September Stars

Jelly, I rarely post elsewhere, i learn't that while i was pregnant and like you say some cant have a conversation without bitching, keep away! xx

I am intending to use all my own foods unless i am out then i am happy to use the odd jar or tin, and puddings i use them too for a bit of variety.
Baby rice is excellent to thicken foods and i am pleased with the heinz baby stock cubes to make the mix nice!

That nappy burning thing is awful, never heard of it, I think my next ones i try will be the sainsburys nature ones they bio degrade really fast and are a bit kinder to the environment, the huggies cotton newborn ones never smelt, only the next stage ones:shrug:

Sorry I am rubbish here atm, at posting or catching up! Must try harder!

Rosie Posy is great, my little poppet, and i am really enjoying this more interactive stage with her, she seems to be happier with a bit of food in her tummy and looks for the next spoonful which is so cute!

Off to bed now, Rosie has a habit of sleeping initially for 3 hours at night then up every hour, and i need to sleep for her initial 3 hpurs, and i have a husband on the bed watching football, perfectly good tv downstairs!!:dohh:

Night all xx:hugs:
I'll get the link about the nappies to show its not just me making it all up :blush:
I HATED the idea of disposables, I still wont use the ones that need wraps, the only ones I use are all in one and exactly the same as sposies. All I do is wipe the butt and throw them in the nappy bin then chuck all nappies in the wash in the bin liner. Its no different for me now I dont rinse the poop off or do anything really :lol: and she loookkkksss soooo cuuuuuuuteee!!

Ah I dont go anywhere on here I sometimes comment on random threads, I go on friends journals and wedding journals and BnB extra but thats all now... no time.

EEEEK!! I have SO much to do!! I have to make tons of cakes and things for tomorrow night, Rosalie is teething and I have now got a funeral to go to. Sometimes I think I overload myself with things to do.
Sarah, you are like me!! I am busy and I try to fit so much in, but tbh I like that way!!!
Hiya girls! Just a quick one from me tonight! I am so rubbish at the moment with keeping up! I read everything every night, just don't get much chance to pop on and keep up!

LBB, looks on FB as though things went well with James today. Good news. xx

Emzy, sorry to hear about what's going on for you and Matt at the moment. Fingers crossed for you both. Isn't Holly doing so well!!! x

Food - I made potato, spinach and cheese (with a bit of milk) yesterday for Sam. It's one of the old Annabel Karmel recipes, Jack loved it as a baby. Sam wolfed it down! He's obviously a cheese lover like his mum!! I need to do a couple more meals for him, he's loving his food at the moment. What are people doing for breakfasts for their LOs? It's the one meal of the day I struggle with!

I only post in here and breastfeeding club. I hate the flaming that goes on elsewhere!!!

Nappies - for reusables, I use prefolds and covers. I really really need to start using them more again with Sam, I've got really lazy. I think I need to start again and get on with it. I've got all the kit, just finding it a bit much with the three of them, nursery runs etc.

We're all not so hot again! Sam had an awful night last night. He basically came in with us from about 12.30 which isn't like him. He was only really happy when he was feeding for some reason. And/or cuddling mummy. I like that he's a mummy's boy though!! Hoping for a better night tonight.

I have to say, I've had a good experience with Amazon tonight. I bought a baby monitor (Leapfrog Advanced) in June last year. It's been used since about October, and was fine, until it went bump a couple of nights ago. So I emailed them, and they have despatched a new one!! Madness! I thought I would be fighting with them over it!! So, good on Amazon!!

Right, am off to bed. Nighty night all. xx
Ahh I end up getting distracted and sit on meant to be cleaning the kitchen and making the cakes... booooo
What cakes are you making?? I made a fruit loaf tonight!!

Thats the doesnt slate all disposable nappies just tells you what you dont know about them? I dont want for you guys to think i'm being a bitch about this :blush:
becs! I think you cursed me!
I read your poop-splosion post about Hope and sure enough, Tobe produced a classic "jumparoo poop" for me today. He was going crazy bouncing away in that thing, and I swear the movement shot it straight up his back and out the legs. The actual bum part was almost clean. :nope: Sigh.
Tobe is still in the sitting prep stage. He's doing lots of ab and torso movement and can sit unaided for a few seconds before his massive melon makes him keel over to the side. I think he'll be sitting properly in a few weeks, though. He looks pretty close, I think.
:rofl: :rofl: @ massive melon!!

Oh as for cakes I am going to bed!! I dont know why I'm still up :cry:

Am making, banana loaf, millionare sb and red velvet cupcakes...tomorrow
thanks blob for posting the link, i think i will look into reusable nappies, but i always had this idea in my head that i will be having to clean poo off them and be washing them every min of the day, how do they not leak everywhere !!! and i always thought it would cause nappy rash rather than the disposable ones but after reading that artical maybe im wrong.. i should look on youtube for videos so i have a better idea as everyone says reusable nappies are not what people expect now adays. To be honest she has leaking poo nappies even with the disposables so cant be much worse to deal with...

did i mention i now own a sewing machine for the first time ever !!! i dont do much with it mainly look at it and feel all grown up, but i intend on making and selling pram liners and things, i brought a value one from argos but took it back and brought the next one up, ill be a domestic goddess one day !!
emzdreamgirl- i missed seeing her, such a shame your not on FB anymore, thanks for posting she is still a little doll, looks like daddy still too.. make sure you keep posting photos in here, i love seeing all the SS photos and videos, they are growing up so fast x
ladyk - go with sewing machine! :happydance: I haven't sewn on a machine since home ec in gr.8 (and I am NOT saying how long ago that was!), but I have been itching to try. I keep having mending jobs that I think would be so quick on a machine. And then there's quilting.
I'd need a bigger house for that hobby!
Oooooh I've been thinking about starting up dress making for the girls as I LOVE these
Morning girls

How are you all this morning? We're good, Holly's still snotty but after going down at 9 last night she woke a couple of times for her dummy early this morning and then got up at 8.30. I could hear her playing in her cot so I just lay listening to her over the monitor for 20 mins before getting up! :cloud9:

I got a bit upset last night. I found out one of my closest friends is pregnant, but she didn't even tell me! She's been a bit funny with me since Holly was born, not getting in touch, got a new phone number and kept 'forgetting' to give me the number and that. Then early this year we met up and she said that her and her bf had decided to try for a baby. She was in touch with me loads then and I figured that she hadn't been in touch because she had wanted a baby but her bf didn't. She was a bit weird when I was pregnant and never asked how I was feeling or anything about the baby, so I came to the conclusion that she was a bit jealous as she wanted a baby too. Anyway, so she got back in touch when they decided to try but the last few weeks I hadn't heard from her. She was meant to come over a few weeks ago on a Saturday night but she just didn't turn up. I was sat there on my own with a glass of wine waiting for her and had no way to contact her as she still hadn't given me her new number. Eventually her bf came over (he had been out with Matt) and rang her and she said she didn't bother as she wasn't feeling well. So that was really weird that she didn't even bother to tell me. And then yesterday Matt gets back from playing squash with her bf and he tells me she's between 8 and 10 weeks pregnant! I thought ah well maybe they didn't tell anyone yet, but lots of other people know so they have told people, but she didn't tell me! I just don't get it! I text her to congratulate her and her reply was nice, but I just don't get it. When we found out I was pregnant, we went straight to their house and told them! Anyway so that upset me a bit.

Sorry it's turned into a big rant again! I keep ranting at the moment!

:hugs: Emzy, that is mean of your friend. Perhaps as you say she was jealous, but if she is your friend she shouldn't treat you that way. :hugs:

LBB I hope you get answers soon my love, and try not to worry...easier said than done I know!

On the baby front here, Riley has slept through 3 times now! :thumbup: He is nearly crawling, well, he can go backwards :haha: but everyday he is getting closer. He is always on all fours so watch this space!
I am still soldiering on with my project, 5000 done which is halfway there so quite pleased with myself. I WILL graduate this year! lol x

Sorry for the quick and selfish post but I am off out in a minute. I think OH and I are off to Lakeside later for a Nandos..Yummy!

Hope you are all well, and I will continue reading even if I don't have time to post! xx :flower:
Awwwww he is so clever go Riley :wohoo:

Emzy thats so so mean of your friend :hugs:
Emzy try to not let your friend bother you!

Teeny that's great well done Riley x

I'm off out tonight with work , nursery has got bigger since I left and there are some people I don't know so I'm going to try and get to know a new team, I feel really weird about it I was deputy manager and knew it inside out and now I'll be part time with no responsibilities , I hope they like me !
Emzy, It does really sound like classic jealousy, she prob was trying way back then and when you were preggers perhaps she thought it was something you would do at the same time, she sounds like she didn't share anything from your pregnancy because she couldn't hide the envy, and now is on catch up, she prob feels you will say when i was pregnant this happened or that happened and she wanted to be first? I don't know but it certainly sounded like a bad case of the green eyed monster in her xxxx

Yum to cupcakes and banana breads and the like!!:happydance:

Hi Teeny :thumbup:
Yay for the backward crawling!! and double yay for sleeping better, I am having a bit of a nightmare with hourly Rosie atm:wacko:
Well done on the study progress, it will be such a huge relief when you finish, when i graduated it was a bit of a let down really, all that time studying then yay you graduate then ah that's it!!! I am very proud of my BSc, and glad i did it when i did, but i don't think i could do it now, I am so far removed from study now!!:hugs:

Blob, I think you know us all better on here to think that we would be judgemental about anything! We are very much live and let live here and listen to what we have to say, which is what is so nice about us!
I may look into reuseables for about 6 months onwards, atm she is still pooing runny mustard like substance, and no nappy can catch that, and it stains everything!! I think the others will be better when i have a catchable poo to go in the liner!
When she has weaned her poo should be of a more sturdy consistency!!:sick:
In the meantime i will look into some friendlier ones, I must admit it really puts you off pampers and huggies, the 2 main companies! As for not using a nappy, I cant imagine that atm, and if you had seen Rosie's earlier nappy acheivement you would know why!!:hugs:

What are the best in the opinion of those that have used re usables, and is ebay or amazon the best place to get them?
I have used them in the past with a friends baby who i looked after, I used to be very pleased i didn't have to wash the things out after h had pooed in them, but that is usually the case with another baby's poo!!

Sorry for the rubbish catch up again, my children being ever demanding if its not one its the other!! I am doing homework atm, with my 8 yr old!!

Must dash, its chocolate cupcake making with the girls tomorrow, and they are making their own pizzas for tea tomorrow as well, keeping them busy!!

I have started using my reusable nappies and the band at the back has given Riley a red line across his back where it is elasticated...:cry:, and they were not cheap. I'll have to try and figure something out. Oh, and it must be the way I use them! :blush: xx

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