Hello girls!
No time to reply to everyone now, I'm shattered! Got back from a lovely weekend, went to Paris for the day with Matt yesterday which was lovely but it was such a looong weekend! We travelled down to my mums on the coach on Friday and left Holly there, went to Paris 7am Saturday morning, came back 9pm Saturday night, left my Mum and Dads this morning at 10am and arrived back home at 7.30pm tonight!! Shattered isn't the word! Holly was pretty good on the coach considering it was such a long journey, but she did cry a bit, cue angry stares from the other passengers!! Miserable gits lol
Anyway Holly's only just gone to bed, I let her stay up and run around and play as she needed to stretch her legs after being stuck on the coach all day. She's still awake now, I can hear her! I want to go to bed!!
Catch up soon x
ps Blob love the cake!! I would pay between £50 and £60 for a cake like that, it's fab! x