Evening ladies.
YM, you're doing so well. I found the whole thing so much easier second time round, and again third time. So much less to worry about!! You should be so proud of yourself!!
All you BF mummies are still doing so well, I was gutted when Sam self weaned at 10 months, but it was lovely to be able to feed him. You should all be giving yourselves pats on the backs, and when it's time to stop, you'll know! x
Hope Mums and babes are ok tonight. I am still so poorly, I think it will be back to the docs for me. I am just finishing up my antibiotics, but still so congested, all in my nose and ears, and now I have the world's biggest coldsore around my right nostril. I need to blow my nose but just can't bear to!!!Yuk.
On the upside, Sam's having a mad few days of development. All of a sudden on Saturday he started to take more steps, and then yesterday he stood up by himself and walked across the room. He's dancing and getting all giddy! So cute. And all so sudden. He's been plodding along for so long, and then all of a sudden he's doing loads of new things! He's actually slept until almost 7 am 3 times in the last week, so he must be tiring himself out with all the new stuff. Little cutie pie.
Work's good, just busy, but I am actually quite enjoying being back now, thank goodness it's only 3 days a week. I had a lovely day today, was out on my own doing visits to patients, and I had pretty much a lovely cooperative group of patients, which made all the difference! I'm sure tomorrow will be worse than today just to make up for it!! Ah well, I'm off for half term next week.
Love to all, hope things are ok for everybody. xx