weeks) a little while ago (what started all this baby stuff!)
We'll also be buying our first house early next year too!!
I know it makes sense to wait, as it'll be pretty life changing, but the clock is in overdrive at the moment (stupid nature!)
Would be good to have someone to chat to about all this, and to help stay strong!
I can talk to DH, but for some reason, feel like i don't want to scare him with it all!!
Hey Roc - Thanks for stopping in. Thats quite the journey you have planned. Las Vegas and New York, very exciting (thats a 5 hour flight alone, nevermind the crazy long flight that must be from dublin to vegas!) the inlaws have been to vegas a few times and love it... so much to see and do. I would like to go visit new york myself. We are only an 8 hour drive from NYC, so maybe thats another thing we can do this summer! I do feel like im scaring him (DH), talking about having babies. I feel better today about the whole waiting thing. Sorry to hear about the mc - that would be so hard, i can't even imagine.
Thanks crusing, m/c was hard, but was gone before it had even sunk in if you know what i mean, and has made DH and I re-evaluate a few things, so i feel like it was just meant to be you know?
I'm glad you're feelimg better about waiting today, no doubt though, like my you're feelings about it all are constantly swinging one way or the other?! :wacko:
I too am feeling good about waiting today, have been looking forward to a few other things in my life..
How are things with you and DH going? Have you talked anymore at all?
Happy Independance day to all the US mommies to be out there. Its just July 4 here in canada but my work is based in the US so no one at HO is in, should make for a quiet friday.

Roc - Hey - Yep i swing back and forth all the time... I like the feeling of knowing what i am doing, the best. The anxious, nervous, sad and happy all at the time feeling... that i can do without. i didn't talk anymore to DH last night... i figure i have many months ahead of me, we can do the talking in short spread out segments so he has a chance to get used to it.

I did nothing last night. well i made dinner and tidy'd my house... and went to home depot with DH. But other than that nothing. I quite enjoyed it too. Tonight i want to go to the salon down the street from me and get an eyebrow wax (need verrrry verrry badly) and then go home and do a mini pedi. then i have to go to my bff mom's house to drop off some shower stuff as there is a shower for her tomorrow. but that is all. Im thinking chicken wings for dinner. There is an awesome place in kitchener called Wings Up... they have the best wings ever - and they deliver. And i have been soooo good with my diet all week that this can be my cheat. And DH loves them.

I think you're going about things the right way, just talking to your dh in short bursts! Men have to take time to process every little thing apparently?! My dh is like that anyway, which is really hard, as i'm sooo impatient when trying to work through things, always want things fixed and planned out there and then! :hissy:
Anyhow, i guess, Men=mars women=venus?! :laugh2:
Those wings sound goooood, have some for me!
Hi Sara, I have read all your posts so didnt really want to read and run.
Good luck in your wttc journey - everyones really nice here, I'm sure you'll find all the information you need :)
Good luck with ttc, the time will fly(well thats what im telling myself):rofl:
Im back from my bff baby shower. I found out today that her baby is breech and they are going to do a c-section tuesday at 8am. she is due on the 17th so it will be 9 days early, but that is better than risking an emergancy c-section. I also found out that they (she and her hubby who is my DH bff) bought a house about 20 further from where they are now from us. So it will be about 1/2 hour drive to go see them. They are moving cause his work is moving and that is halfway from where they are now to his new work location.

DH is busy putting in a new back door for the house, and hes gonna put up a new satalite dish when he is done that. And he asked for pizza for supper so i don't even have to cook! What a wonderful guy!

Porkpie - thanks for the support. I always read your posts cause you are sooo funny.
Not an exciting weekend. Put in our new back door and put up the satalite. Nothin' exciting. I get to leave work a little early tomorrow so i can go see the baby before my cake decorating class. I am excited about cake decorating. I want to take all the courses and then start making birthday cakes and other party cakes for people. I figure its something i can do while on mat leave to make a few extra $$. Its crazy thinking about a mat leave when you have to wait 5 months to even ttc. but i do. I really love party and event planning. Its my thing. My sisters bf also does event planning and went to college for it. I went to college for business administration - management so i figure with our collective education and skill and the shared love of party planning we should start trying to start a small on the side business. He already has a registered business called DMP events but if i teamed up we might need to register a new one. Im thinking also of taking some card making classes at my local scrapbooking store so we can do custom hand made invites and thank you's. i don't know if we will get into weddings but id like to start by doing showers, birthdays, grads etc. and just see what happens. i would love to be able to work from home when i have kids so if we start now, maybe (fingers crossed) that could be a possiblity.
Well todays the big day for my bff. her c-section was scheduled for 45 minutes ago so i am sitting by my phone waiting to hear everything is ok. I really think its going to be a girl, but we don't know and its kinda exciting to find out.

I looked at my ticker today. 4 months, 4 weeks and 1 day... seems a lot better than 5 months :rofl:

i have been eating not great.... i think its my emotions over the wtt stuff causing me to emotionally eat. last night we had pizza. I have to get over it so i can get on with my diet and lose some lbs before we ttc. I don't really have that much to lose, around 25lbs. I just need to get off my lazy butt and do something about it.
i have around 35 pounds to lose - so good luck !

any news on your friend?

ps....5 months isn't that bad....:|

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