Good morning all,
Waiting for my blackberry to be delivered today,


once done and got to grips with it i am happy to exchange a few numbers, especially with my lack of facebook, It will keep my in touch with you guys!
Baby is a wriggle bum, i go from kicks in bladder and bowel, thank goodness not yet the cervix kicks my dd used to specalise in, i used to jump through the roof!! Then baby has a real wriggle on, i get jabs and legs and arms and things across my tummy, obviously turning round, then i get kicks in the ribs and stomach, I think because i am on baby no5 there is plenty of upwards room to get into as baby was high from early on, i am short boddied and finding the problem is tightness in my ribs, and i just feel overstretched already!
I am even getting like a pushing against my hip, like it is a good foot hold to push up on, all very strange, i just remember that babies don't really worry about the space getting less, they still go just as nuts and it gets a bit tight in there!
No sickness today, but i did eat pretty fast, i feel a bit odd recently but see the midwife next week so hoping to see the useful one and not the one that dismisses all the things i say with 'that's pregnancy' (you don't say, blimey and i thought i ate all the pies)
Welcome over Jellycat, not many left over there now is there? Scary that the next will be the birth stories, I said to Dh last night i will be glued to B&B in September, very, very exited!
Ordered a baby t shirt last night, and a dress for me, couldn't resist the t it was 'I'm the baby brother/sister' and so cute, i want my dd to have an I am the big sister one!
The dress is nice, just hope it looks so nice on, and is not so long i fall over it constantly! Hope it comes b4 i go away next week, should do... Thought it was a bit of a bargain!
Well sorry not so many personals, i forget what the general topic is!
I like the ides of having the barbers number, we can say, 'hi are you the manager, well your a tosser!!'
Oh dear, are we ever pregnant and hormonal, they do say never mess with a pregnant woman, i think i am seeing why!!
Hope everyone has a great day,

thinkpink xx