Hi cutie, glad you found this! Im hoping you will share what you have learned along the way as well.... As all of us are in the same boat!
That is the book. Ive started reading it, but put it down to read simplicity parenting. I loved the beginning of the Highly Sensitive Child but then I was getting frustrated as I was hoping for things that I could really use out of it to help me with Megan. So I wasnt sure if it was the books fault or my mindset that weekend so I decided to stop and start again when in a better place. And I think tonight I'm going to start it again.
I've bought multiple books, and some of them are about discipline and getting your kids to listen ( but for kids more like megan ) It's something that we have struggled with. Megan is very sensitive but she is also very feisty and stubborn and intense. It's making it very hard to figure out how to go about things as they are very opposite things. And yet she is all those things. I think it's one reason we struggle so much with her and why she has such struggles herself.
What I have been doing is first deciding whether what she is doing is being overstimulated/ something to do with her sensitivity or if it's her being actually naughty on purpose. I don't do timeout in her room as I have wanted her room to be somewhere I can have her calm down and not see as a punishment place. I've been putting her near the stairs ( we still have the baby gate up) and she sits there for 2 minutes. She is upset during it, but I've found that it really helps her that I've started setting a timer for her 2 minutes. Then she isn't taking it so personally i think. As soon as that beep comes then I go right to her and we talk about what happened. She isn't in timeout very often - she has gone months without it sometimes and sometimes once or 2ce a month? She She really usually only needs a warning or a warning of timeout. I also tell her the reasons why we shouldn't do whatever she is doing, and often once she understands the reason she will stop. I think that has prevented timeouts as then she understands and then doesn't need a consequence. If she isn't listening about a toy and continues to do whatever I've asked her not to with it ( like swinging something around jordans head) I will tell her that if she wants to keep playing with it she has to go play with it in her room. So she can then swing it, but Jordan avoids being hurt. Or if it's something she really shouldn't do and I give her a reason of why we don't do that and then a warning, I will take the toy away. That upsets her more than timeout usually.
If she is melting down from overstimulation I've been having her go in her room ( quite often I have to carry her in there or hold her hand and guide her there) sit in her chair, I cover her with her weighted blanket and I give her one of her sensory chewy toys and 2 books. I tell her that once she has calmed down she can come find me. I've found that me holding her when she is melting down it makes it worse. She needs to be alone. If I hold her or try to talk to her when she is being that way it becomes a huge struggle and she then starts tantruming or melting down worse. She has been calming down quickly when we do that and then we cuddle and sometimes get something to eat or find something fun to start.
If she is upset and crying over us trying to start something without giving her enough warning then I stop whatever I'm doing and get down on the floor and talk to her very "lightly"... Like "oh show me that toy you have, what are you doing with it? It distracts her from being upset about whatever we wanted her to do, ( like eat dinner). Once she has stopped crying and talking about the toy or whatever I diverted her attention to... Then I slip in something about dinner that I think she likes. So I'll say oh guess what we are having at dinner.... I made carrots! Are you feeling hungry? And then she is willing to come eat. I do the same about leaving the house, starting bedtime routine, anything really.
We have more issue with her being mad and wanting to scream when in trouble vs her crying as she is so sad about being told she did something wrong. Her feisty side comes out then. But we feel like if we are over the top then it affects her sensitive side. It's a balancing act. Disciplining her intense feisty side but protecting her sensitive side.
I'm hoping these books I've gotten will have some good ideas as well.
Polaris - the whole first part of the book i felt like I could insert megans name vs the hsc that she uses. I had been reading all of those sensory processing disorder books and I kept thinking these don't seem like Megan. So it makes me think that she doesn't have spd, just a hard time dealing with her sensitivity. It is nice finding a book that seems to understand her.
Megan dropped her 2nd nap at 13 months. Jordan is already on 2 naps starting at 6 months

I'm actually hoping this works for Megan as going to sleep at midnight isn't working for us. That's way after dh and I want to be in bed ourselves. And lately if she can't sleep in the evening she has started wanting me to lay with her and sing to her and I've been doing this thing where I say "your feet are so sleepy, they want to sleep, your legs are so tired and relaxed, etc etc" She loves that and it works for her once in a while. But then I don't have an evening at all if I'm in with her. And with naps, Jordan now has morning nap and mid afternoon nap and megans was right in between the 2. So they weren't napping at the same time and then me spending all evening in with Megan or keep going in there reminding her it's bedtime, to stop looking outside, etc, means I have ZERO time with no kids. I need a break and trying to figure out how I can get one. Last night she fell asleep around 8 - after having that very short afternoon nap and slept until 8:30 this morning ( she woke around 2 ( I think from hearing me up with Jordan) and was upset and wanted me to sleep with her so I layed with her and she fell back asleep. I fell asleep as well for a bit but then went to my bed. No nap today, just the resting and she was fast asleep by 6:45 tonight.

couldnt believe it!