****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

oh yeah = anyone else got SPD or pevlic girdle pain? im in agony how can i control it?
I would love a text buddy for when baby/labour comes if anyone would like to be my bud............

Little A I think we shuld all have the phone number lololololol
yeah little A great idea give us all the number and we can systematically call him and tell him how much of a wanker he is
I need a text buddy too drea... only concern is we are due 3 days apart..... could both be texting when both in labour lol :-)
I would really like a text buddy too if anyone fancies it? Amy will always be my gorgeous b buddy but I don't want to bother her with certain stuff. :flower:
I think ive asked this b4 but where is everybody getting there kicks??? Mine are all very low.....always in my girly parts kicking down... and im getting worried she is breech or head up or something. At my 20week scan the tech didnt say how she was laying but i thought by now she would have turned head down at some point....even if just to move back. Very confused!!
oh yeah = anyone else got SPD or pevlic girdle pain? im in agony how can i control it?

I have pelvic pain sooo bad!!! feels like my bones are being pulled in 2 diff directions!! well they kinda are!:haha: ummmm i would say limit walking if you can and put your feet up.....also when you put on pants/underwear on lay in bed cause leaning on 1 foot at a time and putting it into something hurts like HELL!! Also avoiding stairs!!! hope you feel better soon!!:flower:

my pain seems to be really bad for a couple days then stops then comes back!
I don't think i'll ever feel any of these breath taking movements because she's so low all of the time! I don't think she's even squeezed past my belly button. I'll just be wetting myself from constant jabs to the bladder and lady bits :haha:

going through the same thing girl!! tell them to move up!!:growlmad:
Evening girls!
One more day of work and I am gone gone gone for 10 whole days! :happydance:
I am beyond burnt out by the pace of programming and a pile of other admin stuff that just keeps growing. I desperately need a break.
Now I just need to hope for nice weather. We are heading west into the interior of BC, where I grew up. Mountains and spectacular scenery and lots of glacially cold lakes for swimming! Hurrah!
I still have so much to do to get ready for our trip and I just don't have any energy right now. I was really hoping to get laundry, some packing and some gardening done tonight, but unless I have a miraculous burst of nesting energy, I don't know if that is going to happen. Blergh. I just don't want to be stressed and overwhelmed by a huge list tomorrow. But I think I really need to put these cankles up to drain for awhile. It's great when you have a sort of horrified and detached fascination for the sheer grossness of parts of your own body! :)
I'm feeling slightly guilty because I just tossed Simon into his bed at 6:30. He's going to be bouncing around in there for ages. He's not even remotely tired. But I am afraid that I really don't have a kilojoule of energy left to spare for the poor wee laddie. Maybe he'll shock me and fall straight to sleep and not wake up until 7:15 am? :) Yeah, I'll keep dreamin' the dream on that one. He's currently alternating between yelling at the top of his lungs and telling himself very sternly to "shhh".

Drazic, we have the same glucose tests here: you do the GD test as a matter of course at 24 weeks (unless you are having really strong symptoms earlier, I think). If you fail that, you get sent for the GTT, which is the one that takes much longer and involves fasting. That's interesting that some of you are sent straight to the GTT if you are considered higher risk. It must tell them more accurately how you are processing sugar, I guess?

Little A - I volunteer to call that model of gentlemanly manners from Canada to tell him that his rudeness now has an international reputation. Good for you for standing up to him. I'm pretty punchy with the pregnant pissiness, so any worthwhile target is always a welcome outlet.
Okay, going to drag my butt out to get some chores done.
Very much against my will! :growlmad:
Evening girls!
I'm feeling slightly guilty because I just tossed Simon into his bed at 6:30. He's going to be bouncing around in there for ages. He's not even remotely tired. But I am afraid that I really don't have a kilojoule of energy left to spare for the poor wee laddie. Maybe he'll shock me and fall straight to sleep and not wake up until 7:15 am? :) Yeah, I'll keep dreamin' the dream on that one. He's currently alternating between yelling at the top of his lungs and telling himself very sternly to "shhh".

lol i did EXACTLY the same thing with DD last night. 6.30 and hoofed into bed as i couldnt keep my eyes open. she surprised me by dropping off straight away and only waking once in the night for a drink, then woke up at 7am. the best she has slept in months! going to give it another try tonight and perhaps bedtime will be moved permanently!! would give me an extra 2 hours to myself - luxury!:happydance:
Good morning all,

Waiting for my blackberry to be delivered today, (:happydance:) once done and got to grips with it i am happy to exchange a few numbers, especially with my lack of facebook, It will keep my in touch with you guys!

Baby is a wriggle bum, i go from kicks in bladder and bowel, thank goodness not yet the cervix kicks my dd used to specalise in, i used to jump through the roof!! Then baby has a real wriggle on, i get jabs and legs and arms and things across my tummy, obviously turning round, then i get kicks in the ribs and stomach, I think because i am on baby no5 there is plenty of upwards room to get into as baby was high from early on, i am short boddied and finding the problem is tightness in my ribs, and i just feel overstretched already!
I am even getting like a pushing against my hip, like it is a good foot hold to push up on, all very strange, i just remember that babies don't really worry about the space getting less, they still go just as nuts and it gets a bit tight in there!

No sickness today, but i did eat pretty fast, i feel a bit odd recently but see the midwife next week so hoping to see the useful one and not the one that dismisses all the things i say with 'that's pregnancy' (you don't say, blimey and i thought i ate all the pies)

Welcome over Jellycat, not many left over there now is there? Scary that the next will be the birth stories, I said to Dh last night i will be glued to B&B in September, very, very exited!

Ordered a baby t shirt last night, and a dress for me, couldn't resist the t it was 'I'm the baby brother/sister' and so cute, i want my dd to have an I am the big sister one!
The dress is nice, just hope it looks so nice on, and is not so long i fall over it constantly! Hope it comes b4 i go away next week, should do...
https://www.bloomingmarvellous.co.u...ryID=m-dresses&ProductID=13482&language=en-GB Thought it was a bit of a bargain!

Well sorry not so many personals, i forget what the general topic is!
I like the ides of having the barbers number, we can say, 'hi are you the manager, well your a tosser!!':rofl:

Oh dear, are we ever pregnant and hormonal, they do say never mess with a pregnant woman, i think i am seeing why!!:haha:

Hope everyone has a great day,

:baby:thinkpink xx
Well the GTT went absoloutely shit. I didn't even sit it.

I left the house at 9:20 for my 9:30 appointment, it's only 5 minutes in the car only today, typically the traffic was bad and I was stuck in a queue for a while and nobody would let me go. Got there at 9:35 for them to say "yeah, we're not seeing you now because you're late" I'm soooooooooo angry right now. Looks like I'm not getting a GTT test. I'll be seriously angry if my baby turns out to be ill because of gestational diabetes
hardly your bloody fault, what is wrong with these sugeries, ok to keep you waiting half an hour but dare to be a few mins late!!

Ok, Ok, so i confess to having a tv dvd combi in my girls bedroom, when it gets too much and i decide its bed time the girls go to bed watching a dvd, I can't say it is total peace because i get asked for juice, cuddles, another dvd etc!! But it does help, and i know its a rubbish parenting tool but does enable me to get a shower in peace, or get some housework done!
Bed time for my 7 yr old is about 7pm but my 2 yr old goes on much longer, so i say, 'would you like to watch a dvd with your sister' of course she does!!
Ok guilty secret out now!

Still bored waiting for my phone, like a kid waiting for christmas here!
I think time better spent would be doing some housework, so better go and do some!

:hi: back later xx
Carley - I've got SPD and there are a few things you can try. Paracetemol is essential if it's really bad. I sleep on top of a duvet to cushion my hips with a V pillow between my knees. DH bought me a Gym ball and I have started sitting and bouncing on that in front of the TV (supposed to be good for getting baby into a head down position too). Sometimes I use an electric heat pad if the pain creeps into my lower back. Pelvic floor exercises are also essential according to the physio as they help tighten surrounding ligaments. That's about it I'm afraid x
Babythinkpink - I know. I've been messed around with appointments from the beginning of this pregnancy! so far I haven't been to one appointment that they've seen me on time. i've been on time to all of my appointments and they've kept me waiting from 30 minutes to one time 3 hours! I complained twice asking when they'd see me the day I waited 3 hours and all they kept saying was "I'm sorry, we're busy" that's the thing that annoys me the most - it's alright for them to keep you waiting but if you're a slight bit late then they won't see you :grr: people!

Hope your blackberry turns up soon btw :haha:
Afternoon ladies....I am at home with my poorly 7yr old who has a temperature and feels sick. The last 2 nights he has woken up hallucinating so I am a little tired from lack of sleep, and so I will apologise now for the lack of personals.

As I mentioned a few days ago about bubba already being 3lb 12oz, well I asked my MW and she measured my fundal height and I actually measure a week behind!!! I don't know where the chubby monster is hiding then!! :haha:
I have a home visit on Sunday so she can transfer hospitals for me, and let me know what is happening in regards to seeing the obstetric consultant, so I might finally get my internal cervix scan.

I guess I may have had my first encounter with SPD...last night I was in so much pain with my hips and could barely walk...I even :cry: it hurt so much!
Today is a little better but I am still feeling sore in that area.

Today I popped into sainsburys and picked up bubbas toiletries whilst they are half price, so another little job to tick off the list. I am now trying to sort out a few cupboards and do some light housework, but can't really do much with little man at home.

I hope all you ladies are enjoying the sunshine, and love to all. xx :hugs:
Prozac Queen, that all doesn't sound too bad. Are you managing the tests and diet ok?

Nice to see you back Optical!

Jellycat, I'm also in the process of looking through CVs for my job. I've got 9 people lined up to see next week! Thankfully none of them have notice to serve (which is quite sad really) so if I need to finish sooner than 37 weeks I probably can.

I'm loving the big baby movements now, although sometimes I do find myself wishing he would go to sleep! I guess this is nothing compared to what life will be like in a few months. lol. Jessica, most of my kicks on on my side at the top of my bump. I think his head is down already.

Carley I did have SPD but it seemed to get better in the 2nd tri weirdly. It's coming back now but only really bothers me at night as it wakes me up, oh and getting dressed is blimen painful. Have you mentioned it to your Dr as they can refer you to a physio?

Little A is my text buddy and we're only a day apart so if we both go silent around our due date you know why!

Sarah I'm jealous of your days off even though I've only just go back from my week off!

Love the dress Babythinkpink.

Aww Bekklez that must have been frustrating. I cried once when I got turned away from an appointment due to the traffic!
Bekks that poo, did they not offer to re book it for you??

Babythinkpink that dress is lovely, I love all my maxi dresses!!!

We have just been and bought our car seat, went to Babies r us and bought some bits!! I still can't make up my mind about cot bumper etc!! There are far too many to choose from lol!!

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