Alea, I'm so glad to hear Lottie is off ventilation. That is fantastic! It's so wonderful to hear she's making such great progress
Ginge, are they willing to let you try a VBAC? I'm starting to feel nervous too about my induction.
Hopie sorry to hear your vacation is postponed. I hope you can still take some time to just relax and do something fun.
Xan, I've felt totally lethargic too. I sleep about 12 hours a night and also sometimes take naps. And, I want to eat everything I see. I don't really have advice on how to get more energy, although if I manage to do a little light exercise, it does seem to help temporarily. Baking sounds lovely
what a great way to start nesting!
Moo it's interesting to hear your perspective on the Brexit. I think, they really have successfully scared everyone. I'm scared about what will happen next, and I'm all the way over here. I heard it will take two years to transition, so maybe it will be so slow enough the local and global economy will just be stable fx
Hopie, sorry to hear about your 1-hour. I hope the 3-hour goes better.
I know it feels overwhelming at first, but you'll get the hang of it. You can still have all that stuff you want, just in smaller servings. And, whole foods like squash and beans and other high fiber foods, the carbs won't have the same effect on your bloodsugar. It really does suck at first, but with diet and exercise your risks won't be any higher then regular. It will just mean you get more chances to see baby
If I can be of any help, let me know