Scared of Going Into Labor Naturally


PAL w/ #2
Feb 6, 2012
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I'm having our second little one, and I'm scared of going into labor naturally this time. Last time I got induced at a week overdue. The pitocin contractions were intense pretty quickly, and I got through about 4 hours of them before asking for the epidural (always part of my plan). Those 4 hours were horrible, and I only dilated 2 cm during that time (I was already at 2 cm when I started; after the epidural it only took about 6 more hours until the birth). The contractions were so bad that I couldn't walk or do anything, I'm not sure how I would have gotten into a car and up to L&D during them. Almost immediately they were 1.5-2 seconds apart and lasting 30 seconds. It wasn't a horrible experience in general since I was already admitted, but I can't imagine trying to get to the hospital or laboring at home in that condition.

With my last one I just had a feeling I'd have to be induced, but this baby has felt so different (including Braxton Hicks starting around 18 weeks which I never felt last time) that I feel like I might go into labor naturally this time. I've never felt a natural contraction before. I've heard that they are a lot more manageable, but I'm still scared. Getting to the hospital worries me, and what we'll do with our toddler if my parents aren't in town yet, what if I'm at work when they start, what if I'm not dilating quickly enough since my body won't relax and they turn me away, etc.

Anyone experience both an induction and natural labor? Is it true that it's not as bad when it starts naturally?
With natural labour usually it gradually increases In intensity period like pains to painful use contractions to unbearable. I know when you get induced they tend to be very full on from the get go.

I wouldn't worry about travelling to hospiral during contractions, it's just one of those things it's not nice but it's over and done with and it won't matter. Also before they start getting unbearable you can go in before hand if you feel like you won't be able to sit in a car comfortably. Honestly don't worry I insgine natural labour is easier than induced labour xx
Also I think when people say they are a lot more 'manageable' it's hard to compare. Each labour is different. Personally I had natural labour first 24 hours weren't too bad but last stages were unbearable. She was back too back so it hurt like hell. But then again I have no other labour to compare it too and I haven't been induced before so can't compare it to that.

I have heard that with natural labour there's a build up where as induced it's full on straight away so I guess with that it's more manageable xx
Yeah, I'm only really comparing labor up until the point when a hospital would admit you, not right before delivery.
I can't comment on being induced as I never have (yet) but with both mine, I went into labour naturally. My DD was back to back so that hurt a lot but the early stages were definitely managable. With my DS I had a natural labour with no pain relief and the bit before I got to the birth centre really wasn't too intense. From talking to friends who have been induced I understand that the pain gets very bad very quickly, and I think for a lot of people with natural labour it builds up quite slowly. Also the second is usually easier (certainly very true in my case). good luck xx
I had a natural first labour but had to have the horrible pitocin drip with my second.

I would Far, FAR rather have a natural labour than that awful, unnatural induction pain. Even though my first baby was almost 9lbs, it was more manageable than the unnatural contractions with my second baby.

You know from experience how fierce induced contractions are, but natural contractions are nothing like that. They're slower and a gradual build up and release. Also, the intensity of them never gets as bad as the pitocin ones. They start off at a 'gentle' level of pain and then gradually get to a moderate level. They feel completely different. I'd rather have a three hour ride in a car with natural contractions than be induced.

I'm really, really hoping to go into natural labour with this baby. As you can tell I hated the pitocin!

Please don't worry - natural contractions are your body working with you and doing what it should. They're manageable. They start off mildly. You feel in control because you're aware of the gradual squeezing and can handle it both physically and mentally because it's much more gradual and far less fierce.

P.S - I didn't have an epidural for either birth, just gas and air, so I feel I can compare contractions quite well.
I browsed through the replies and it looks like were all in agreement. I went into labor naturally andit was so bearable. I didnt head to the hospital until mine were three minutes apart bc I didnt realize how close it was! PPitocin makes contractions very strong from what I have heard. When I was started on pitocin at the hospital to get things moving even faster, I did feel nore pain, but the epidural was given shortly after arriving bc I wad already 6 cm when i got to the hospital!
You will be just fine going into labor on your own. Just listen to you body and count the contractions. I use an app. You will know when you go and it will be so much not gradual that you will not be in a ridiculous amount of pain when you get to the hospital! Good luck.
I had to have my labor augmented with pitocin last time. And I was actually doing okay with my natural labor before the pitocin had to be started. They only started it to speed things up because my water had broken and the baby needed to be born in a certain time frame.

I was doing breathing techniques and other things before that. I do feel the pitocin was responsible for the unbearable portion of my labor. I tried very hard to labor without an epidural with the pitocin, but my contractions were just so awful and I wasn't making much progress with dilation. I feel like it was forcing my body into something that my body wasn't ready for yet--so it ended up being a lot of pain with not much progress. I think when your body does it on its own, it slowly builds up so it's not like constant strong, forced contractions like the pitocin does. And I'm pretty eager to do natural labor this time for as long as possible. I know there will be a portion of it that feels unbearable, but I think when your body does it on its own everything works together better. But I don't know for sure because I have only have 1 child.
I had my 3rd labour induced with pictocin at 34 weeks and even though it was short just under 4 hours from first contactions it was quite painful from the first one, my previous two labours started as period/pulling pains and only turned to the same pain around 6/7 cm. I was already in hospital with my second as my waters went at 35 weeks, (3 hour labour) but my first I traveled to hospital not in too much pain but was 5 cm before i needed gas and air (8 hour labour 38+6) I personally think if your body labours on its own the intensity builds up gradually to give you time to sort out things like childcare and getting to the hospital unlike the pictocin which gave me full in painful contractions from the 1st one.
I feel the exact same way ( although it sounds ridiculous) I was induced with both of mine over a week past due, and So that's all I know for what to expect. I'm nervous about going naturally for the same reasons, will it progress quickly being my third? My parents live 45 minutes away and they will come get my two children... My husband does surgery and to call and get him out of surgery and have him meet me at the hospital will take over an hour. Will I even know I'm in labor for awhile at first, will I know those contractions are the real deal or just some contractions. I don't want to lose any time. Haha it seems silly but I've been through inductions twice and I kinda hope I go that route again, even though it is the harder route, it's just all I've known.
I'm glad I'm not the only one to have these thoughts,I'm feel silly!
I was induced with my first and went into labour naturally with my second. I wanted to be induced with my second because, like you, I was scared of going into labour naturally.
Having experienced both now, I would always choose naturally over being induced. It wasn't as painful as being induced (I was 7 cm when I got the epidural compared to begging for an epi at 3cm after being induced), and I found it much more exciting.
I was induced twice and just had a natural labor, the labor was nerve wracking because I didn't know at what point I should go in, even though my contractions were 3-5 min they weren't causing much change in cervix, it was a long confusing labor.... I alsot went to bed thinking id wake up in the morning and maybe by then be ready.... nope, was brutally woken by insane back contractions 1-2 min apart.... we had to blow red lights and speed be ause of our 45 min drive and i thought i was literally dying as its inpossible to sit down during a contraction..... BUT some way somehow he came out sooooo easy!!!! I only pushed through 4 contractions ! And NO tearing or ripping!! I even had a painless first BM.... The recovery is definitely MUCH better and I'd still rather go natural any day than be induced..... I tore severely both times and had a hard time pushing baby out and baby getting stuck....
With DS1 I was fighting the urge to push in the car so fair to say I managed the contractions well at home! DH was a big help physically getting me into the car but you get caught up in what's happening and it's exciting and you know you have to go so you just do. And you breathe and you get through it.

With DS2 I was induced but I negotiated with my OB for him to just break my water - no pitocin. He obliged so I actually don't have any idea what the pitocin would have done but I don't think it would have been good because less than 1.5hrs later bubs was born!!

As for what to do with toddler if there's no one to look after him yet? Take her with you, I was in that situation with DS2 (induction was not expected) and the hospital was okay having him hang around with us (so long as DH was there too) until someone could get there to pick him up. My sis got there 2 minutes before DH was coming to the hospital so narrowly avoided that.

Good luck
Julesillini8 - No, you're not the only one! :) I know my SIL also kind of felt similar; her first one she had a few very early contractions, but ended up having an emergency c-section after her OB found she was leaking fluid and had a slight fever, and she was scared about the second time because she felt she had never actually been in true labor before.

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