September/October Mummies To Be??

babydust1 -team yellow -15th September
Jacks mummy - team pink - 26th September
Frecks - team blue - 26th September
Babyhopesxx - team yellow - 26th September
Scarlett - 27th September

MillieMoo - team pink - 8th October
little miss - team yellow - 20th October
angelbunny - team blue - 20th October
nai1983 - team pink - 31st October
Hi I'm due sept 23rd. I am very lucky and never with all 3 pregnancies had any symptoms I coast through. This baby will give me 3 under 3. Omg!!!!!! My only down side is my birthday is early sept it will be my 30th and I can't drink or do much, boo to me! getting excited now about meeting this bump
I'm so jealous mrsdcooper i wish I'd had no symptoms, I was totally floored with sickness for a couple of months, and I was miserable!! What team are you??

Updated -

babydust1 -team yellow -15th September
mrsdcooper - - 23rd September
Jacks mummy - team pink - 26th September
Frecks - team blue - 26th September
Babyhopesxx - team yellow - 26th September
Scarlett - 27th September

MillieMoo - team pink - 8th October
little miss - team yellow - 20th October
angelbunny - team blue - 20th October
nai1983 - team pink - 31st October
Heelloo !! :wave:

:cloud9: Our little man due on the 30th of September :dance: <(I really like that wee face !!)
No symptoms other than sore boobs from about week 7-9/10ish and a few days of nausea that aren't worth remembering......
He's making himself very well known now though !!

Hope you are all well ;)
I'm so jealous mrsdcooper i wish I'd had no symptoms, I was totally floored with sickness for a couple of months, and I was miserable!! What team are you??

Updated -

babydust1 -team yellow -15th September
mrsdcooper - - 23rd September
Jacks mummy - team pink - 26th September
Frecks - team blue - 26th September
Babyhopesxx - team yellow - 26th September
Scarlett - 27th September

MillieMoo - team pink - 8th October
little miss - team yellow - 20th October
angelbunny - team blue - 20th October
nai1983 - team pink - 31st October

I think you missed mine on September 20th, team yellow
Can I join you ladies? I'm team pink, :pink: , and I'm due September 8th :)

As for symptoms, I can still get a metallic taste off my lips, bad back pain, still have morning sickness (although only usually twice/three times a day now), spots everywhere and I'm so tried its unbelievable! Thats it though :) I was worse with my last pregnancy!
I'm due October 25th, finding out gender next wednesday on the 1st. :)
Due october 28th. I am tirednand grumpy presently... I want some second trimester friends too.
We are team yellow awaiting the surprise. It really doesn't matter now I have one of each. Lol.

I feel so sorry for everyone who struggles with pregnancy it must be awful, that all coupled with the tiredness would be so hard. I think your all super women.

I'm so jealous mrsdcooper i wish I'd had no symptoms, I was totally floored with sickness for a couple of months, and I was miserable!! What team are you??

Updated -

babydust1 -team yellow -15th September
mrsdcooper - - 23rd September
Jacks mummy - team pink - 26th September
Frecks - team blue - 26th September
Babyhopesxx - team yellow - 26th September
Scarlett - 27th September

MillieMoo - team pink - 8th October
little miss - team yellow - 20th October
angelbunny - team blue - 20th October
nai1983 - team pink - 31st October
due on the 21st of sept, team blue! baby number 3 and boy number 3 :)
Hey lovely ladies :)

Im team pink due 17th sept :) Cant wait. Was feeling very sick still up to a few weeks ago, but its eased off now. Still absolutely shattered but that might be because of my other 2 monkeys. I have spd and the last few months have been agony, but for some reason this week im completely pain free, not expecting that to last long, but ill enjoy it while i can haha. xxx
Hi, I'm due 2nd of September, 2 days before my birthday so I'm hoping bubba can hold out 2 more days :)

Ive not really had any morning sickeness and the only complaint i get atm is sore hips, so I'm kinda lucky in that respect :)
Hi can I join you all, we're team pink and due on 30th September.
I suffered with nausea from week 6-16ish, other than that it's been plain sailing apart from the tiredness and painful hips!!
I'm feeling her kick and move alot more often now which is nice.
I'm pregnant with my first baby which is due on 14th september. We are finding out the sex in 6 days wooo hoooo!!
I've had terrible morning sickness near enough all of the way through, i'm still being sick now at 24+4 :(
My only other ailment is sciatica and tiredness, just want baby to be here so I can start to feel human again lol!!
another here due 26th Sep :) although I'm cheating and having baby 2 weeks early around 12th :haha:

We're expecting a little boy called Oliver, he will be our rainbow son after our first baby boy died suddenly in his sleep at 12 days old. We are anxious but so excited to meet him.

hayley i love the pics of ur little girl she is beautiful!!! bless her! also i was just wondering (and u dnt have to answer!) but how come ur having a csec with this baby? xxx
Hey Everyone

Just wanted to start a thread for all those ladies due in September/October, I dont really feel like I know anyone from 2nd tri so it would be good to get to know people. I thought we could make up a list of who's due when?

What has everyone's symptoms been like? I've not had any nausea for weeks and only complaint is bad pelvic pain. I'm due my 20 week scan a week on Monday


Hey chica, if you go to this section: There are already several threads started (I suspect this one will get moved there after a bit too)

I'm due the 20th October with my 2nd. This one is due 20 days after my LOs 2nd Birthday :)
hayley i love the pics of ur little girl she is beautiful!!! bless her! also i was just wondering (and u dnt have to answer!) but how come ur having a csec with this baby? xxx

Hi, of course I dont mind you asking. It'll be an induction, not section (hopefully).

Alex and Daisy were both 38 week inductions due to pre eclampsia so I've asked from the offset this time for a planned 38 week induction as it seems my body just cant go no further and I'd rather know they'll get baby out safe at a good gestation rather than just monitoring iykwim? xx
Good Morning Everyone

How are you all feeling today??

This thread is coming along nicely, I think we should update with symptoms and daily chat in general?

hayley - I've put your due date as 26th, would you like it changed to 12th?

Have I missed anyone out? All the ladies having your gender scan soon, good luck to you all, be sure to let me know the results so i can update.

linz85-----------2nd September
Lucy22----------8th September - Team pink
Sueh81---------14th September
babydust1------15th September - Team yellow
darkangel1981--16th September - Team yellow
sarah2409------17th September - Team pink
Ciarhwyfar------20th September - Team yellow
youngmummi17--20th September - Team pink
v31984---------21st September - Team blue
mrsdcooper-----23rd September - Team yellow
Jacks mummy---26th September - Team pink
Frecks-------- -26th September - Team blue
Babyhopesxx-- -26th September - Team yellow
hayley----------26th September - Team blue
Scarlett---------27th September
Tanni_Pants-----30th September - Team blue
Kayla26---------30th September - Team pink

MillieMoo---------8th October - Team pink
little miss--------20th October - Team yellow
angelbunny------20th October - Team blue
Chaos-----------20th October - Team pink
Girlygirl----------23rd October
AmberS----------25th October
hot tea----------28th October - Team yellow
nai1983----------31st October - Team pink


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