September Stars

Oh no boony what a nightmare! It's so wrong that they have gone against your wishes in the first place !

I'm tucked up in bed now we said we would watch tv in bed and what's he watching the bloody football and he doesn't support who's playing either !!
GG my man is exactly the same when it comes to football, hope you feel better soon xx
Evening ladies! Sorry, I've not been around for a couple of nights, been super busy, just too tired!!

Sorry to hear about poorly ladies and poorly babies. It's horrible for us all!!

We're all good, just tired. Long days at the moment! Sam's being a good boy. He's transitioning well into the big cot in his own room now. Little love! The big boys are good too. I was a very proud mummy today, the boys go to Catholic school, so today, Ash Wednesday, is a big day in their calendar. Archie had a prayer to say, in church, at Mass this morning, and Jack took up the offertory with his teacher. Needless to say, when the priest said Archie's name, I had a bit of a tear in the old eye!!!! Lovely little boys. DH laughed before too.... he was telling Jack off, and told him that if he carried on, he'd smack his bum. Jack said "okay", DH said "do you understand?", Jack said "yes" then turned round to Archie and said (in his best "Despicable Me" villain voice), "I hate that guy!".... DH tried not to laugh but failed!! Gotta love em.
sorry for no personals again but i am so pissed off!! I think my MIL has put up pictures of the kids and blocked me and Tarron from seeing them! I have been watching her photos all day and it said she had around 643 it now says she has 650 but no new pictures are there now what the hell can i do. To report it i need the URL but i cant get that without being able to see the picture. I'm so angry and hormonal i actually feel like crying but dont want her to get to me that much. Even worse i had abit of a bleed this morning and i'm a bit worried about my little bean if something is wrong i'm holding her responsible. I havent told DH about the bleed though hes already pissed off and i dont want him to worry too. I have a scan on monday though.
Whats her name hun let me see if i can see the pics and get the url! x
looks like shes taken them down now. Thanks for the offer lbb but she has her account privatised you have to be her friend to see her pictures.

My husbands already thought of trying to get her password lol
What a nightmare Boony :grr: FB really pisses me off...uhrr photos of children that they are NOT allowed to have dont come down. Yet oh there is a mother feeding her baby and they remove it straight away :gun:

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Could always find someone who could hack her account :haha:

Mrs J on the nappies, I just use huggies swim nappies... they dont need to be 'good' they are only incase they poo. They dont soak up pee :lol:
Mrsj I use boots own swim nappies. Like blob said they don't soak up pee and are only in case they poo! Bare that in mind if you get her ready before you leave coz I didn't and she was soaked in pee when we got there! Lol

Back later when on the laptop instead of my phone x
I would find someone to hack the account just to piss her off now, remove all her pics and mess about put up a few status words, just so she can see that anyone can get into your facebook and it is not the safe place she thinks for photos to be, may teach her a lesson, just so happened on the back of all your stuff but hey ho, what a shame!:shrug:

I am pain (ish) free, I think the antibiotics worked and i have been taking pro biotic drinks which has worked to top up my good bacteria and keep the thrush at bay :happydance:
BUT I have done a really stupid thing!!!:blush: Last night i was epilating my bikini line, i epilate most of it and use scissors to take the rest right back, i am a bit of a neat freak down there since having Rosie and it being much nicer neat, anyway basically i was trimming with scissors and i cut myself :shock: I wasn't really looking and went snip and owch! Anyway i told dh who said bang goes our romantic weekend, I said not a chance, I am not refraining for that, a salt bath and i will be fine!! Just a really silly thing to do. (and if your wondering its the inner soft tissue i snipped :blush:)

I have been absent from here due to the pain, I have read and run, I did make a few comments for boony whos pic situation would have annoyed the hell out of me!

Work issues I am very lucky, because i have children at school and pre school and dh is not capable due to his back of looking after them on his own and needs care himself at times I am at home, work may become an issue when the girls are at school, as long as dh's condition doesn't deteriorate and he need my care 24/7.
If that is the case i will try and get into something with social or school work using my degree and further training.
I am not looking as i should at nursery's or even schools and have been torn with home schooling for quite some time now, I was going to take my ds out of school but changing it has seemed to be the right move for him, I don't want the girls to lack socially but i suppose that is up to me to make sure they don't.

Anyway just want to spread a few big :hug: to Asher, lbb, Emzy, Boony, Jelly, Emz, GG, F&C, Sarah, Louise, Teeny, and anyone else i have missed!! I have still read but felt so rubbish, I missed you all!!:hugs:

Off tomorrow for the weekend:happydance: I am so exited I am like a little kid, we are going 2 nights in a hotel, (all from tesco club card points!)they do lovely food, 2 meals for £10 and its so good, esp when i have been on a diet forever!!
We have a family room, I am taking the moses basket, and Sophie has her own bed there and i can see us sat up all night trying to get two exited little girls to sleep but I don't care, its part of us being a family!

Got Rosie weighed today, 13lb 2oz, on the 9th centile which is fine, so the woman weighing her said, I have forgotten what it all means now, about percentage at that age or something:shrug:
She is still 100% breast fed, and still totally uninterested in anything not boob! I am giving her a little fromage frais every day, well trying to, she takes a teeny bit, after about 3 spoons she gags so i leave it, i was thinking by now she would be eating at least something:shrug:
She is not that mobile either, I know she is one of the younger Stars but even so seems to be quite lazy when it comes to moving! She is so happy on her mat kicking, she rolls from side to side, and has rolled on her front twice now and doesn't seem to bothered by it! She is very happy so I am happy and glad atm i am not chasing round a crawling baby....yet!!:hugs:

Time to go, back later for a peek and Monday to hopefully say what a fab weekend i had!! xx:hugs:
Have a great time Btp sounds like it will be lovely x

I'm having a lazy day but starting to feel better the girls were so good I had a lay in and they lay next to me holding each others hands bless them :)
Thanks for all your support btp and everyone else who has replied to me in my ranting the past few days lol.

As a little update the photos are still not down and my husband was very pissed off that she uploaded another 3 last night blocked us from seeing them and then took them down esp when apparently she doesnt have time to take them all down! So this morning when he woke up a little calmer he wrote her a email basically saying what we've been trying to for the past few days but shes not listening to us she seems to think we should respect her when shes not respecting us so we figured we'll put it in a email and then she cant shout over us and she cant ignore us.
we also added on the bottom that we suspect theres someone not so pleasent from a close family members past that is trying to find my close family member and will do anything to find her so its very important to us that they are down for the safety of our children and ourselves and my family hopefully this will work. I didnt really want to tell her because its none of her business but if it works i suppose its worth it although i didnt go into details with her.
I didnt say this to her but if they are not down tonight then tomorrow morning i'm going to speak to the on camp police officer and see where we stand legally because i've read that facebook is a 'grey area' for the police so they might not be able to do anything so we will see what happens.
oh and BTP enjoy your weekend as much as you can after your little accident. Its just typical it happened this week!
Eeek BTP that makes me cringe thinking about cutting myself :lol:
GG glad your feeling a bit better and bless them holding hands so cute xx

BTP have a great weeken and Ouchie on the snippy think you should leave your lady garden to the professionals next time lol

Well I officially hate our HV it was the old hag from Xmas. I got excited because it's now self weighing so thought yay no talking to HV...... Sadly mistaken once again jjs weight is increasing above the 91st centile I told her she can't pass comment if she won't measure him as at 2 weeks he was 91st centrile for length so surely he's in proportion. Old hag then told me off for giving him any solids and said I'm giving him too much. I told her I've cut back his milk and he's more interested in food than milk. Anyway I'm officially ignoring the old hag ok at 22 weeks JJ is now 19lb 8oz but hey he looks healthy and is happy so old hag can stuff her ideas in a pipe and smoke it :)
GG glad your feeling a bit better and bless them holding hands so cute xx

BTP have a great weeken and Ouchie on the snippy think you should leave your lady garden to the professionals next time lol

Well I officially hate our HV it was the old hag from Xmas. I got excited because it's now self weighing so thought yay no talking to HV...... Sadly mistaken once again jjs weight is increasing above the 91st centile I told her she can't pass comment if she won't measure him as at 2 weeks he was 91st centrile for length so surely he's in proportion. Old hag then told me off for giving him any solids and said I'm giving him too much. I told her I've cut back his milk and he's more interested in food than milk. Anyway I'm officially ignoring the old hag ok at 22 weeks JJ is now 19lb 8oz but hey he looks healthy and is happy so old hag can stuff her ideas in a pipe and smoke it :)

I don't think i would let anyone near my lady garden, profesional or not!, I love my epilator but the scissors i am going to have to be careful with in future!!:dohh:

As for the hv, you are right, if he was on the 91st centile and is still in that reigion then it is healthy normal growth, I don't understand what she is on about?
Rosie has always been about the 9th and hv said that is fine. The only thing mine said was i should give her vitamin drops if she is not eating anything because breast milk starts to decline in iron from 6 months so i should give her something else, you can't win with them tbh, you can't win when you wean, or for having weaned or not!
Follow your instinct, he is your baby so feed him what he wants when he wants it, nothing to do with her?:shrug:
I would find someone to hack the account just to piss her off now, remove all her pics and mess about put up a few status words, just so she can see that anyone can get into your facebook and it is not the safe place she thinks for photos to be, may teach her a lesson, just so happened on the back of all your stuff but hey ho, what a shame!:shrug:

I am pain (ish) free, I think the antibiotics worked and i have been taking pro biotic drinks which has worked to top up my good bacteria and keep the thrush at bay :happydance:
BUT I have done a really stupid thing!!!:blush: Last night i was epilating my bikini line, i epilate most of it and use scissors to take the rest right back, i am a bit of a neat freak down there since having Rosie and it being much nicer neat, anyway basically i was trimming with scissors and i cut myself :shock: I wasn't really looking and went snip and owch! Anyway i told dh who said bang goes our romantic weekend, I said not a chance, I am not refraining for that, a salt bath and i will be fine!! Just a really silly thing to do. (and if your wondering its the inner soft tissue i snipped :blush:)

I have been absent from here due to the pain, I have read and run, I did make a few comments for boony whos pic situation would have annoyed the hell out of me!

Work issues I am very lucky, because i have children at school and pre school and dh is not capable due to his back of looking after them on his own and needs care himself at times I am at home, work may become an issue when the girls are at school, as long as dh's condition doesn't deteriorate and he need my care 24/7.
If that is the case i will try and get into something with social or school work using my degree and further training.
I am not looking as i should at nursery's or even schools and have been torn with home schooling for quite some time now, I was going to take my ds out of school but changing it has seemed to be the right move for him, I don't want the girls to lack socially but i suppose that is up to me to make sure they don't.

Anyway just want to spread a few big :hug: to Asher, lbb, Emzy, Boony, Jelly, Emz, GG, F&C, Sarah, Louise, Teeny, and anyone else i have missed!! I have still read but felt so rubbish, I missed you all!!:hugs:

Off tomorrow for the weekend:happydance: I am so exited I am like a little kid, we are going 2 nights in a hotel, (all from tesco club card points!)they do lovely food, 2 meals for £10 and its so good, esp when i have been on a diet forever!!
We have a family room, I am taking the moses basket, and Sophie has her own bed there and i can see us sat up all night trying to get two exited little girls to sleep but I don't care, its part of us being a family!

Got Rosie weighed today, 13lb 2oz, on the 9th centile which is fine, so the woman weighing her said, I have forgotten what it all means now, about percentage at that age or something:shrug:
She is still 100% breast fed, and still totally uninterested in anything not boob! I am giving her a little fromage frais every day, well trying to, she takes a teeny bit, after about 3 spoons she gags so i leave it, i was thinking by now she would be eating at least something:shrug:
She is not that mobile either, I know she is one of the younger Stars but even so seems to be quite lazy when it comes to moving! She is so happy on her mat kicking, she rolls from side to side, and has rolled on her front twice now and doesn't seem to bothered by it! She is very happy so I am happy and glad atm i am not chasing round a crawling baby....yet!!:hugs:

Time to go, back later for a peek and Monday to hopefully say what a fab weekend i had!! xx:hugs:

have a great weekend! x
GG glad your feeling a bit better and bless them holding hands so cute xx

BTP have a great weeken and Ouchie on the snippy think you should leave your lady garden to the professionals next time lol

Well I officially hate our HV it was the old hag from Xmas. I got excited because it's now self weighing so thought yay no talking to HV...... Sadly mistaken once again jjs weight is increasing above the 91st centile I told her she can't pass comment if she won't measure him as at 2 weeks he was 91st centrile for length so surely he's in proportion. Old hag then told me off for giving him any solids and said I'm giving him too much. I told her I've cut back his milk and he's more interested in food than milk. Anyway I'm officially ignoring the old hag ok at 22 weeks JJ is now 19lb 8oz but hey he looks healthy and is happy so old hag can stuff her ideas in a pipe and smoke it :)

thats a great weight! Ellie was 17lb 8oz two weeks ago so i would imagine she is 18 and a bit by now, and your LO is only about 1 week younger than Ellie. Ellie is also having solids. Screw the HV. We, as mothers, know whats best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jelly good on you for telling her to stick it! I know how you feel as Holly is 91st centile now too, although she was born on 50th!! My HV hasn't actually said a word, just asked if she had been feeding well and I said yes, but I think they might say something next time if she is still gaining so much. I was a bit worried but as far as I am concerned she is healthy and happy. She is nearly 7 months and on 3 meals a day plus 4 bottles and she is starting to take less milk herself which is fine by me. I'll let her be my guide not the HVs! Like BTP said you can't win! James is happy and healthy and you know best!

BTP all I can say is OUCH! I have actually done the same thing before and it stings like hell, but it healed up really quickly, probably within 2 days? Enjoy your weekend away, sounds lovely!

We're good, Holly's just having a little snooze in her cot. She's been a good girl and self settled for her naps all day and she actually ended up self settling for bedtime last night too! She did fall asleep on Matt but woke up when he put her in her cot so we left her with seahorse and she fell asleep. I'm going to try it again tonight!

And yesterday, she said mama!! She has been making the mmmm sound for a while, then it turned to mamamamamama over and over then yesterday we were at the soft play place and she looked at me and said mama and I was like "whaaat?! say it again!!" and of course she didn't lol Then after dinner she was in her high chair and me and matt were standing just behind her doing the washing up and she started crying and went "maaamaaaaaaaa" then she said it a few more times last night! Matt was going NOOOOO DADA! lol I kept saying to Matt that she wasn't really saying it, but it just sounded like it but then today again, she looked right at me and said "mama!" with a big smile on her face! Bless her.

I've seen another job, it's for Argos call centre near me and the hourly rate is excellent. The hours are pretty good as well so I have applied, but the only thing is it starts on 21st march and it says it's 3 weeks full time training!! So I don't know if I'd be able to do it... I don't know if I could just get a childminder for 3 weeks full time? I would probably need to use a childminder for a couple of hours in the evening on a couple of days a week anyway as the evening shifts start at 4 and Matt doesn't get back to Bolton til 5.30ish. It's a bit short notice though! We'll see if I get an interview for it.


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