Seeing an RE - Am I jumping the gun?


Pregnant with our first!
Sep 4, 2010
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So we've been TTC going on 7 months now, with one non-ovulating cycle thrown in there. I have been using OPKs and charted the past month and know that our timing is correct. However every single month so far I have been spotting on and off through my entire luteal phase, and I can't help but think that is an issue.

Rather than go back to my GYN again and have her run bloodwork, I decided to make an appt with an infertility specialist. I want to rule out endometriosis (for some reason that is weighing heavily on my mind) and then proceed accordingly.

Do you think I acted too soon? I know they say it can take a year (I'm 32) but the spotting is not sitting well with me at all.

I'd love to hear from anyone with a similar experience/situation!
Hi I'm 30 and I have had spotting also throughout my cycles. I am also on month 7. I saw my GP last month who said to come back this month if it continues so I have an appoinment with the nurse Thurs pm!

Unfortunately in the UK the doctors will not do anything until we have been ttc for a year or more!

Fingers crossed for you and good for you for getting in there now, I would do the same if I could. xxx
hi there, i'm on my 7th cycle as well, with the exact same problem. went to my gp today and got an ultrasound. the u/s technician said that my uterus was "beautiful" (LOL) and that she didn't see anything wrong.

while at my gp, he told me that i am very healthy and will wait for my blood tests to come back. the two things that could be causing the spotting for me is low progesterone or thyroid issues. he is kinda baffled because i am so healthy - but he has never come across this and wants to send me to my obgyn or a specialist.

so, in my humble opinion, you did the right thing and you didn't jump the gun! how can we get pg if we start spotting before implantation could happen? or with a uterine lining that is so weak it falls apart - it could not let a little bean stick to it.

hope you have a successful appt :)
Not sure about the spotting part, but I thought I could give you my story about Endometriosis.

I was 16 when i was diagnosed with it. I had really bad periods. Cramping so bad that I couldn't even get out of bed. And I bled so heavily, that I had to change pads every couple of hours. I haven't ever had spotting in between periods. In 2002 I had my first surgery, where my doctor removed a large amount of lessions and tissue. In 2006 I got pregnant with my first child and at 6 weeks it sadly ended in a MC, which turned out to be a blighted ovum. From the next 3 year DH and I TTC with no luck. I was about to give up until one day I wen to to my OB, which he preformed another surgery and only found 2 lessions which he said would have had no effect on get pregnant, but he prescribed me Clomid. I took it for only one month and got pregnant with my son, who is now 15 months old. I never really understood how on earth with only taking it for one month I got pregnant so quick. I know I was ovulating before taking the Clomid, but I guess maybe my eggs weren't mature enough and the Clomid boosted the maturity:shrug:.

Endometriosis is a horrible disease and hurts
check out this thread - there are others!!

btw - so weird. i'm 30 and this is my 7th cycle. I've always had this spotting and thought it was normal until i started ttc.
You guys are so, so wonderful for sharing your stories, thank you I appreciate it!!!

My GYN mentioned a while back she thought it could be low prog but that was just over the phone and she still told me to give it a few cycles before we did a "full workup." I also know someone who had trouble getting pregnant with mild endometriosis and I suppose my anxiety got the best of me.

My appt is tomorrow afternoon so I will post how it goes. And best of luck to all of you in similar situations!
newlywed, let us know how the appt goes. I'm going through something so similar, so I would love to know what others are being advised to do or what to take. good luck!
Well I had my appt! I really liked the doctor he put my mind at ease. He said from everything I described it sounded hormonal, so first things first they drew blood to test prog, thyroid, and prolactin. Im going back this Friday for a physical exam and the blood work results.

After that they do a SA for my husband and check my CM and also if we need to we move onto ultrasound. So at least now I feel like there is a plan in place.
Blood work came back and I had my physical at the RE today. Thyroid and prolactin levels are normal, progesterone is 9.2, which is in the wide range of normal (little on the low end). However my spotting leads him to think this is a low prog issue.

They will test again this same time next cycle and also do a test of my uterine lining. He said if it's a prog issue it's an easy fix with supplementation. Easy for him to say! : )
I haven't got my results yet from the bloodtests. I hope to go back next week. Unfortunately, my doctor doesn't seem to want to jump into the realm of reproduction and would prefer to send me to my OBGYN. It's so annoying because I know exactly what tests he should be running on me, but he doesn't even seem to want to do that!

So, I am hoping that in the upcoming weeks I'll get to go to my doctor.

That's great to hear about your thyroid and prolactin and moving along with getting some help!!

Don't worry about your progesterone. It is an "easy" fix. At least you are ovulating and getting AF. This is more than half the battle. There is a thread "Spotting a week before period" and one of the ladies on there is taking cyclogest (I think that's the right way to spell it!), and the first month she was on it, she did not spot at all. While she didn't get her BFP, she finally had a normal Luteal Phase because of the progesterone.

Did he give you progesterone?
I'm on cycle number 7 too and this is my second month on clomid. I'm hoping something works out soon for all of us.

I was just at the doctors a couple days again and my gp said that ttc can take up to two years! I was completely shocked. So maybe we're all just falling into that category.
Two years? That is soooooo depressing. I didn't even want it to take two months.

I really didn't think this would take 7 months. Everyone I know has become pg right away. I come from a huge family with lots of women who all have kids, and their kids have kids - same with DH.

The first few months were so hard. I almost feel numb to it all right now and the only thing that keeps me sane is having a few plans in place!

Plan A was to concieve naturally right away.
Plan B is to wait it out and get some help from my doctor and OBGYN.
Plan C is to look into adoption.

I don't understand why I am genetically made up to procreate and I can't seem to do it??? UGH.
I didnt want it to take two months either haha! Im really trying to keep a sense of humor about the whole thing which is HARD. I spent the last couple of months being very depressed.

He didnt give me progesterone for next cycle. I was kind of hoping he would and maybe he still will, who knows. He wants to biopsy my uterine lining next month as well. I haven't even gotten AF yet this cycle so that's still a few weeks away.

Neither of my doctors have mentioned the 2 year thing, although they have said it can take a normal healthy fertile couple up to a year. We are all different and so are our bodies.

If you girls ever need to vent I'm here for ya!!!
Me too. I'm prone to depression. My GP even gave me meds for it, and I have not taken them. I am now just trying really hard to not let myself get into a "failing at TTC rut." It's so hard not too, especially when everyone around me is a new mother or is pregnant.

I am almost trying to see the humourous side - Elton John and his partner recently adopted and I saw their photo on a tabloid. I wrote to DH immediately and told him that even gay men are having babies before us!

To escape the bombardment of babies around us, DH and i went out for a nice dinner last night. And, can you believe that there was a family out celebrating a baby's first birthday right in front of me? Everyone there had a baby. Their babies had babies!

One year is much easier to swallow! You are right - we're all different and all of our circumstances are different. But still - we have been genetically programmed to procreate, so I just can't understand why so many women who are so wonderful, caring, nurturing and who would be incredible mothers have to experience these challenges. I just can't figure it out. Then, you get crackheads on shows like Intervention who abuse their bodies and get pregnant all the time. I told DH that I'm going to start doing crack and take up drinking - maybe that will work!
Sometimes I think it has to do with women having children later in life, widespread use of hormonal birth control, I dunno. I try to make some sense of it. I have friends who have taken one month and friends who have taken years.

Best of all, my husbands sister, who BTW already has 3 kids under the age of 5, decided a few months ago she wanted to try for a 4th. And yup, you guessed it, is pregnant this month. After we have been trying forever! Grrr.
Oh that is frustrating and I'm sure it must be so hard for you. As happy as you can try to be for them, it gets to a point where you almost think "your joy is the cause of my misery." Then you deal with the guilt of having those thoughts.

I personally find it very hard to deal with my brother-in-law and his wife's success and joy with their baby. It took them one try - and she is a witch of a person! I am honestly just dreading the day they announce that they are pregnant with their second. My in-laws are over the moon with their first grandchild and basically ignore dh and I when we're all together. It's just another thing to add that I feel is thrown into my face constantly.

Yeah, the age thing is definitely a factor. My doctor told me I'm not a 16 year old girl anymore! LOL The nerve! I thought 30 was the new 20??

Where are you in your cycle? I'm 7 dpo and don't even care. For a while I would dread the TWW, but now, I just wonder when AF will arrive. I symptom spotted for the first few months of TTC. But now, I just spot!

When did you get married?
You sound just like me! Right now I am 11 dpo and major spotting started at 8 dpo this month. I probably won't get AF until Tues or Wed and it will last a few days.

I am 32 and got married in May of last year!
Oh, I am sorry to hear that. It really takes a lot of us to have this each month. So many ladies on here get all the way until AF is due (without spotting) and poas - at least we save money and the heartbreak of having to watch negatives show up on an hpt.

While I'm impressed that I've reached 7dpo without spotting, I know it will show up by 10 dpo at the latest. I'm on all sorts of silly things - vitex, Bcomplex, maca, vitamin e, EPO pre-ov, and I've decided to take myself off them next cycle, as they are really not making much of a difference. I don't expect my cycle to sort itself out, but hopefully within the next couple of months I'll be in full swing with doctors appts and be able to give my doctor a clean canvas to work with.

Why does your doctor want to do a biopsy of your uterine lining?

I got married last July - I am 30 and DH is 32.
i dont think your jumping the gun at all. i'm 23 and have been TTC for 8 months now and my GP is sending me for an ultra scan (which i have tuesday) she's got the ball rolling. If you have been TTC for a while and are doing everything then you'll prob have more chance of the doctor doing something. Everyone told me i wouldnt get anywhere being 23 and only TTc for 8 months but my GP was more then happy to send me for tests.I think it all depends on your GP

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