****September Stars!!****

Hi Ladies!!

Just wanted to pop in again and thank you all for joining yet another September Stars group!! lol I'm happy you all thought it was a great idea!
P.S. You'll be over in third tri before you know it!!
Hi Ladies

Just popping in to say I'm 27 weeks today so I'm officially in 3rd Tri :happydance: I will keep coming back until everyone moves over though

Congrats MrsJ!! I think we are all reading both threads most of the time anyway!!
Congrats Mrs J!!! see you there in a few days!! So not many of us left now!!!!
its very quiet in here now, i wish the hospital would give me more info on my due date as mine at the moment is on a 40 week term but twins is 38 full term so who knows.

If your counting the days until third tri like me im sure it wont be long and if you have already gone good luck, ill pop over and visit x
I can barely keep up with one thread, let alone 2 lousie lol!
afraid I have absolutely no idea what is going on with you 3rd tri ladies :hugs:
Genies Girl - Congrats on you scan results!

LadyKara - Hope your feeling better soon and you sort things out with your son, it must be very upsetting anf frustrating for you

Babythinkpink - you made me feel very overwhelmed when your talking about how much you love and adore your children, they are very lucky to have such a great Mum...

Well i've suddenly realised that I haven't got many weeks left at work and have so much to do before I leave, I seem to be getting really booked up with meetings etc and more work coming in my direction... and I'm so tired oh so so tired.

I went and took pictures of my car tonight as I'm exchanging it tommorow, I know its only a car but it's lovely to have the roof down in the summer driving down to the coast to see the in laws.

Baby has moved to an awkward position today, at one point I got 3 hard kicks on the bladder in 15 seconds, God knows what i'm going to be like in a couple of weeks when im already spending most of my time going to the loo !!

Hope everyone's having a good day xxx
Jellycat I know how you feel exchanging your car!! Before DH and I got married last year I had a Lotus Elise, which I loved and adored! I decided in the end that it should be exchanged for a more practical car for a number of reasons,
1. Every other weekend at that point we were having step sons so it wasn't getting used (every weekend dnow!!)
2. My commute is 75 miles round trip a day and it wasn't the best on fuel
3. we were planning to start a family very soon after getting married
4. It was a bit awkward fitting me, DH and the dog (german shepherd) in it!! He would sit on DHs lap and he loved it when the roof was down bless!

It almost feels like you're saying goodbye to the impractical carefree part of your life though doesn't it!!
Hi All,

I have had the same with baby in a difficult position and bladder kicking, it is really uncomfortable at times and today was not a comfortable day!

Can really sympathise with you about your son, mine was diognosed ADHD at about 6 and is in mainstream school at present (age 10) but finds it really hard, he also is very bright but gets very frustrated and it just bubbles over and then he explodes and kicks off throwing things or himself about, it then turns to self pity and i have had it today when i went to pick him up, I dread the school run! He had to miss football tonight for getting out of control he knows when it will happen, and his teacher gave him chances to get time out but it didn't work today.
He starts a new school September and i have to go in and explain his needs, so hope they cam manage him ok, its a year until secondary next year, I am hopeful, but he does let me down reguarly so we shall have to see.
Hard work though isn't it!:hugs:

Well its bed time for me, thanks the 3rd tri girls for keeping an eye on us here! We miss you but will be over soon enough, will be jumping on my gym ball from 37 weeks so as not to be left behind :haha:

Night All

:baby:thinkpink xx
Louise I might be 32 soon but I feel like it's saying goodbye to my youth :rofl:

I am really looking forward to the future and my practical car is the first of many changes in life that i'm waiting for in anticipation

Going pram shopping on Friday just hope I find something... I love shopping!
Babythinkpink - Ive been thinking about getting a gym ball just to sit on the evenigs etc do you think it's worth getting one?
Evening girls!
I was home with a sick toddler today.
I think it's a bit of a bug exacerbated by teething. Poor boy is cutting his two year molars and keeps jamming both hands in his mouth and chomping down, trying to get some relief. And the drool. Oh the rivers and rivers of drool.
Anyway, I had to skip my function tonight, as well, which is disappointing, but I'm not leaving Simon the Teething Beast with a sitter. That would not be fun for either of them. :nope:
ladykara - I didn't even think about the actual month of September for the birth wait! You are right. We'll be sitting here, bloated as whales, seeing all the early September mums have babies before us! Torture!
Although, I already went through that with Simon. He was due Dec.19 and was born Dec.30. I'll be pleasantly surprised if I even have this baby in September. My money is on Oct. 2 and after another induction. My mum went 42 weeks with all of us, so I think it's my genetic doom to be a long gestater. :)
One more week until I hit third tri! Crazy how fast that went.
wheres everyone's LO positioned?? Mine has been in the same spot this whole time!! i NEVER feel anything above the belly button!! is that normal?? everyone seems to be feeling them in the ribs area!

Also at my 24+4 week apt they said the baby was measuring 23 which isnt too bad but now im worrying she's too small??? Ahhh i hate worrying about that kinda stuff!!:cry:
First Jessica, my baby moves around but really likes to stay low. I have only started to get some kicks above the belly button but its mainly low. I have been consistantly measuring at least a week ahead so I don't think your little one is too small, there are just variations from all of them.

Alright now I have a mini rant coming in, just feel the need to vent. We had our second prenatal class tonight and I left there feeling so stressed. Its one run by the hospital so its a lot to do with their facility, which is good as I wanted to know all of their procedures. I was informed if I have any complications during labor they will send me off to a different hospital 2 hours away. If my labor goes well and the baby has any problems (any at all even just on the slow side with breathing) they will send the baby to the other hospital 2 hours away from me! I don't expect every hospital to be fully capable of everything but unless I have a completely uncomplicated birth then I will be sent to a different facility and have to wait for hubby to get there and that scares me. I am really not sure what to do at this point because I don't want to deliver there but there are no other hospitals within a decent range.

Alright thats my vent, I will stew over this for days lol.

Hiya all I am just jumping in to say hi, not been around much for the last few days. Hope things are okay for everyone, soon we'll all be together at third tri! not long to go now!

Jellycat my physio advised me to get a gymball for the SPD (about the only useful thing she said.....), and I got one for 9.99 from Decathlon if there's one near you. It's fab. Very comfy for sitting on, and she advised moving side to side, bouncing, and then lifting one leg up at a time to increase the strength of the abdominals around my pelvis. I can sit at the kitchen table on the computer on it, so it works for me!!

Oooh Sarah I hope you can get away without an induction this time. Fingers crossed!!

Laura I'm surprised you came away from your class feeling fed up, that situation does not sound ideal at all! Difficult too if there are no other good hospitals around that you could transfer to and deliver there. :hugs:
Louise and Jellycat I am a member of the goodbye car club too - I had a Mini Cooper S but sold it at the end of last year for the same reasons. I was seriously upset about it at the time but now I'm happy with our "family" car and appreciate the benefits of the space and a big boot.
Jellycat, I would say gym balls are great, they gave me the only place comfy to sit towards the end of the pregnancy, i sat in front of the tv on mine!
And My last was my only on time baby, the pressure of the baby's head helps the cervix to start dilating and kick of labour, and the gym ball helps you get into a good position to gently encourage the head right down!

Will just say hello quickly, sick again this morning, and feel rubbish again, cant sit still again without feeling very strange!

Hope everyone is well, back later when i feel better I hope!

Jellycat I have a gym ball, had one for years lol! Actually find it is one of the most comfortable places to sit these days, although I need someone around just to spot me when I get up :haha:

Jessica my midwife didn't even measure me at my last appointment - she said there is no point until 26 weeks. I wouldn't worry, babies have hrowth spurts a lot at this stage so yours was probably just due one. In terms of position, I tend to feel mine lower down too - again it's nothing to worry about.
Hi all. I'm back from my holiday which was so lovely. Just relaxing by the pool. The baby has been sooo active over the last week with rolls and kicks. It's been great for my dh to share them with me. I'm missing him like crazy as he went back to work today. :(

Hope you are all well and happy. Have I missed anything or any new Sept Stars? xxx
welcome back F&C, glad you had a lovely holiday!
Happy 29 weeks!

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