Sorry I've not posted lately!
Thomas was born on 24th august, 1.18am weighing 7lb 11oz, all good, great birth I feel like the midwife who delivered my new best friend. I loved her!
We've had a hospital stay with Thomas due his jaundice, he had to have phototherapy so we were in for 4 days. He's still having to have blood taken as he's not completely over it yet.
Last week Sophie was taken ill, she went downhill very quickly after about 3 or 4 big vomiting sessions. She went cold, clammy, pale and passed out, she wouldn't respond to us at all, so I rang for an ambulance. We were raced to the hospital with sirens and blue lights, and a huge team of paediatrics, anaesthetists etc were there waiting for us. They were brilliant, by the time they had finished she was propped up and talking to Tom, the nurse that did such a fantastic job at keeping her distracted whilst they did everything they had to do.
One she was completely stable, connected to a drip with maintenance fluids and antibiotics, we were moved the children's ward where we stayed for 3 days.
It seems like since Thomas has been born, we haven't spent much time together as a family, as half of us have had to stay in hospital! It's been mad