September 2021 due date babies!!!

Happy full term @Zoboe95

It's 23:54 here now so I'm almost 36+6 and just 1 day away from full term.

Acid reflux has been a right bitch all day today and still have it now. Tablets not working.
Its 6am and I must of only had half hour shut eye.
What with acid reflux and braxton hicks and needing the bathroom.
Feel absolutely exhausted now.
Roll on tomorrow. Just praying it all goes well. I'm not gonna lie I am feeling a bit nervous now.
Praying will be healthy and there won't be any complications with baby or myself.
And hopefully they call first thing in the morning to get me in.
Just want to get things strated now. :coffee:
Three more days of the fragmin jabs to go and I am soooooo done with the bloody things already. Belly looks awful and they sting like a bitch - every day a bit worse than the last as the numbness slowly eases. Can't wait til Sunday!!
Suggar I feel like that’s flown by! I hope all goes okay!

lone I have never had to use them but I’ve heard they are awful!!
@LoneWanderer what are fragmin jabs? Do you have to do them when you get a section?

@Suggerhoney im sorry the reflux is bothering you. I really hope you get an early induction time. Seems like they would since you’ll be 37 weeks so may take longer than someone further along. Totally normal to be nervous. I still have three weeks to go and am already nervous. And have been having a few bad dreams about delivery. Praying all goes well for you tomorrow.

My glucose numbers havent been great lately and I am eating the same boring things and walking a so I have a feeling they will put me on medicine at my next appointment. Was hoping to manage with diet and exercise but apparently my body has different plans. Baby also has been crazy active in the evening but small movements during the day so have been freaking out about that but then she’ll go ninja in the evening and I feel better. She’s keeping me on my toes already.
Blood thinner jabs. Yeah it's a post section thing, though it seems to vary by hospital - some don't give them at all, some do them for weeks, but the standard seems to be 10 days. Have to do them at home. They suck balls tbh.

The needle doesn't hurt at all, it's tiny. But afterwards it's like a bee sting, lasts like 15 mins and its really painful - especially when they go into a post-section belly covered in bruises, right above the bloody incision. Then each one leaves a little round bruise.

I don't do them, other half does, I couldn't hack it myself. So sick of them now but nearly done!
Ouch! That sounds terrible! Im glad you only have to do them 10 days! I’ve never had a section but here they give you compression socks to wear after birth for a few days so your legs don’t clot.
I am going to pack my hospital bag tomorrow as I’ll be 36 weeks!
The hospital provides diapers/wipes for baby and pads and mesh undies for me while there so I don’t need to bring those.

Comfy coming home pants and shirts
Nursing bras
2 baby outfits
Baby blanket
Baby hat
Nipple cream
Phone charger
Chap stick
Toiletries for shower
Hair brush
Hospital forms
Car seat

Am I missing anything? I’m so paranoid I’ll forget something important
Ouch! That sounds terrible! Im glad you only have to do them 10 days! I’ve never had a section but here they give you compression socks to wear after birth for a few days so your legs don’t clot.

Yup I've got the super sexy stockings on too. Along with my disposable pants, unshaven legs, leftover bump and old lady nighties, I'm just a real treat for the eyes at the moment ahaha! Ah, but I did a baby so I look great just as I am :rofl:

Sounds like you've got packing covered, though I took like six baby outfits and used all of them within 24 hours - between baby sick and him peeing out of his nappy, I used them all and had to get other half to bring an emergency going home outfit :o

@Zoboe95 Happy full term.

@Suggerhoney not long to go at all now, can't wait for your updated! hope its quick for you and you get an early slot!

@LoneWanderer you really crack me up, glad you don't have manage injections left!

@atx614 how long are you likely to be in you may want one or two more outfits. Also maybe muslins or bibs :)
*** Warning below is a very long birth story - not sure how it got so long ***

So sorry this has taken me so long to update. I thought I’d write whilst Everett has his first go in his sling, meaning he’s nice and snuggled up but my hands are free.

I went in for monitoring on Monday 23rd, the machine was picking up my tightenings but I thought nothing of it as they were the same intensity and frequency etc as what I’d been having for the previous 3 weeks. Of course once I got on the monitor baby also started wriggling around more (though it did take almost the whole hour for the monitor to be happy). Whilst I was waiting for the doctor to come round I suddenly felt really wet, I thought it was just lots of discharge so stood up to go to the toilet, before I realised it wasn’t going to happen and maybe it was my waters. I alerted the midwife on the unit and she didn’t even need to do a swab etc she could tell instantly it was my waters. I told her that if possible I was still planning on my homebirth etc, she said as far as she was aware they were still postponed, to which I said okay then, well I’ve got a personalised plan set up with the hospital. They said the doctor still needed to come and see me etc, before they could do anything. Nothing had happened to the contractions so I waited around a bit, and messaged my friend to let her know what was happened.

Once the doctor arrived, things didn’t go very well she was so so rude, and said because I’d had reduced movement I shouldn’t follow my personalised plan (that had involved the head of the hospital to approve) and should go to labour ward for them to induce the labour, as my contractions weren’t very strong. I told her that no way was that happening, and I knew the risks and benefits of induction and that unless I was over the 24hrs I definitely wouldn’t be considering induction. She must have used the word still birth around 10 times, by which point I was getting really angry at her. I told her politely to stop talking, and said “I have told you what I want if you are not going to follow that I’ll happily go home and freebirth, yes you have to tell me your perceived risks but that I also knew the risks of induction and because I was already contracting etc I wanted my wishes to be followed, and I didn’t appreciate her being so awful. She said she needed to speak to the registrar, when she left, I told the midwife I wanted her to be around when the registrar came back as I wasn’t willing to be spoken to in the same way the doctor has spoken to me. Well the registrar came back and said as I’d been told the “risks” and also knew about the risks of induction she was happy for me to go ahead with my personalised plan.

The midwife rang through to the MLU and I was gutted to learn the birthing pool room was in use, but they did manage to reserve me the pool room in the normal labour ward, and as per the plan, if I hadn’t birthed by the time the MLU pool was free I was to be taken straight around to it. Now this is where things were very special as the head of midwifery and the head of the hospital had agreed that due to them letting me down by not offering homebirths and due to my hospital trauma surround birth of DD1, they had agreed that my girls could be present at the hospital (this was arranged a few days after I learnt home births were suspended and all the midwives knew the plan, and the girls had already been to visit the unit). So I rang my friend and she brought the children into the hospital – they both had their own little hospital bags, with food, activities etc in to keep them busy. Once they arrived they were so excited to know baby was coming. By this point it was about 7pm, but the contractions hadn’t really changed, but I just trusted my body etc. The girls played on their tablets, and enjoyed the birthing balls that were in the room.

Around 9pm they came to tell me the MLU pool room was free, and they were just cleaning it. This room was so much better as there was no medical equipment on show, and they didn’t even have a proper bed so didn’t feel at all like a hospital, hence making it even easier to deal with my previous trauma as it didn’t feel like a hospital. We got into the room about 10.30pm and both the girls laid down on bed which is like foam or something, I’ve added a picture of DD2 on it and they went to sleep. I was still contracting as the same rate around 7 minutes apart, I bounced on the ball etc, nothing had really changed by midnight so I decided to try and have a nap, the contractions were still 7 minutes apart and just at the point where they were close enough to stop me really sleeping as each time I was almost asleep I had one, but they weren’t very painful and I could easily talk through them. I did manage to nap on and off until about 6am, when the girls also woke up.

At 6am still nothing had changed and I was starting to worry that maybe I would need induction, but tried to remind myself I knew the pros and cons and even at 24hrs I didn’t have to agree to anything. My friend had agreed to go into work, and the girls weren’t allowed to be with me on my own. As everything was so slow, we decided my friend would go back to mine with the girls to sort out my dog, and then take my girls to my mum’s house so she could swap places. As things were so slow my mum decided to stay at home with the girls and give them breakfast etc. The midwives swapped over at 7.30 and brought me some breakfast and also asked if I was okay with a student (which I was ). At around 8.30 my mum messaged saying her friend would come up later to bring them all to the hospital so that after baby was born she could drive my car and us back home without leaving her car at the hospital. At 8.30 the contractions were still the same, and I decided to ask for my first internal (it was in my birth plan not to offer them routinely and only give on If I asked.) Well at 8.30am when she told me I was only 4cm I could have cried! I honestly thought I had no hope or that it was going to be hours more. Well around 5 minutes after the internal I was suddenly really struggling to cope with the contractions, they’d gone for not being a bother at all to me needing to really remind myself about breathing (very loudly through each contraction). The midwife said she was going to run the pool, I told her it was too early especially as I was only 4cm a few minutes ago, but she insisted that they could just add more hot water when it was needed, I let her get on with it, though was a little amazed when the water ran from the ceiling. Around 10 mins after the midwife ran the pool I ended up asking for gas and air, (I hadn’t planned on using it but there had been no real build up in the contractions and they'd gone from even 7 mins about 45 seconds and basically no pain to every 2 minutes lasting at least 1 minute often more and being extremely painful. I remember ringing my mum to ask how long she was going to be and she must have know too it was happening fast as she ordered a taxi to bring her and the girls to the hospital.

Within a few minutes of my ringing her I started to transition (I know it was transitioning, as I always have 1 or 2 minutes of believing I can’t do it and saying so). I also remember telling the midwife that it was too fast, because I was 4cm not long ago. She was like no this it really it. And then out if the blue my body wanted to start pushing, I wasn’t even in the pool yet. I told the midwife I felt like I was getting ready to push and she helped me get into the pool around 9am. I remember one midwife offered to take come pictures and the other one stayed holding my hand through the contractions. I refused to push and just let my body do what It needed to do, especially as the children weren’t their. I managed to get the midwife to type in my phone passcode and ring my mum on loud speaker, don’t remember much about the call except her telling me the taxi driver was driving as fast as he could! I kept letting my body do what I needed during each contraction but didn’t push, as I really wanted the girls to be there, my body was naturally pushing a bit each time, but I knew I was safe to just let it do what I needed and not fight it. The midwife then told me my mum had text to say they were just pulling up (I learnt later that this text was at 9.08 am) and then all of a sudden, they were in the room. I remember crying at this bit as they’d made it in time. Both the girls came and stood round the front holding my hands and my mum was happy to take pictures. With the next few contractions I pushed with my body as I knew it was okay for baby to be born any time. I pushed until midwife said baby was crowning at which point I just let my body take over again. In end baby crowned and was born in the same motion, with tiny little coached pushed as per midwife’s instructions. I reached down and caught baby myself and lifted baby to the surface he was born at 9.17am, literally 9 minutes after my girls arrived at the hospital, if I’d have pushed with my body any earlier they probably would have missed it. I positioned baby so the girls and I could both see what sex baby was, no one told them they got to look themselves. By this point they were super emotional in the best was possible.

After he was born I had wanted delayed cord clamping and they did this for as long as possible, in the end though apart from a gasp when he first came up from the surface baby was being a little too lazy to breathe on his own. They left him as long as possible, from inside my little bubble I remember the midwife telling the student they could leave the baby until the cord stopped pulsing as until then it was still providing him with enough oxygen. Only when it stopped and he still wasn’t breathing did they take him, after literally one minute of was screaming away and he was brought back to the pool, and the girls got to touch him for the first time. My eldest asked if they could know what name I’d chosen as I hadn’t told anyone and they loved it instantly I asked for a physiological third stage, which id never had with my other two (I had two injections with each of them and they’d made me so poorly). I held Everett the whole time whilst waiting for the placenta to deliver. Once the placenta had delivered, I transferred to the bed/not bed, and at no point did anyone try and take my (which is exactly how I wanted it in my birth plan) then the midwives left us alone to have a full golden hour or skin to skin. Once I’d had my golden hour each of the girls also had skin to skin time whilst the midwives checked I didn’t have any tears, I just had a little graze. I had a shower to clean up as part of my plan was that I also went basically straight home after he was born. Once I was cleaned up, they weighed baby and the girls and I dressed him together just like was in my birth plan. The midwives brought us more food, went and registered him to get him and NHS number and we were discharged and home within 3 hours of him being born. (with agreement for his hearing check to be as an out patient and his 6 hour check to be done within 72 hours of birth by a community midwife)

I am so sorry it’s so long. I’ve added some family friendly pics too!

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@Suggerhoney you will do amazing hun you have got this! Your bump is gourgeous!

@LoneWanderer omg you crack me up!! Brilliant. I have the same injections had to do 2 a day since 12 weeks and supposedly 6 weeks after but they can do 1 if they think I'm doing that for that long lol!!

@atx614 u made me lol with the ninja baby cos that's what Sophia is like atm Lol!!
@MadamRose What a perfect perfect story!!!! Thank u so much for sharing It! Got really emotional when the girls made it on time xxxxx
I hate them injections. After I had Tommy I had to do them at home too. I thought they were just a Section thing but now at my hospital we get them given to us everyday on the ward and then we get a load to take home with a little yellow sharps box.
I injected myself but oh my gosh the first time doing it was so hard and I kept going to put it in then chickened out lol.
But I managed it in the end but hated it. They freekin sting like a bitch.
Definitely not looking forward to those. Urghhh.
Lovely photo hon absolutely rocking them pants. \\:D/

Sounds like u have it all covered hon.

I did already comment in ure journal.
Thank you so much for sharing ure birth story and all the lovely pictures. So precious.

Sorry I've not been on ladies I didn't sleep last night damn acid reflux and constant peeing.
So I've been resting all day.
Dh went to the shop to get our snacks and drinks to take with us to the hospital.

I managed to have a shower and had a bit of a pamper.
Did my hair. Did a face mask and a foot moisturising treatment because I can't stand having them sexy hospital stockings on with dry heals and feet. It just gives me that nails down a blackboard feeling yuck.

So now there all nice and soft. I've painted my toenails as best I cud. Very difficult with a great big bump but they will do lol.
I've painted them blue and put glitter on top.
So now all ready for baby.
Dh has had a shower and shave too so we're both all ready.

Now sat watching a movie (supperbad)
Feeling tired so hopefully will sleep tonight.

Then tomorrow is the big day.
Not gonna be fun waiting for that phone call but hopefully it will be in the morning and I get to go in in the morning.
Really don't want to be sat waiting at home all day but it just depends how busy they get tonight and tomorrow. Not setting a alarm I'm just gonna keep my phone on loud so if I'm asleep and they phone it will wake me.

Added a few more bits to my hospital bag.

So now just need to get tonight out the way then it's the wait for the phone call.
Please let it be nice and early. [-o<

Will try and keep u all posted as much as possible <3
@Suggerhoney you will do amazing hun you have got this! Your bump is gourgeous!

@LoneWanderer omg you crack me up!! Brilliant. I have the same injections had to do 2 a day since 12 weeks and supposedly 6 weeks after but they can do 1 if they think I'm doing that for that long lol!!

@atx614 u made me lol with the ninja baby cos that's what Sophia is like atm Lol!!

Thank you hon. Xx
@MadamRose oh I am so glad the girls made it back on time! Crazy how you started progressing so quickly. So happy you had a wonderful birth and thank you for sharing the story and pictures!!

@Suggerhoney i hope you are able to sleep better tonight so you are well rested for your big day tomorrow! Eeeeek I can’t wait!!

@LoneWanderer haha you crack me up. I love the stretchy hospital panties!! I hope they send me home with a bunch extra like they did last time.
@MadamRose oh I am so glad the girls made it back on time! Crazy how you started progressing so quickly. So happy you had a wonderful birth and thank you for sharing the story and pictures!!

@Suggerhoney i hope you are able to sleep better tonight so you are well rested for your big day tomorrow! Eeeeek I can’t wait!!

@LoneWanderer haha you crack me up. I love the stretchy hospital panties!! I hope they send me home with a bunch extra like they did last time.

Thanks hon.
Woke up at 6am but managed to sleep OK ish.
Now 07:44am. Just waiting for the phone call and really hope it's at 8ish. They said the earliest they call is 8am but I have no idea how busy they are so I just have to wait.
Feeling anxious so really hope I get that call in a bit to go in.

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