****September Stars!!****

Just popping in to say Good Morning!

Baby had a quiet day yesterday, but has been pretty non stop today, funny how they are!

Happy 3rd tri Bekks and Carley, only a few days behind you, wait for me!!!:happydance:

lilia, What a lovely dress, you look beautiful, great bumpage!:hugs:

Louise, I was called 'thinkpink' on my old forum but because it had gone here babythinkpink was the alternative, i used to get called pinky, but we have a pinky here too! Baby is fine, for extra laziness just ':baby:' could be used!
Flowers are pretty expensive so i think you should be able to use funds up!

Got a three section stairgate to work out today, our stair one was pushing the stair post out of place so i have to go across the other way, so kiddicare have delivered my new gate and all is left now is to figure it out!
Dh in a grump again, some money has not gone into his bank and its all been messed up, but these things always seem to come back on me, how he made this one my fault i don't know, I just know i am getting fed up of it all, he is also grumpy towards my eldest, which he never was b4, i assume its because he is older now and less a child, but i cant work it out.
I would love to see him try and manage on his own, perhaps he would realise how bloody pampered he is, and i thought this was a passing phase!:nope:

Anyway I am off now, got my dd sat next to me, its lovely, she is all snuggled up watching her 'Timmy' dvd, she would watch all day if she could!

Lovely day, think i will go out early today on school run, take dd with me and get some air and space!

Back later xxxx:hugs:
Becs - I think you just come up with a fantastic excuse not to do the hoovering :happydance:

Carley - congrats on reaching 3rd Tri.

I've been to Toy Library this morning and there was a "biting incident" cue high drama. The grandmother of the child being bitten went completely nuts which I thought was a bit rich considering she is a childminder and most of the time it's the children she looks after causing all the problems. The mother of the child doing the biting did everything right - told her child off and took her to apologise to the child that she bit, but ended up leaving because she felt completely humiliated by the other woman's reaction.

Feeling tired today so I'm going to put my feet up for a bit.

Catch you all later xx
Hi Ladies!

Just a quick post to let you know that I have created a September Stars 2010 group on facebook. So for those of you who like to interact on facebook...there is now a place just for us! :)
I created the group as "closed" so you must request to join. That way we can keep it private. Just search for September Stars 2010!! :)

Mamabird, fantastic idea !! i have requested to join already. I was going to ask what will happen after we have had all our babies, where do we all keep in touch.
Happy 3rd tri Bekks and Carley... can't believe how theres only a few of us left, this is what it will feel like when everyone's had their babies.

Mamabird, loving the idea of FB Page, I'll be signing up

Baby been very quit today but I think that's because i'm tired today too. Haven't really done much today except work... going off now to have cheese on toast
ill go and look for the fqcebook page in a sec!
Congrats to all in the third tri! its going so fast!

Lilia- Gorgeous dress

becs0375- no more hoovering for you!

had my scan today all growing well, the consultants words were both your babies are normal which was great news as we had such worrys with the downs risk.
Yay Mamabird fab idea!!

Congrats Bekks and Carley on third tri!! x

Oooh MrsJO8 I have been the mother of the biter at one point (Jack), and I got torn to bits by another mum at a playgroup. She waited outside for me and told me my boy was more animal than child (he was 18 months old!) and I told her if she didn't walk away from me QUICK then she would be calling the police cos I would be blacking her eye!!!
Hey all, just wanted to say i'll see you all over in 3rd tri. Sorry i don't have time to catch up - i'm trying to figure out how to use this new damn phone grrrr! I hate technology!!!!!
Asher - Lol! Nobody wants to see their child get bitten but it's just a part of children growing up and if your child doesn't do it you are lucky. It happens a lot at Toy Library and it's fascinating to see how different parents deal with it.

Genies Girl - what fantastic news, I'm really pleased for you x
Asher, My dd was a scratcher, she would rip strips out of me, and a few other tots, but it was just a phase, it makes me laugh, the mothers reaction when I confronted her for her child biting my child, 'back of or I will thump you' Not condoning violence at all:rofl:

All i ever said was sorry when my dd scratched, but what else can you say at that age, the parents involved were my friends so they were pretty understanding because at one time or another they had been in the same boat.
My ds i stopped taking to playgroup because he was such a nightmare, and i used to feel terrible, i gave up taking him and loved it even more when i took dd who was such a good girl, I would watch all the frantic Mums chasing after the naughty kids thinking, i was there once!

Genies girl, fab news about your babies, can't imagine how much wriggling and kicking you must get from two, if one is not at it the other one must be! Owch!

Jellycat, why oh why did you have to mention cheese on toast, I will have to go and get some now:haha:

Mamabird, fab idea, will be looking for our group shortly! :hugs:

Well, busy day, baby been busy again, gave daddy a few good kicks earlier which was nice.
My dd has had tea, which she then threw up, bit of a pain when i was so pleased she had eaten:dohh: then the girls been in the bath then settled to bed nicey, so that was nice, no screaming or getting in and out of bed for hours, good girl for Mummy tonight!

Back tomorrow, night all xx:hugs:
Hi Mamabird. I sent a request to join the facebook group. My name is Kellie Lombardo. Thank you for setting that up!
Hi All, Hope we are all well!!

Carley & Bekkelz big congrats on 3rd Tri!! see you in a few days:)

Genies girl so pleased you got good news today and the babies are well.x

Loving that bump and beautiful dress Lilia!!

Great idea Mamabird.... Im searching but obv not doing it right as I cant find it!!

Hope I havent missed anyone today!! ive also went a bit ott on the housework today, all sore so just had a bath and going to go to bed soon, got docs first thing to discuss my feelings etc so hopefully once its all out ill also feel a bit better!.xxx
Hows eveyone doing?? I went to walmart today and went grocery shopping!! OMG.....i dont think im going by myslef anymore..it crazy! my pelvic pain hurts so bad i was waddling and old laddies were passing me!!!:haha:

Anyone else had a bladder infection?? ive had lots pre-pregnancy but the only sytems i noticed were going to the bathroom a lot....and i do that anyway now so.....How do i know?? what were you symtoms?

Congrats to everyone moving over!!! :)

Mamabird thats a great idea! I just requested to join. My full Name is Jessica Salvato-Grimes :) Thanks!:flower:
Hi everyone!
I'm being a rotten threadmate and just doing a brief check-in before I throw myself into housecleaning, baking a pie, writing thank you letters, and getting everything ready for two nights of leaving Simon with a sitter while I dash off to be a social butterfly.
If I survive this month, it will be a miracle. :dohh:

So, I had a prenatal appointment yesterday back at my regular maternity clinic now! Yay! It looks like the nutty weight gain has slowed down again. That was the same pattern I had with Simon - two months of really packing on the pounds, then everything returned to normal. And fundal height is still measuring a few weeks ahead, but I've got a lovely roll of fat on my abdomen from the Simon pregnancy and the doctor agreed with me that it's more than likely the extra weight I started with that is making the fundus measure large. But just in case, I will probably have another ultrasound at 32 weeks. Secretly pleased by that. :)
So, one really annoying thing. The in-between clinic I was at sent me for my GD test too early. I have to go do the stupid thing again, even though the results were fine, because I did it before 24 weeks. Apparently GD doesn't develop before this mark? Anyway, I'm really quite annoyed by that. WHAT a waste of time! :hissy: :growlmad: Oh well, I have to go get bloods done every four weeks because I have a low platelet count, anyway. No point in pouting! :) And I am already at the point where they want to see me every two weeks instead of just monthly. :shock:
This pregnancy is absolutely flying by.
I am getting so excited to meet this little boy. Simon is just so sweet and so much fun, but I feel like his babyhood disappeared in the blink of an eye. I can't wait for all the wonderful newborn and baby stages again.
Sorry again for not catching up on everyone - I hope you are all well! :hugs:
Realy quiet inhere now everyone is moving to 3rd tri!!

I can't wait for the new baby stage again, I love my babies so much and every stage and every age is lovely from my 2 yr old to my 16 yr old they are gorgeous through and through, and a yummy scrummy baby coming into the house again really gets me all exited!
My dd was up all through the night from birth til about 14 months, but i used to just sit and adore her thinking what a lucky Mummy i was while other mummies slept through with their babies!

Oh my hormones, making me all squishy!!

Only a few more weeks then we have a holiday and then only 2 more weeks of school runs b4 i can stay in bed in the mornings! Well I expect dd will be up early but at least i am not driving and getting children to school!

Well hope everyone has a great day, back later and may just peek at 3rd tri see what is going on over there!


:baby:thinkpink xx
so i take it us girls are due all at the same time as we are the only ones left ? imagine what it will be like when the rest are all off having babies and we are stuck here still... im going to get so jealous

I was sent home sick today and just as i was about to leave My sons school phoned saying i had to pick him up as he had got into a fight and hurt a teacher !!!! I am soooooooo angry !!!! so husband has sent him upstairs and taken everything out of his room.. I am unable to take part as he can be hard work when he kicks off, he has aspergers and even though he can be a clever little boy his behavior is very hard to deal with so he attends a special needs school for kids with behavior problems... the school is just filled with ASBO kids... So you can imagine im not in the best of moods today, i cant even go shopping to cheer myself up...wooooooooo just realised i have the internet !!!!!!! Internet shopping it is..lol

Genies girl.. really pleased all went well at the scan
hey girls, hope everyone is getting on okay
me and hubby have been suffering the last couple of days with a horrid cold :( it's basically been sleep all night, get up, sleep on sofa lol! really hoping it clears up soon.

So I guess most people are off to 3rd tri now :wacko: I do feel like I've outgrown 2nd tri, but not sure I'm ready for the whole birth thing of 3rd tri lol!
Hi, congrats to everyone moving to the third tri, seems ages away to me still lol.

I've found the fb group, I'm susannah c for the admin. :)

School run to do I'll try to pop back soon.xxx

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