September Stars

Well I thought it was teeth yesterday but now im thinking sick bug , thanks for asking jelly x
Aw no :( I hate it when babies get sick :nope: Hope its not and she's fine tomorrow :hugs:

Well she doesnt really eat much of the steak but she LOVES the taste of it. Thats the thing they really are not stupid, if she cant chew something she just sucks at it then spits it out? She eats EXACTLY what I'm eating :shrug:

For finger foods, things like cucumber, brocoli, carrots, parsnips, pear etc are great. I kinda squash blueberries so she can get a grip and she looooves them too. But then Rosalie eats anything thats in front of her :haha: Robin thinks she's going to be the fat kid poor thing.

Even if you're doing TW its nice to just put the highchair up and while you're having dinner just give them some veg etc. Dont be worried Rosalie sits and eats peas and everything they wont just inhale food :lol: but if thats scary then things like toast in strips or something?

Oooooh just got the girls into a new class... its a messy painting class? For babies once they can sit up :lol: Think it looks fun and its £6 for two so not too bad :wohoo:

ALSO am thinking now (if we have to move :cry:) then I might start a catering company? Just small doing like cakes and parties etc and see how it goes :shrug:
I Love the cakes you make blob .... Obviously haven't tasted but they look great and you enjoy the baking .... Win win situation.... If you need any taster testers I'm always available lol
Hello my dears!
I'm back from a week in the Kootenays!
We had such a nice time and I achieved a breastfeeding feat of athleticism! I managed to BF Tobe while x-c skiing! :) Shouldn't I get a medal from the La Leche League or something for that one? :haha:
We hit the 6-month milestone yesterday and I am pleased to announce that Tobe now has two little teeth poking through: both bottom front incisors. He is madly gnawing on anything he can cram into his plump little face! He's like a little cannibal baby - gumming and teething away on fingers, shoulders, soothers, clothing - you name it! He is particularly fond of fingers, though.

I didn't keep up with the thread while I was gone, so hoping everyone had a great week and that all babies and mums are happy and healthy! :flower:
Morning ladies, I'm just popping in to say hi while I can! I've been AWOL a few days, but keeping up with stuff on FB. Hope all little ones and mummies are okay, and that those who aren't feel better soon!

My time on the computer is already limited, I can hear Jack saying to Daddy that he wants to go on Cbeebies!! Grrrrr!!

I am a TW with babies, but more and more I think I will try a bit of BLW with Sam. I am scared of the choke thing, but I need to give it a go. I did try him with a bit of pasta out of a salad I was eating the other day, and he loved it.

Usual busy Sunday for us here. Cleaning, dog walking, swimming!!! Catch up later, hopefully.
Thanks hon :hugs:

Sarah thats pretttty impressive :rofl:

I think doing both is a great way :) I dont believe in the whole idea that you have to do one or the other it seems mad. You do what you think your baby will like best? Finger foods are great the esp cos you can just hand them some when they are in the pram or something :haha:
jellycat its called epaderm, if you want i can send you some see if it works x
It's probably bad thread etiquette to jump in on a conversation when I haven't read all the posts, but the weaning stuff is always interesting.
I think a lot of the ideas of BLW are good and I have been pretty impressed by how strong the gag reflex is in babies and toddlers. My only concern with it is making sure that if baby is sharing food from parents' plate, that the foods are appropriate in terms of sodium content, etc.
Sarah, you do need to be careful with salt, and honey can't be given until age 1,
apart from that, some adult foods contain added salts so if you make your own foods rather than pre prepared foods you are fine.
Rosie still totally not bothered with food, gave her toast today and she just waved it about and threw it down!

Rosie is saying Dada, she said it first this weekend, i was hoping she would say mama first! she crys mama sort of mmmmmaaaaammmmaaaa!! but dada is aaaaada da so much more clearly daddy, and she put her arms out for him today with a da da so i really cant deny that is what it is!
She has been really grumpy today, possibly teeth, possibly tired and busy weekend for her to deal with!

We had a lovely weekend, family time with just us, it does us the world of good, but getting back is a big bump down to earth! dh is going to be on the x box tonight, and the house seems such a mess after the room! It was also lovely having the girls in our room, i would love to do that at home and we have got the space in our room but the girls will need their space!

Sorry got to go, rubbish catch up i am afraid, Rosie not even settling on boob.

Back tomorrow for better try!:hugs::hugs:
Evening all!!

How are we all??

Been busy here, Ian painted Hope's room yesterday and I am having a blind made for it, just got to get a few more bits for it!!!

I am feeling much better now and back on my diet tomorrow!! Although saying that I am experimenting with different cupcake recipes this week, I am making Hope cupcakes for her christening and need to find the best recipe, anyone got a nice one?!!! I am making 50 for the day instead of a cake!! I know I must be mad!!
GG it definatly has been quiet on here recently

Becs glad your feeling better, I'm not good when it comes to cupcake recipes hope you find something that nice

Think it's going to be another restless night for me as James still full of cold and coughing. He's so tired, I'm tempted to let him sleep in his bouncer tonight so he manages to get some shut eye.
Becs I'm no good with cupcakes sorry , lovely idea though I think we will have a similar cake idea

Jelly ive let Amelia sleep in her bouncer next to the bed it seemed to help

Last night poor Amelia was projectile sick all up our stairs she is still out of sorts today
Layla is fine I've starting putting her hair in a little ponytail on top of her head she looks like pebbles :)
Evening all!!

GG, I love it how your girls are so different! It must be lovely as a mummy to see them being their own little people even though they're twins! Poor Amelia, hope she's better soon. It's horrid when they're poorly.

Poor James, Jelly!! I hope you have a better night with him tonight. Babies' coughs are rotten things.

Becs, go you with the baking cupcakes!! I only ever did a couple of cupcake recipes, and to be honest they were pretty basic sponge type ones, but they were lovely.

We've got friends coming round on Saturday night next week. It's our lovely ex-neighbours from across the road, their daughter her family. Mum and daughter are going to be Sam's godparents, and we thought a week before the christening would be a good time to have a little "do"!! They're veggie, so DH is cooking up a whole fabby set of dishes. It's also Julia, the daughter's, birthday, so I'm going to make her a lovely Victoria Sponge cake, and I'm really looking forward to it! Should be lovely!

Busy busy day as usual here. I think DH and I are glad our respective hen/stag night outs are over and done with. We're such homebirds. I would so much rather have a nice glass of wine and a meal and go to bed early. I also enjoy spending time with the kiddies and doing things as a family, so it's nice to know we're done with going out for a bit now!!!
Asher we are homebirds too!!

GG hope little one is ok tonight x

Hopes routine is great, down around 7.15 and up around 7!! Love it!
another homebird here! Lol! James has been really grumpy this weekend proper lil grouch bag think it teeth bothering him, i have barely been able to leave his side, he cried on his nursery visit on Friday so im really panicing now as im back at work in a week! Becs i have a lovely recipe at work in my cookbook il try to remember to bring it home and i will send you the recipe! James had a heinz biscoti earlier and i turned away turned back and he was pushing a huge piece of it back out of his mouth i almost died lol x
Ooooh I have to post a photo of Tabs eye :lol: she smashed it off the fireplace and its quite good really.

Today we are going to soft play as I NEED to get out of the house I cant take staying at home for 3 days in a row. :haha:

Becs I'm SO jealous of Hopes sleep time, Tabs doesnt even sleep that well :dohh:

Anyone else counting down the days until the Hummingbird book comes out :blush:
Morning girls!

Quiet in here isn't it?! Where are all the stars?? I tried posting on my phone yesterday but my stupid phone wouldn't post it after I'd written a massive essay!

Becs Hope's sleeping times are so good! Holly's pretty good these days. She goes in her cot at 8.30, is asleep by 9 (on her own! :happydance: ) then sleeps til 8. She has been waking a bit earlier this last week or so and this morning she woke at 7 and when I went it the sun was shining through a crack in her curtains right into her eyes! I closed it and she went back to sleep til 8. I'm getting a blackout blind for her room this week so hopefully she'll be able to sleep even when the sun starts coming up early. The clocks go forward soon and will cock up their sleeping times again though eh!

Had a nice weekend here, just chilling out and going for long walks as we are skint, payday tomorrow! Whoop!

Bit of housework to do today and got to pop to the chemist, so will probably go for a long walk again. Back on the diet today, I've not been paying any attention for about 3 weeks now. I weighed last week and somehow I still lost 1lb even though I feel like I've been eating a lot! Still, got 3lbs to go and I will have lost 2 stone... then only another 2.5 to go lol It's taking me ages to lose weight after having Holly! I'm down under my pre pregnancy weight and size but I want to lose more.

I've been wondering about Holly dropping a bottle soon... she is currently on 4 and is having 3 good sized meals a day and is due to drop a bottle soon. At the weaning class thing she said it's easiest to drop the morning bottle, then the next one, then the next til you are only left with one at bedtime, so I might try giving her her breakfast first and then see when she wants her bottle. What have all the bottle feeding ladies done so far when it's come to dropping bottles? When she dropped her 5th it was the last of the day and she just dropped it by going to bed earlier.

Blob Ouchie on tabs eye xx

Emzy I dropped the 5th bottle same as you, JJ is on 2 meals lunch and tea. 1st and 4th bottle have stayed at 8 oz. His two lunch and tea bottles ove gradually been reducing his milk depending on how much food he's eaten to 4-5oz I'm looking to do the same when I start introducing breakfast by reducing 1St bottle.

What age are Lo's meant to go down to one bottle I thought it was not for a longtime yet?
Thanks Jelly. I don't think there are any specific 'rules' on when they drop a bottle, at the weaning class they just said gradually as you give more food, offer less milk until they are only on one bottle. She said start by stopping the morning one, then when ready the next, then the next until you are left with one bedtime bottle at 1 year. Then you stop that too as soon as you can. She said the aim is no bottles after one year. On the feeding guide on the milk it says at 6 months they are meant to have 4 bottles of around 8oz and at 7 months 3 bottles of around 7oz. Holly currently has 4 7oz bottles, but only takes 6 at the middle two now. I always offer milk before food, but I think I'll try food before milk for breakfast and see if she'll skip that one x

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