Ugh am so bloated and huge today, reckon I was about 5 months gone before I looked this big last time. Hideous!!
My sister was ~9 lbs and she was 3 weeks early. I was almost a month late (fortunately they don't let that happen anymore!) and I was 11 1/4 pounds. If we had both been term babies, we would have been about 10 to 10 1/2 pounds. I think it's because my dad's side of the family are giants- my shortest cousin is 6'4, the tallest 6'8. Fortunately, DH's family is giant-less, so here's hoping I won't have to deal with one like me or my sister.
Good luck for your scan today Mari!
I have the opposite worry about babies size- mine tend to have growth issues and are on the smaller side.
My babies weights so far have been
Never going to have a 10lb baby that's for sure lol
Hope everyone is well, my sickness seems to be back with a vengeance today- not great as its half term here too.
It's my booking in appt tomorrow, hoping it makes things feel more 'real' - ive felt quite detatched from the pregnancy and baby since we lost one twin, I know it's probably the fear of losing this one, but I do want to bond with the baby, it's just hard. Xx
Lots of luck for today's scans! Mines tomorrow! Eeeeeeeek!!
With my booking in appointment last week, I had to film in personal details, and previous birth history, but still had the lengthy process of going through family history, occupation, details of other half etc.