Scoliosis and Pregnancy

So glad I used the Search button and found this thread!

Right now we are just getting started TTC. I'm 30 and had surgery for scoliosis when I was 16. I don't have any limitations from it, and it seems to have mostly corrected my curvature so that most people don't notice. Today at the big "pre-natal, go take these vitamins and do this, this, and this" gyno appointment my doctor advised me to consult with an anesthesiologist regarding whether I can have an epidural. I don't know if I want an epidural yet, of course.

I'm fused from T4-T11 and my dr says she thinks they go in for the epidural lower than that, like in the lumbar. I think I should be OK because my rods end much higher than that. I am wondering if I should go in anyway. Does anyone know where, ballpark figure, they usually place an epidural? I'm not too worried about it yet.

I do sometimes get muscle spasms around my mid-back scar area when I'm doing a lot of activity... has anyone had anything like that in pregnancy?
I'm a 30 year old female, healthy as far as I know. I'm on no meds, only prenatal vitamins. I have a "53" degree curve in the middle to upper part of my spine that in an x ray looks like a sideways U in my back. You can't really tell I have it from the front, but from the back it's definitely noticeable when I wear form fitting shirts in the upper right part of my back. I was diagnosed at age 15 and was followed ever since. I have never worn a brace (was stubborn during the teenage years). By the grace of God, I haven't had any pain associated with my scoliosis. I've been going to a couple specialists lately asking them if it's okay that I try and get pregnant. One told me I should be fine and to go ahead and just to make sure I have an X ray to make sure they know where to put my epidural. Another one told me that most likely my spine will curve more and shift and I may need surgery after if this occurs. I was told that after 60 degree curves, that they will definitely progress. I have 7 degrees unitl mine gets that far. Some one even suggested a surigate to carry our baby, but I would rather have the child on my own. Has anyone been through pregnancy recently with scoliosis and if so, what are your stories? Any information would be very helpful as my husband and I try and decide what is best.
I posted a few months ago and have now got the ok back from the doctors to try for a baby whoop! I recieved a letter from the scoliosis clinic in nottingham saying in would not affect me during pregancy or with the giving birth bit, the letter seemed to suggest i would be ok for having a natural birth. However, I've had 3 operations the first 2 meaning I am completely fused from about T5 down to L3, the thrid operation was then for a slipped disc between L5 and S1. I'm not so convinced about the natural birth myself as where would they put the epidural if I should need one?? not sure whether my hips would move to the correct position as well? I was luckiy enough to get hold of one of my x-rays from one of my final check ups and intend to take that with me when, god willing, I get pregnant, and show the doctor and specialist when I see them. Fingers crossed pregnancy will come soon and then we'll go from there :o)
I have severe Scoliosis. Well "had" I had a Spinal fusion when I was a teen to fix it. I have had 4 kids and never had any issues with it. You will be able to carry a baby fine, but if you want an epidural the Anesth. will need to know so he can place it in the right spot.
I posted something similar in the first trimester forum a while back. I have scoliosis too, and I have been having back pains, mostly because of how I have to sleep now. I was curious if it was safe to go to a chiropractor or get a massage during pregnancy, because on top of the morning sickness, the back pain is killing me! While its no fun to have scoliosis, I am glad to know that someone else out there is going through the same thing.
I went for shiatsu massage while I was pregnant- at the centre I went to they recommend massage in second tri for backache etc. They won't do it in first tri, but looks like you're 15 weeks so should be fine. Not sure about chiropractic- best to check with the practitioner as they will know what is recommended.

Some centres actually have pregnancy massage, so an ordinary massage is definitely safe :flower:
Well I pee'd on the stick this morning and it was positive, have been to boots and bought another will try again tomorrow and if positive again will phone the doctors. Have lots of questions but must be sensible and make sure its the right result and it is very early days. Good luck to all you trying mum's to be!! :o)
I dont have Scoliosis but i do have one legs a bit shorter than the other so this makes my hips not level with each other they kind of tilt. Im also suffering from SPD at the moment - its killing me, im not sure if my leg/hip problem is making it worse. Im 34 weeks now.

I have kyphoscoliosis and lordosis. I have had two spinal fusions, the first of which failed at age 22. My back looks so straight compared to before the surgery! I am under consultant led care, but they are not too worried. The only problem they coud possibly foresee is that my pelvis might seperate unevenly which might mean I have to have a c-section. My surgeon isn't at all worried. I haven't had much more pain from it during pregnancy yet.


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I've now been for my scan which was absolutely amazing could have watched all day, baby was bouncing around in there and saw its heart beat truly a miracle! I saw the consultant after I had had the scan, I showed him my x-ray which he seemed to look at and then said he couldn't really comment on which did put me off somewhat. However what he did say was that even with my rods being so far down i think down to lumbar L3, they don't impede my pelvis so i should be ok for a natural birth. That's the information I've been waiting for, it may mean that I can't have an epidural though as I think you have to seperate your vertebrae in order for them to administer it, I've only got 2 down the lower end of my spine and I'd have to bend over and try and touch my toes, can't really see that happening in labour can you??? ah well it'll be gas and air and whatever else they can give me :happydance: My morning sickness has almost passed phew! I've managed to start swimming again too which has made such a difference to how I feel and my back not being so stiff, i couldn't go with morning sickness couldn't risk it, I've found exercise bike is good too build up those leg muscles!! Anyway I really hope this information helps others m advice is to ask as many questions as you can however trivial you think they may be:thumbup:
Just wanted to add my experience. I have scoliosis, but never had surgery for it because it was mild enough. The curve is more mid to upper spine. I had an epidural with my first child and it worked just fine. At the end of my pregnancy my back really was hurting, but there are plenty of women without scoliosis who also have back pain late in pregnancy.
I'm scoli too. Chose not to have the surgery, apparently the only problems can be with epidurals! Fingers crossed I don't get too much of a sore back in the next 7 months! X
I have scoliosis as well. It's an S curve. My biggest curve is in the upper middle part of my spine. The last time I got it measured was in '06 and it was 48 or so degrees. My doctor said I could get the surgery if I wanted to, but it wasn't necessary since it wasn't progressing very much and didn't cause any problems. I did have to wear a back brace in '03 for 6 months for 23 hours a day.. I HATED that thing!! It went from under my breasts to right at my pubic bone. It was embarrassing to wear to school even though I would put a hoodie over it.

I also have a very small curvature on the very bottom part of my spine, that was around 12 degrees. I haven't had any back problems since getting pregnant, except sometimes my lower back right above my butt "locks up".. like the feeling where you need to pop your back, but I can't pop it! When it happens I walk around with a limp LOL. It makes me feel old. My OB said it shouldn't be a problem if I needed an epi (trying to go without!) since the curve is not that bad in my lower back. It just may be a little hard to place. xx
I haven't read through this whole thread but just wanted to share my experience. I have scoliosis and when I had my first baby I had not yet had surgery for it (an "S" curve with about 50 degree curves). At that point in time I was still very young and at the end of my "growing years." I had been prescribed a brace at about 13 years old and it was horribly embarrassing and painful, not to mention ineffective. I HATED it and would even throw it against the wall :(

Several years later, the curves had worsened some, perhaps due in part to the pregnancy, and I went ahead with the spinal fusion surgery (2 steel rods that pretty much run from neck to hip). I knew at that point there may be more children in my future and didn't want to chance it getting even worse, plus I was pretty much in constant pain and physical therapy, electrode therapy, etc. just wasn't helping. Sure enough, I did have another child 4 years after surgery and found the pregnancy to be less physically taxing than the first. My curves had been corrected to about 12 degrees each.

So having had a pregnancy both pre- and post-surgery, I must say that the post-surgery one was less physically difficult (not to say that it was easy!). I did not have an epidural with either, because I wanted to do it naturally, but I also felt it was risky to have that kind of invasive intervention with my atypical spine.

Now, at 13 years after surgery, I am hardly aware that I have scoliosis anymore and am expecting baby #3. Of course I am older now, and am still in the first trimester, so who knows how I will feel in a few months :) I do find with my more limited scope of flexibility and movement (not really ever noticeable unless I try to do bending or twisting exercises), that it's hard to do things like yoga, which seems like it's very helpful to many. But swimming is an excellent substitute if you have access as there is much more freedom of muscle movement without gravity.
Found this thread (who knew?!) while researching Scoliosis and pregnancy. The doctor I saw during the year and a half I was diagnosed at 12 and put into a brace (he was an advocate of only using the surgery if the brace failed/curve worsened) until I was 13 going on 14. I HATED THAT THING, it was uncomfortable and made me look like I had football pads on my shoulders. Plus, it was near unbearable during the Texas summers. I had to wear that thing 24/7 with the exception of when I took a shower. Honestly, though, I didn't want to end up deformed (I was already awkward looking as it was going through preteen and teen years!!) and I never complained, reminding myself that it was all for a purpose.

Now, twenty years old and pregnant, I'm worried about not being able to get the epidural (I'm such a sissy about major pain) and being forced into a C-Section. I've wanted to give birth through my body as it should happen and I don't want this special time in my life robbed because of a common spinal deformity! I mean, I understand back pain (I deal with it on occasions anyhow.) I'm just more so concerned for my delivery. All of your stories ARE encouraging though and it's nice to know other ladies have gone through this.
Thought I'd come back and update. My second baby is 3 months old now. My first was a section under GA for reasons unrelated to my back. My second I had a vbac. I was induced and had an epidural. The senior consultant came in to do the epi because of my back problems. She said the most likely risk was that it would only work on one side. It might also take several tries. I had a radiology report from my last xrays in 2000 which she went through, it is good to bring if you've got something similar. In the end the vertebrae around the injection were pretty good. I was slightly more numb on the right side, but still numb enough on the left. I haven't had any long term effects.
i have it also i was born with it scoliosis its no big deal it will not harm youre baby i too was worried about it but i talked to my doctor the baby will not get it too it will skip them but thier chile might get it hope this helps
i have it also i was born with it scoliosis its no big deal it will not harm youre baby i too was worried about it but i talked to my doctor the baby will not get it too it will skip them but thier chile might get it hope this helps

Just wanted to add that mild cases may not be a big deal, but more severe cases can be much worse and cause pain and internal issues. Not to say that it will harm the baby, but very severe cases could cause physical complications. And it does tend to be hereditary, predominantly in females, so it is possible your child could develop it. In my family, my grandmother had it, her daughter (my aunt) has it, her daughter (my cousin) has it, and I have it. Just my 2 cents :)
Well I couldn't have asked for a better pregnancy, I've had slight nerve pain in my left hip a couple of weeks ago but that has cleared up, might have been due to the 8mile walk i had done the weekend before !!?? ooops! I put the condition of my back and body down to the continuous physio exercises I do every morning and the 2 swims a week i do too! The physio exercises i got after all my operations and focus on stretching your ham strings and the nerves in your legs and also your strengthening your core muscles, I'll never stop doing them they've done me the world of good and helped me through this pregnancy so much. We had an appointment with the anesthetist due to the nature of my spinal fusion and an epidural is very unlikely for me due to my spine being fused down to the Lumbar 3 vertebrae and seeing as you have to arch your back its impossible for me to do that. I am hoping for a natural birth with the aid of paracetamol and gas&air if I need it. If there are complications they will give me a genenral anaesthetic and perform a c section. I felt so much better after talking to the anaesthetist and everything will be explained fully in my notes so the midwifes and doctors are aware on the day. I am very excited about the birth of our child and wish all you mum's to be all the best too!
Hey. I am new here but i have Scoliosis and is soon expecting my first child. First I talk about my Scoliosis....

My Scoliosis was quite bad. My curve got to 90 degrees before I had a fusion surgery. After the surgery the curve got to 60 degrees but I could only get one Rod put in as I nearly bled to death on the operating table. As a result of the half surgery my ribs twist around my spine to form a hump on my back. I do get Back Pain everyday but I control it with Warm Baths, Back Messages and Pain Medication. My Hips are uneven, My legs and Arms are longer then my back and cause of my curve my height is only 5ft 3" or 160cm.

I also had a Ovarian Cyst that grew to 20cm and when it was removed, the Cyst had damaged my Uterus and my Right Ovary and my Left ovary was removed cause the Cyst had covered it completely and there was no way to save my Left Ovary. The Doctor who removed the Cyst and Left Ovary said I had a small chance of like 5% of falling pregnant and If i do manage to fall Pregnant, it could be my only chance of having a child. So this Child is my Miracle Child.

Now about my Pregnancy.....

I am only 8 weeks along, but I been trying to get through to the father of the child that I be fine with the Pregnancy, but he is worried that if I give birth naturally I will either bleed to Death (I'm a Heavy Bleeder), or I cant get the Epidural cause of my spine. But I keep telling him I be going with C-Section cause of my spine and cause of being a heavy bleeder. He is also worried I may miscarry since its common in my family, My mother suffered 2 miscarriages out of 4 pregnancies. She only carried me and my Brother to full term, but she had Complications with the birth of me.

But other then his worry for me being pregnant, The Father is overjoyed and doing everything for me just so I relax instead of worrying.

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