September October buddy:)

Poor you gosh! ! My LO is 4 weeks old tomorrow and yours is still cooking.. how bizzare. Clearly he's nice and cosy inside.. but we want to see him! Are you trying all the remedies.. raspberry leaf tea, pineapple, rumpy pumpy?

I know it's crazy, I was due first and yours is 4 weeks old. I'm sure I going to have a 12lber!

No I haven't to be honest, sex is just too painful.. I don't really believe in all the pineapple and curry (I don't like curry :haha:). I have been active, walking lots etc. I do feel like my body is getting ready so hopefully won't need to be induced or if I do need to go in they won't need to do much to get it going, I just hate the idea of being strapped to the bed.
Hopefully I will have some news soon.
Any new pics of your little ones? X
:wave: my little birth story :D
Induction went well..went in at 2pm on Tuesday 6th but they had no beds so couldn't get in until 3:30pm. Had pessary inserted about 4:30pm. Not a lot was happening so was sent off for a walk and OH and I had some dinner in the canteen. He went home about 6:30pm to see the boys and put them to bed as the midwife said baby wouldn't arrive until tomorrow was 2cm dilated.
As soon as he went my contractions started 7:30pm and really ramped up by 9pm. I was on my own and the midwife kept offering me a bath and paracetamol. I kept trying to explain I have quick Births and I felt I was close. She said I wasnt! I was checked at 10pm and I was 4cm with contractions every 2\3 minutes so they sent me to delivery suite...that journey was agony!! Before I went I asked the midwife to phone OH but she said it was too early but I decided to anyway sneakily on my mobile as he had a 45 minute journey. He ran into the delivery room at 11:05pm and I gave birth at 11:23pm :D he only just made it!!

Here is 'little' Charlie weighing 10lb 2oz born on 6th October
Wow!! Atlast how beautiful! He's a little stunner and check that hair out. Gosh it's so annoying when they say you aren't close.. darling we know our bodies! I've seen it on programmes before and the MW is like 'your not close your 2cm' 30 seconds later out flies this baby lol!!

You did so well bless you. How you feeling?? How is he? :)

Well done xx

10lb!!!!! Wowza. . He looks smaller than Halimah did, and she was 5lb 14oz lol pictures are very deceiving she was a little dot. Very happy for you xx
Yes the midwife was really starting to annoy me, why don't I try a bath to ease the pain? Um no, the only thing that will ease the pain is to have this baby!

I'm ok, I had some horrible after pains in my stomach last night and a few big clots - yuck. I had some stitches but haven't had any problems with them.
He is fine, breastfeeding well. Just waiting for my milk to come in. He is quite chilled as are we being our third lol.

He is tiny to me but if you look at this pic you can see his size against my 4 year old!


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Yes the midwife was really starting to annoy me, why don't I try a bath to ease the pain? Um no, the only thing that will ease the pain is to have this baby!

I'm ok, I had some horrible after pains in my stomach last night and a few big clots - yuck. I had some stitches but haven't had any problems with them.
He is fine, breastfeeding well. Just waiting for my milk to come in. He is quite chilled as are we being our third lol.

He is tiny to me but if you look at this pic you can see his size against my 4 year old!

Oh yes what a chunk lol!! Little Halimah has gained 1lb per week for the last 3 weeks, super milk!! I'm glad the feeding is going well. It's super stressful first few days and Halimah had to be tube and syringe fed for a week because she just wouldn't latch. I'm sorry to hear of your after pains. I didn't really get any apart from with feeding, it definitely does make your uterus contract.. ouch! My stiches were awful though for weeks.. couldn't sit down or walk properly. Oh the joys :dohh:

How are the other 2 with him? Is family life going well?

I registered Halimah yesterday (cutting it fine I know). Was lovely to see her little birth certificate!

What was the other ladies name who used to post in here? I wonder if she's given birth :hugs:
Oh how funny!! We registered Lucas on Tuesday too!!!! And they were born on the same day lol.

Im still pumping, he wont take boob at all now. We are roughly 50/50 breastmilk/formula and im ok with that :)
Got Lucas weighed monday so 4weeks 6days and he was 8lb 6oz, little chunk lol.
Hope everyone is ok xx
Ahh bless Amber do you have breastfeeding support workers in your area? Not sure if I've said it before they could come out and help with the feeding. Halimah-Sa'diyah is goooood she's getting weighed on Monday and I reckon she's gotta be hitting 10lb.. she has a double chin ha!! :)
We're doing good thanks, Charlie was 9lb 13 at last weigh in so still has a few ounces to go to back to birth weight but we're getting there. Can't believe he is 3 weeks old already on Tuesday. Where is the time going??

We've had a bit of a nightmare feeding the last few weeks. He has such a shallow latch he was chomping at my nipple,he and I also has thrush so that was mega painful I my boobs. Felt like someone was sticking a needle in my nipple!! But the last few days are better, the pain is getting less and he is latching better - I basically have to force my breast in his mouth.

The other two boys love him to bits - especially Jack he always wants to hold him and kiss him it's very cute.


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Hey Kath. I'm glad to hear the feeding is going better, how is it now? Halimah has been fussing on the breast for last week or so.. really frustrates me! I think it's wind or when she's tired.

She's 8 weeks now! And 2 days.. was due her vaccinations today but I cancelled them. Still doing more research and trying to come to a decision about it. Very big decision either way!

Now is little man and the boys?

I'm in middle od decorating my place but really coming together :) xx

Looks like we all busy being mammas hehe..

How does he sleep in the night? Halimah usually wakes every 2 hours, last night every 4!! Because I'd gave her a lush bath ;) friends are like Ahh inshaaAllah she'll sleep through soon.. "/ I'm like she's 8 weeks old lol... I don't mind he waking. And it's natural for her to wake not sleep through! ::D
Hi, yes much better thanks. It's not as painful (nowhere near) though a bit worried about my milk supply. Charlie is really fussy too sometimes..I think it is wind. But it is frustrating when they are crying with hunger but then pop on and off and squirm about!
Charlie is 4 weeks, 2 days - weird to think I'm a month behind you..

He is a good sleeper, does 4 hours at a time at night which is just brilliant and by far the best sleeper out of the three boys. My first two were every two hours max! He is so good though. He sleeps 8-12 then about 12:30-4 and then he feeds for about an hour and sleeps until 8 so I can't complain really and I like our night time snuggles. My mum also commented that he should be sleeping through the night by 6 weeks ...ummm ok I don't think so. Jack didn't sleep through the night until 10 months, George was 1 so I'm not expecting it any time soon and like you not bothered. Babies Aren't meant to sleep all night as newborns!

Jack and George are absolutely besotted with him..they always argue to who gets to hold him first etc but it's lovely and there is no jealousy at all.

We'll have to post some pictures I got some lovely smiles this morning!


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Hi Kath! How gorgeous is he!! Super sweet boy xx

I'm glad the boys are good with him and love him alot, it can make it difficult when they get jealous which is only natural too but amazing they aren't! :)

That really does sound like wind to me or cluster feeding. Halimah did that ALOT about 2 weeks ago and it was SOOOOOOO frustrating, she'd be trying to eat her hand so I'd latch her on and she'd fuss and squirm and pull off. It's very natural and normal and can be due to tiredness wind or heading up to a developmental leap. There's an app called Wonder Weeks, it's really good about developmental leaps etc. I have the book too

Halimah had blood in her poop yesterday so doc has sent sample off and her poop seems a bit mucusy today. I realised today it might be due to something I ate, so I'm avoiding that!

Halimah is 11 weeks 4 days old today, nearly 3 months :O shocking..I'll get a pic too :)

There's a Facebook page called
Breastfeeding yummy mummy's
Come join us :)
How random! I come on her for the first time in ages.. and find you promoting a fb breastfeeding page I was kicked out of last night :rofl:
Hope you are all good??? Xxx
Haha what did you get kicked out for!? Also very weird as I found khadijah on the group without even reading this post first!!! Weird huh
We are getting on fine thanks, little man has bronchitis at the moment so is poorly but apart from that he's a gem! Such a cutie!
Coz I said fed was best when some woman was bitching about a random stranger she had met in a shop who 'had only bothered to breastfeed for 3weeks' and that she would 'be ashamed' if that was her. :grr:
Got right on my tits. Dont judge others over it!! Its a completely personal choice and who knows maybe there was a different reason and she didnt want to explain it to a random stranger in a shop!! :growlmad: then some others started saying that formula is bare minimum and basically if your child ever has even a drop of formula then your a shit mum :shrug: then I may have gone on to say it was the opinions of those that give us breastfeeding mums the nickname 'breastfeeding brigade'
Stuck up bitches.
There is a massive difference between being supportive of breastfeeding and being downright vindictive towards formula x
Oh yes I commented on that thread weird to think all 3 of us were there! Haha
I said that the lady probably worded it wrong, and it's no ones business really is it how she feeds her baby! Eeek can't believe you got kicked out.

So you are breastfeeding now? Cos you struggled to start with didn't you? It hasn't been an easy ride for me either. Had thrush between us for the first 10 weeks - was agony!! Very nearly gave up! (Couldn't be bothered :winkwink:)
I dont care that I was kicked out but I am pissed off that admin couldnt be bothered to reply to me, id be ASHAMED if that was me! :rofl:
Im expressing. But its still classed as breastfeeding by drs etc I just dont nurse. Although he did latch for a bit earlier - id run out of milk upstairs (feeding while trying to watch my eldest in the bath) so thought id see what happens... same as when he was born, bobbing on and off and just fussing over it *sigh* :shrug:
I would love a buddy too! I got my bfp on Jan 1 and am due September 13th

Hi, congrats on the bfp! We are an old group so have all had our babies now. Is it already a year when we were getting our bfps!!! Crazy!! Xx

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