September Stars

wow happy 7 months to Holly, paige has only reached 5 months !!! sometimes the age difference is a help as i read what you guys are doing and get

Paige is still wearing most of her 0-3 but im starting to put more and more in the “grown out of bag” i have noticed some of the second hand 6-9 clothes fit her now and im glad i checked as there are some really pretty dresses, i guess some of the second hand clothes have been shrunk slightly in the wash so now i have SOooooooooooo many clothes for her, i even thought of changing her 3 times a day just to get use out of them !!!

baby Zara has amazing clothes on there !!! but i cant buy anymore..... well maybe i should buy one outfit on there, i mean it would be a crime not to.

We have been doing controlled crying and its worked like a treat !!! most nights she will go straight to sleep on her own, only a couple times we had to go in once to re wrap her.

Work have moved me to a different team, i really pleased i dont have to go back to my team but im now much further away from home and think its going to effect my hours a lot, im hoping that they will move me to a closer team but the person in charge of this is good friends with my line manager and hates women and part timers, got no luck really and may be forced to leave my job, and to top it all off my team think they got rid of me !!!

Did anyone hear about the pampers active fit nappies giving chemical burns to babies ? one of grants friends from work said how their baby got really bad burns from these nappies and went online to see its been very common and they are seeking compensation. I have some huggies im using at the moment but i normally use tesco, but they all seem to have a smell to them when they get wet.

Stacy, glad you popped in, your daughter is adorable x

LBB- i am so sorry , you must be very worried but its been picked up so hopefully they will be able to know for sure and help him. x

BTP- i can totally relate with the nappy smelling, such a strong smell, i always thought it was paige’s wee which stunk..
Kara work situtaion sucks, my friend is a copper and she said it was so hard going back after maternity leave, she only does part time as her OH is a copper too so they have to juggle alot, luckily for her she is with a good team. Sounds awful xx

Well I am super organised this morning, housework is all done, Murphy walked 3 miles, washing done and Hope's bag is ready to go out!!! Just having a brew before we go to baby signing, we haven't been for 3 weeks with me being ill etc!!

Hope has the most horrendous nappies, She had 3 full changes of clothes yesterday, her poo is escaping up the top and going right up her back!! When I change her there is hardly any in her nappy!!!
blimey Becs you are organised! James has nappies like that too! Well James has his appointment with the paediatrition today, im trying to keep positive that its nothing serious but its difficult :( x x
Good luck Jayne, I am sure all will be fine xxx Hopefully you will finally get some answers and help xx
Morning girls

LBB big hugs, hope the today goes ok, try not to worry xx :hugs:

Jelly I used to mix baby rice with veggies and fruit as well, bulks it up nicely! I also sometimes stir in a laughing cow triangle to bulk it up a bit.

MrsJ I also like the Hipp Organic jars if I'm using a jar, they are the only ones that actually taste nice!

We're hoping to arrange a naming day for Holly as we're not particularly religious. We're hoping to use a celebrant from the BHA and hold it in the function room at the local pub, but the plans for it have had to go on hold for now...

Things have been pretty stressful this last couple of days as it is looking more and more likely that Matt will be made redundant. They initially said that the consultation period ends on 14th April and they would receive at least a month's notice, but at a meeting earlier this week they were told that they'd only get a weeks notice (depending on service legnth, but Matt would only get a week). There is a chance that they will be put elsewhere in the company, but no one is telling them anything. So basically, he'll find out on 14th April and if he has to go, he'll have only 1 weeks notice. To top it all off, that is only 4 days after my maternity allowance ends. I've been furiously applying for jobs but not heard back yet and Matt has applied for everything going in his field, but again not heard back. I'm not sure what we are going to do if we both end up jobless. It might be that I have to go and work full time, as it would be a bit easier for me to find a full time job in my field than Matt, but I sooo don't want to. It'd break my heart to have to leave Holly full time :cry: So, we just don't know what's going to happen, we'll just have to wait and see. I'm really hoping that I get an interview for that 3 days a week HR Admin job now, as that's looking like the best option financially if Matt is going to be out of work.

Sooo, things have been pretty stressful here, on top of having an expensive month in general. Matt got paid this week and it went as quickly as it came in :cry: Still, Matt took me to the local pub last night for dinner and a few drinks. I've been so worried and stressed that he wanted to take us out for a few hours to relax, so we got my friend and her boyfriend over to watch Holly. I was nervous leaving them to put her to bed after my traumatised friends last time, but they said she had her bottle, went down to bed and went to sleep with no crying or anything by 8pm! Good girl Holly! Only thing is she woke up at about 10 when we got back, full of a cold again! She was up a couple of times in the night but nothing like last time she had a cold. And I've woken up with it this morning too, booo!! I hope it goes by tomorrow as I'm meant to be going out tomorrow night for a few drinks with my netmums friend and I've been really looking forward to it. I wasn't going to go as we could do without spending more money, but Matt's insisting that I go and let my hair down, but I won't be going anywhere if this sore throat doesn't go!

Sorry, my post's turned into one long moan hasn't it! I'll stop complaining now. I'm sure it'll all work out in the end. I always think everything happens for a reason and what's meant to be will be, so I'm sure it'll all work out :)

For anyone that was interested in my 3-6 month stuff that I have for sale, I've put all of the remaining stuff onto a new thread so it's easier to see. You can see it here:

Oh and by the way, Matt recently updated his blog for anyone following, link in my sig as usual :)


So I went for my 12 week scan today and got put back :( I'm only 11 weeks plue 3 so my new EDD is 3rd October :( I couldnt get a clear picture of baby so couldnt even get a scan picture but have a 14 week scan on the 5th April so will get some then!!!

And my 21 week scan is on my birthday so am hoping I can find out the sex then which will be an excellent birthday present!!!

Emzy - Ooooo Matts blog made me giggle :) Bless his heart!!!

LBB - Good luck today hun

Hugs to everyone else!!!

Youngmummy shame they couldn't get a good pic, but yay for getting another scan!! You'll have to post your scan pic up when you get one next time and we can all guess the sex!

Well the post just arrived and I got an interview for the HR Admin job!! Yay!! It's on Tuesday at 1pm, so I'm just waiting to hear back from Matt whether he can get the time off to look after Holly. Nervous but so glad I got one!! x
Kara thats why I use reusables, all nappies have shit loads of chemicals in them they have been linked to boys having low sperm counts and SO much more :sick: I still use them at night on Rosalie but only the natural eco ones with no crappy chemicals in them :nope: they are only now realising how much damage that sposies are doing since they put in chemicals. The stuff they put into babies nappies is the SAME that has been taken out of tampons as its so linked to TSS :shock: I dont understand how they can do it. Sorry rant over :blush:

YM remember a few days is nothing if you look at how ranged all the ages are in here :hugs: Although I know when you're pregnant even one day is HUGE :hugs: never know you might be put forward at the next scan.

Emzy :hugs: so glad you have an interview hon its so scary and so much more once you have a :baby:
Emzy- good luck for the interview, im so sorry to hear about your situation, i feel really shit now moaning about my work problems, i should be grateful i still have a job.. i really hope things start to look up soon x

Blob OMG !!! i didnt know that !!! I may look into reusable nappies now !!! hubby refuses to use them but i think after telling him this he may think twice, even if we use the reusable ones when we are home.... What do i need ? whats the best ones to use... tell me everything lol xx

Young mummy- you could give birth on paiges first birthday !!! i cant wait to see your scan photos.. x
Hello Star Mums! :hi:
I had a night out last night!!!! :shock:
My lovely downstairs neighbour (who is British, incidentally) came up to watch the boys while I went out to hear a lecture on tigers at the Zoo. Very fun! A little intellectual stimulation and a little breather from babies for a couple of hours. It felt good. :thumbup:

lbb - thinking about you and wee James today and hoping everything goes really well. :hugs:

emzy - so sorry to hear about your stress. Fingers crossed that Matt finds a great job fast and you get the perfect part-time job and all this stress and worry is short-lived. :hugs:

I'm looking forward to seeing all the pictures of babies in christening gowns and fancy clothes. :)

On the diaper question, I am not set up to do re-usables, as I share laundry with our downstairs neighbours. We have an eco-diaper that is reasonably priced from one of our supermarkets here. And I've just discovered a really nice one from Sweden that is made from cornstarch, so it breaks down quickly in the landfill. :thumbup:
Emma, sorry things are so stressful, I am a firm believer in things happening for a reason!! Good luck for the interview!! I really hope you get it xx

Blob, I really want to use reusables but have no idea where to bloody start etc, I am so frickin clueless!!!

Sarah, its nice to have adult conversations for a few hours, I think it does you the world of good!! Makes you realise you are still you and can actually hold an adult conversation lol!!

Hope has just had 2 nappy explosions in the space of 15 minutes!! Bloody teeth, it leaked through her clothes and on to my jeans, yuck!!!! Thank goodness she has loads of clothes!! Hope say for ages today on her own and she is so close to crawling, she brings her legs right up under her!
Emzy- Good luck for the interview. I am currently looking for work as i dont get maternity allowance so just living off one wage at the min but are lucky that oh has a decent wage i just like having my own money that i have earnt.

YM- Glad the scan went well.
Emzy- good luck for the interview, im so sorry to hear about your situation, i feel really shit now moaning about my work problems, i should be grateful i still have a job.. i really hope things start to look up soon x

Blob OMG !!! i didnt know that !!! I may look into reusable nappies now !!! hubby refuses to use them but i think after telling him this he may think twice, even if we use the reusable ones when we are home.... What do i need ? whats the best ones to use... tell me everything lol xx

Young mummy- you could give birth on paiges first birthday !!! i cant wait to see your scan photos.. x

I use reusable and use them when we are out and about too - I just have a wet bag that I put the dirty nappies in. I haven't used a disposable since she was about 6 weeks old.

You can get packs of 6 terry nappies and can get them in diffrerent colours.

I got 18 terry nappies ( the normal square ones) 6 fleece liners, a bucket, and 3 snappy clip things, and two blueberry nappy covers for £70 and they have paid for themselves already. Now i just buy the odd pack of disposable liners for when i am behind on washing and some napisan every now and again.
They pay for themselves after about 3 months and the great thing is the nappies are one size and can last till potty training and the covers have poppers so you can use them till potty training too. So no need to buy other sizes! :happydance:

Fill your pants is the website I used. Cheapest that I found. :happydance:

I posted some pics BTW ( in your response me not being on facebook) I think they are on page 500 or something - and more shoe pics :)
Ym - at least you get to see pip again soon and that everything is ok xx

Emzy I know how your feeling regarding oh and redundancy. I too believe everything happens for a reason but you can't help but worry. Congrats on getting an interview for the hr job !

Blob I didn't know about the chemicals etc I may have to try and find a substitute.

I've decided not to post in baby club as I don't know if I'm just hormonal at the mo but it seems like it's full of rude opinionated witches. Why can't people discuss without fussing or putting down others ? Had nightmare with James today keeps being sick it's so unlike him hoping it's just a 24hr bug

How long do baby slings etc last for? As JJ seems to be out growing his carrier already !
Jelly, I never post in there!!! Sounds like JJ has a 24 hour bug, but if he is still like it tomorrow get to the Drs xx I have a maya wrap for Hope, she loves it and goes right up to 32lbs!!!
Becs is this what you use for your walks? Just looking at the maya wrap website now.
Jelly, yes its fab!! Its good because it distributes the weight over your shoulders, even Ian wears it!!! Hope loves it!! I bought mine from ebay £28!
Ladyk- hope your work situation gets sorted going back will be stressfull enough!

lilbump- how did the apointment go?

Emzy- im so sorry about Matts job situation i hope it doesnt come to that, Pauls hours were cut last week so we are barely scraping through at the moment so i know how you must be feeling but glad you went out and do go tommorow youl feel better for it and yay for the interview though!

ym good luck at the next scan love x

sarah glad you enjoyed your night out x

i have a friend who uses reusables i find it interesting to watch but i know its not for me.

we went to a baby and toddler group today its £1 per family which is fab and i really enjoyed it as did the girls i can see though that now they are getting bigger and more mobile its a bit more tricky for me and soon ill be running in oposite directions :)
Thank you everyone.

Just wondering how lbb got on? Hope little James is ok x

I just have a cheap front carrier for Holly, but I don't use it that much. I sold my babasling as it was hurting my back and she's so damn heavy I didn't bother buying another one!

I've been out buying a few 9-12 bits in the sales, got some right bargains in Asda and also a shop near us called Kids Connection which sells all the ex catalogue stuff. Usually it's all tat in there with the occasional nice thing, but they've got all boots mini mode stuff in at the mo, as I believe boots has now changed to mini club. I got some lovely bits! Also I nearly cried when I realised I no longer had to shop in the baby section at Asda, I could buy 9-12 stuff in the Younger Girls section... noooo she's still a BABY!!! lol

Holly's off to sleep now, went off about 15 mins ago. She's still pretty bunged up bless her, so don't know how she'll sleep tonight


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