Shaking off the bad ju-ju - 3DPO, late O ...hey! ho!


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2014
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haha - couldn't help the Lumineers insert!

Was symptom spotting from Jan to Feb, AF 2/1, thought I was going to O around V Day, got positive OPKs starting 2/13, peak finally on 2/17, then......nothing. No temp drops or spikes that entire week!! :shrug:
Until my temp spike FINALLY this past Saturday, 3/22. :happydance:

BD'ed 2/17 and 2/21, so hopefully...........but I'm not counting on it. Maybe we'll be pleasantly surprised.
We'll see if this points to an LP defect if I AF when I expect to on 3/2, if I have a longer LP b/c I O'ed late or if AF stays farrrr away!
This was my first month of temping for real, so it's at least been informative!

no real symptoms just yet but I know it's early. Just sore BBs, but that's typical for me.
Hey Wish!

Glad to have a new thread to get rid of our bad ju-ju. I am cycle day 9, nothing new for me except painful bbs but I had this last time too. I also had some EWCM but it was cloudy/creamy sorry tmi..I read it could be a week after O'ing and before AF. Af is due friday or monday(29-32day cycles). Being so busy has really helped not trying to symptom spot but I hope sometime this year I can get pregnant! I went today with my SIL to her checkup she is 17 weeks pregnant and at first I was a lil jealous but now I am very excited and hearing the heartbeat made me more excited for her and my brother but I really want to be in that place soon. Well ttyl, I have a busy couple of days ahead but will try and check periodically.
hey sf! I'm very jealous of your busy schedule, though I'm not symptom-spotting as much as I was last month. That's a sweet story about your SIL! haha and don't apologize for TMI - I was telling a friend about this site and the stuff we share, but it's for the greater 'good' of support!! hahaha

Once again, I'm pretty sure I'm out. My temp dropped back down to the normal range this morning, so now I'm chalking up the past 3 days of temp rises to the interrupted sleeps I had those nights/mornings. My eyes seem to pop open at 2:30 lately and I can't get back to sleep until awhile later, I'm guessing at least a half hour. Then I'm up again at 4:30 to feed our kitties (weird, long story of why they are on that schedule) and that's when I temp. So 1.5 hrs isn't the longest sleep, but I don't want to switch to 2:30am for a temping time b/c I shouldn't be waking up then!! ARGH!

anywho - have a wonderful few days! I'll be on the lookout for AF, or lack thereof, updates!

bumpy - I'm sorry! looks like we're going to be lame-o's when it comes to symptom spotting this month! I'm not entirely sure how this thread bodes for shaking off the bad juju but hopefully it works for you, sf!
Hey all, I am new to the site! My Dh and I have been ttc for the last 2 months with no luck. I feel like I am finally getting to know my bodies signs yet can't help but feel a little hopeless in all of this. This month we bd'd about 5 times per week ranging in am and pm sessions to allow his swimmers some time to recoup. I had 6 days of positive opks...but I think I am currently 7dpo.

Did either of you experience this feeling in your first few months as well? I always knew it took some couples longer than others, but I always hoped to be the one that sneezed and got pregnant when the time was right
Haha, aww Wish! I'll still be crossing my fingers for you and SF! Why are you awake so early in the AM?? That is weird??

Well I am proud of you guys for not symptom spotting... I honestly do not think I will ever symptom spot again. It's not even worth it because I've had two cycles now where AF has been LATE and I had like all these weird things I noticed.. and yet, AF showed. That's why DH wants to NTNP instead of "try" this coming December because he knows it'll just stress me out.

The more relaxed you are, the better!!! :flower:

SF- I know the feeling. My SIL is due next week but they live far away and I CANNOT WAIT to meet my little niece/nephew! I just like to think to myself (and this prob sounds bad haha) but when I have my baby everyone else's babies will already be over a year old so I'll have "the baby" in the family hehe :) See, there is a bright side LMAO!
Hi speakeasy! welcome! to answer your question - HECK YES! I *hoped* I would be quick about it, especially that it seems like it should be formulaic and I'm pretty good at following directions. Plus, I have that horrible habit of needing to do something right the first time (I'm terrible at learning new sports b/c I'm not very patient with myself) so to learn that I didn't hit the ball out of the park in the first 2 tries really let the air out of my sails. But hang in there!! There's a lot to learn but try not to obsess. As you can see by Bumpy's, sf's and my notes, we are trying not to symptom spot as we did last month b/c it'll drive you bonkers!!

bump! I have no idea why I'm waking up. I think I wake up to roll over, then wonder if it's close to the time to get up to temp, look at my bright phone and see that it's still too early and then start calculating - should I temp now? this will be my longest sleep, maybe I should... But I can't b/c the stupid thermometer beeps and it'll wake DH...ugh. Temping is definitely informative but I think it's making me nuts!

so just for fun, today I'm 4dpoiio (if I o'd :)) - symptoms:
- sore bbs
- GASSY - thank god I work from home! TMI hahahaha
- little crampy but that could be b/c of symptom 2

that's it! nothing out of the norm. Though I do feel like I could plow through an entire pizza myself right now. :pizza:
3dpo & also noticing very gassy! is that even a symptom of pregnancy? Lol dont temp as find it all too much but conceived 3 month ago first cycle using opks (mc at wks) so i think i am ovulating lol. Anyway good luck when will ya'l b testing? X
3dpo & also noticing very gassy! is that even a symptom of pregnancy? Lol dont temp as find it all too much but conceived 3 month ago first cycle using opks (mc at wks) so i think i am ovulating lol. Anyway good luck when will ya'l b testing? X

I'm so sorry for your recent loss. :(
yep, seems 'gas' is a symptom, but could be for PMS too. It's an option on Fertility Friend, a temp tracking online tool. You can fill out the various symptoms you have daily too and it analyzes all of the data for you.
I'm expecting AF on Sunday, so anytime after that I'll test if she doesn't show.
Welcome everyone! It is easier said then done to not symptom spot lol

I have had a busy day so not much time to symptom spot but here is my small list

-Very sore nips
-twinges, sharp like pin pricks had a few yesterday too..I'm sure I am just preparing for AF to make her grand appearance...
-headache...which I usually always get a few days before AF
-Temp is still high though 98.9 but last time it was even higher around this time and nothing...I am just warm natured :)

TTYL! Looks like I will probably be onto month 3 of trying..just have a feeling.
SF- your pre-AF symptoms are pretty common PG symptoms... that would drive me NUTS!

Wish- NO AF ON SUNDAY!! I hope :)

On a side note- is noticing implantation all that common? Like cramps and bleeding?

Mom- So sorry for your loss... how many months have you been TTC since?

Oh and I think gas is a common PG symptom.. but I also believe it to be a common AF symptom unfortunately.

Just for fun...What are some common pg symptoms you always hear about but don't get before AF? I think anything different would be a good indication! For me, I would suspect something for real if I had sore bb's, nausea, AF cramps before AF (I always cramp VERY BAD the day she shows) as those are not things I ever experience with AF. Idk how "fun" this question is.. but lol :coffee:
:coffee: morning!

I love it!! I actually thought in January that a lack of PMS symptoms would be one for me b/c I wasn't seeing anything after the date I thought I O'ed. Anyway, for me it would be nausea, veiny bbs (this seems to be a big indicator), headaches seem to be common, heartburn, gobs of cm (though I wouldn't count on this, but I'm just about dry as a bone right now, but my theory on this is it's just from progesterone affecting the uterine lining, not necessarily being preggo - I wanna research this today). And the extreme sleepiness.
And it would be lack of sore bbs and night sweats but I believe those are common PG symptoms so I prob would still have those gems too.

So the IB question - I think a LOT of ladies think they have this...but do they really? I think it's looked for between 6-10/12 dpo and if they feel any little twinge, that's got to be it. I'm just trying to be realistic - I've now read a ton of women symptom spotting that end up with a BFN think they experienced this. So I don't know about how common it really is.

sf - the pin pricks are what is getting me! I have sore BBs/nips right now but have never felt anything like pin pricks in the uterus! that's an interesting one! And re: your temp, it could spike even higher today or tomorrow. As long as it stays high...!! My fingers are still crossed for you, even if you're not feeling it! haha

me today - temp is still dropped to 97.8. Again, I'm floored by how my temp is so average. i thought it would hop around a bit more than it does, O or not. So it's looking more and more solid like those 3 days of spikes were due to user error/outside factors. No biggie, I'm over it. Bring on AF so we can start again. I'd be even more pleased if AF started today and NOT sunday b/c I'm running another race on Sunday. Other than that, just sore BBs and night sweats mentioned above.
Happy Hump day!

I am not feeling very well today, feel kinda crappy but can't pinpoint it. Temp has been between 98.8-99.4. As far as the twinges it is hard to explain but I feel like I am getting pricked or something is pulling. I wonder if it is from my surgery a few months ago? I can't remember if I had this last time...wish I could. Maybe I am just getting ready for AF...who knows
I'm sorry you're feeling crappy. Heck, that could be either PG or PMS too. dang bodies!

So I spotted this morning. Brown, not red. That would be cd27/6dpo for me. I know yesterday I sorta wished that AF would come early and not the day of my race but I didn't think I could make it happen. I also know that 6dpo is right in the sweet spot of implantation, but I highly doubt that's what's going on - see IB belief above! ;) The last time AF was early was December and that seemed to be a fluke b/c Nov I was 3 days late. It's like my body was balancing out the schedule. Before that I wasn't really ever early. We'll see if this is more than spotting today...
oh and my temp is back up over the coverline and my BBs are still killing me.
And this is weird - my chest feels like someone is sitting on me, like I need to keep pushing it out to stretch it or something and it's a little hard to breathe. I did pushups yesterday and I'm sore in the right spots for that, this is different. Like lungs or ribcage or something. I dunno...

anyway - enjoy your day!:flower:
Hey Wish!

I feel much better today, think I just needed some sleep! No real new symptoms today temp 99.1 this am, which last cycle they were high torwards the end too. But today when checking my cervix, I cannot find an opening normal I can feel it right away but today it is high and tilted almost? Creamy CM also..who knows...
Maybe your brown spotting is implantation? If it isn't at least you can be done with this weird cycle and on to a new one. FX'd for you!!!:flower:
sf - still sounds promising!! glad you were able to get some sleep, sounds like you've been running yourself ragged. How are you feeling today? When are you due again? I thought around the same time as me - Sun/Mon?

I guess yeah, it could have been IB. It certainly wasn't red and it didn't last all day. I don't have any liners in the house but I used a lite tampon and it covered maybe a 3rd of it over the course of maybe 5 hrs. But I'm still not convinced I O'ed this month. Or if I did, the temp rises afterwards are weak at best. Here's a link to my chart:
[url=]My Ovulation Chart || Ovulation Calendar[/URL]

However, it is fun to pretend I could be, I guess! I think I'm spotting again this morning, so I'm about 99.9% sure it's AF announcing her arrival. I bought tampons and FRERs yesterday, just to have them. I'm sure the check-out lady was confused!
Wish- looks like it could be a dip but not sure about it because of the dpo. But hey who knows right!? I am due like you between today and Monday...if I go past Monday it will be my longest cycle. I don't have any symptoms so far for af...I had some pains on right side that seemed to go away with walking. My temp is still up at 99.2, Bbs still tender, cervix the same. I have been so busy with school and this weekend will be no different as I will be in the ER working nights all weekend. So maybe it will keep my mind off everything unless af shows. We are going out tonight so I may buy one test to test in the am. But I hate getting my hopes up. Ttyl..have a good day..hope the spotting has stopped.
Hey girls! Sorry I haven't checked in (in what 2 days lmao) I have been SUPER busy with studying for exams.

Anyway, WOW BOTH of you sound so promising. Wish- is it normal for you to spot like that??? Two days in a row is a biggggg deal I would think! :) Maybe early next week or later this weekend you can test if it is implantation!!

SF- you have positive symptoms as well. You also sound like you need to take a break! Are you in tax by chance? Lol I would definitely test Monday if I were you both!!!! :) FX'd!!!
SF- your pre-AF symptoms are pretty common PG symptoms... that would drive me NUTS!

Wish- NO AF ON SUNDAY!! I hope :)

On a side note- is noticing implantation all that common? Like cramps and bleeding?

Mom- So sorry for your loss... how many months have you been TTC since?

Oh and I think gas is a common PG symptom.. but I also believe it to be a common AF symptom unfortunately.

Just for fun...What are some common pg symptoms you always hear about but don't get before AF? I think anything different would be a good indication! For me, I would suspect something for real if I had sore bb's, nausea, AF cramps before AF (I always cramp VERY BAD the day she shows) as those are not things I ever experience with AF. Idk how "fun" this question is.. but lol :coffee:

Mc in Nov & its first cycle trying nw i'm 6po today. Doc advised waiting couple of cycles before trying x
Bumpy! we've missed you!! hahaha yes, all those 2 days! haha

yep, so unfortunately, now my hopes are up. I'm not sure what to do about that...
I've felt very strange today but it could be AF, could be my mind playing tricks on me. The only way I can describe it is like I'm hungover, but didn't drink last night. Also:
  • getting a tension headache in my neck and around my eyes
  • spotted MUCH less today and when I checked my cervix (high/medium, firm) nothing came out as I would have expected
  • BBs still sore
  • weird emotional reactions to things that don't warrant it (ecstatic lump in my throat when DH said he'd pick up pizza for dinner?!)
  • temp dropped a little but still above the cover line and I had a restless morning sleep, which I read actually drops your temp if it's post-O, so should still be good here

I've spotted before but it hasn't been like this and it's not common at all. Usually it's 2 days before AF and not as...dry? this looks like the last day of AF.
Of course, ALL of these symptoms point to AF too, so we'll see! Yep, testing Monday. Sunday if I can't hold out until then. :)

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